The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1662: Long-term plan

The broken sword is high on the cliff, and the sea breeze is pervasive.

All the elders who were watching had dropped their throats at this moment, watching the distance of nearly 15,000 meters above the light curtain, two light spots had begun to converge.

The wide-eyed Guy Yue, Han Wulong and the others, including the ordinary elders who swallowed their saliva behind them, all thought that there was an earth-shattering struggle going on in Broken Sword Seabed.

Fear, fear, and speculation surrounded everyone's heart. Han Wulong and Guyue raised their eyes at the same time, and their hearts were secretly tense. If the light spot continued to sink after a while, this match would be considered a victory.

The princes and elders were also nervous. The duel between Su Yi and Jun Haotian was clearly a duel between the new generation of Yutian Palace. Although Su Yi is not yet a member of Yutian Palace, under the guidance of Palace Master Duanmu, he will definitely Make a big win over Su Yi.

No matter which one wins, being able to sink to 15,000 meters will be Yu Tiangong's victory!


The ordinary elders behind them looked uneasy. Sure enough, the chaos in the Heaven-Controlling Soul Competition had nothing to do with them.

"Fifteen kilometers away"

"Who do you think will win? Jun Haotian or Su Yi?"

"Whoever comes out soon, that's who!"

Among the ordinary elders, a man with a ravine face, high cheekbones, and a few strands of silver showing a bit of vicissitudes did not say a word.

"Elder Zi, don't worry, that child Zifeng will not do stupid things even though he has a high spirit!"

"Hmph! This time our people from Gongque Lake are here to serve as a foil! When will Gongque Lake produce a genius!"

Elder Zi twitched his eyes slightly, put his hands behind his back, and turned around to go to the other side to relax.

A few elders behind said softly: "Stop talking! Elder Zi originally wanted to follow Zuo Qiufeng's path, but he ended up like this!"

"Elder Zi? No way! His disciple, Zifeng, is the number one person in Gongque Lake, even if he personally passed the top five and his counterattack is worth seeing!"


As soon as the voice fell, the distant sky was filled with wind and clouds, and thick dark clouds rushed over in an instant, and then a figure tore through the space and came. , Between the pale face, the long black hair is already messy.

"Someone came out!"


The gaze like a sharp sword shot at the person who came, and everyone exclaimed: "Jun Haotian! It's Jun Haotian!"

Han Wulong and Guyue on the side were also very surprised, frowning slightly, and said softly: "It's strange, why didn't the light curtain see the movement of the light spot?"

The water column was like a dragon, and instantly dispersed the dark clouds. Everyone rushed forward, and they could clearly see that Jun Haotian was holding a person in his hand, like a bloody man. There was not a single intact part of his body. Does the skin and flesh reveal a trace of fishy smell, as if it was lifted out of the mud, losing its vitality and vitality, and completely devoid of energy and spirit.

"Who is that person!"

Han Wulong roared in a low voice, he didn't look like Su Yi, the light spot on the light curtain didn't disappear.

"What happened, how did Jun Haotian come out of the crack in space?" Guyue murmured softly.

But at this time, an old man in a purple robe ran out of the crowd in a hurry, his figure turned into a streamer and took the bloody Zifeng from Jun Haotian's hand.

"Feng'er, it really is you! Why did you still choose this path!"

Jun Haotian coughed hard twice, his eyes were dull, obviously he had suffered severe internal injuries, his heart and soul were in turmoil, and he said coldly to Elder Zi in front of him: "If you do many unrighteous actions, you will kill yourself! Junior brother Zifeng is obsessed Too deep!"

Suddenly Jun Haotian smiled miserably at the sky, and a mouthful of blood mist flew three feet into the sky in an instant.

What is the difference between myself and Zifeng? One of them represents Yu Tianchuan, and the other represents Gongque Lake. In fact, they are both disciples of Yu Tian Palace.

"It's all cause and effect!"

After saying these words, Jun Haotian's heart and soul trembled suddenly, his eyes were dazzled and he fell back, and the roar of the princes and elders came from behind him, saying: "Haotian! Haotian!"

Luo Wuya, Long Poshan and other fifth-rank middle-level masters suddenly rose up, and they appeared in the air like two sword lights, catching Jun Haotian who had fallen in an instant.

Back on the high cliff, Elder Zi gently put Zifeng down, his eyes were full of sorrow and disappointment, his lips were trembling, and he looked desperately at the disciple lying on the ground.

The pride he used to have has now disappeared from everyone, and the retrogression of his cultivation means that he will never have the capital to surpass others from now on.

"What happened to Zifeng?"

"Why did Jun Haotian come out from the space crack? What's the relationship with Zifeng?"

Guyue and Han Wulong also came over at this time, with condensed eyes, Guyue slowly transferred his vitality into Jun Haotian's body.


The sudden rise of high temperature set off boundless soul fluctuations, and immediately formed a rebounding light wave in the air, rushing into Guyue's palm.

The blood qi surged, and the scarlet evil spirit leaked out along Jun Haotian's skin one by one, and countless blood evil spirits shot into the air in an instant.

His eyes flickered slightly, and Gu Yue, who bounced off his figure, hurriedly condensed his handprints, and urged Yu Tianjue to refine the blood evil spirit in his palm. His eyes were slightly surprised, and he turned to Han Wulong, and said softly, "This is? Blood energy?"

Han Wulong burst out naked immediately, with a serious expression, squatted down, and a golden light in his hand slowly entered Jun Haotian's body.

With the same "bang" sound, a cloud of turbid and surging blood energy surged up, and the incomparably hot energy immediately rushed to Han Wulong's heart and soul.


There was a sound of dragon chant out of thin air, as if the monstrous energy from across the heavens and the earth rushed out from Han Wulong's body, the bones in both hands cracked, and a shocking energy entered Jun Haotian's body again .


In an instant, the same blood-colored soul attack shot out and Han Wulong's golden dragon breath was instantly anxious, and Tiantian's sharp and killing breath, accompanied by the terrifying soul attack, was also completely released in an instant.


The figure retreated suddenly, ripples in the space rippling, Han Wulong shouted angrily immediately, and the Golden Light Pilian shot out from a distance, and the sound of "Chi Chi" continued to be made in his hand, and the golden light was like a sun, and the blood energy was instantly blasted away.

"This blood energy is no small matter!" Han Wulong said in a deep voice. Luo Wuya, Long Poshan, and Guyue all frowned, and said: "It seems that something shocking happened at 15,000 meters!"

"Su Yi is still below! No way!" Han Wulong said.

Seeing above the light curtain, the 15,000-meter light spot representing Su Yi was still moving, everyone was inexplicably horrified and shouted loudly.

"Su Yi is still sinking! He's still alive!"

Without hesitation, Guyue immediately issued an order, and said loudly: "Wuya, Poshan, you guys hurry up and take Zifeng and Haotian back to Yutianchuan to heal their injuries!"

"Sect Master Han, Palace Master Duanmu is still below, and now the situation is beyond our control. With Palace Master Duanmu here, let's take a long-term plan!"

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