The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1673: Sword Spirit Recovery! 【Third watch】

Su Yi's skin and eyes, every part of the skin has turned completely blood-red, the amazing energy has prompted rapid changes in Su Yi's body, all limbs, blood vessels and tendons are constantly expanding.

All of a sudden, Su Yi's whole body was blood-colored, crimson like a cloud, and the incomparably hot high temperature instantly rushed to Su Yi's seven orifices.

The white smoke rises, only Su Yi knows that there is no difference between the current self and the magma soaked in the ground, the dantian is spinning rapidly, and an unstoppable depression in the heart suddenly rushes out of the dantian, and immediately shouted: "Aw!"


The overwhelming energy impacted the surrounding sky, and the blood radiance overflowed, annihilating directly on the void with terrifying energy. Several blood-colored clouds appeared on the top of the ancient cave, and disappeared without affecting much.

"Su Yi, merge!" Tie Hunxuan roared angrily.

Su Yi, who was immersed in the blood-colored sea, heard the roar of the soul beast by his ears, and in the blood-colored environment, he tried his best to turn the art of controlling the sky, and the blood sword fruit slowly turned, heading towards the tip of the blood demon killing sword .

Without hesitation, Su Yi elbowed hard, raised the Gorefiend Killing Sword above his head and slowly turned the direction.

When the two sword tips touched, it seemed that there was a huge impact between the heaven and the earth, and the bloody aura surged like a hurricane in the earth cave.


And Su Yi could clearly feel in his body that the extremely hot blood energy of Xue Jianguo was constantly entering the Blood Demon Killing Sword through his profound spirit veins.

Surrounding the tip of the sword, little by little strange energy began to gather, and the blood-red sword pattern continued to adhere to it, forming circle after circle of mysterious blood rings.

Then, accompanied by a shocking momentum, the Blood Demon Killing Sword kept shaking, and the naked eye could see that the blood flowed from the sides of the sword body to the gap like liquid, and then filled it perfectly.


The sword body trembled, and the entire sword body became extremely scarlet, while the terrifying cold blood energy in the earth cave swept through and shattered a large area of ​​space. At this time, Su Yi had fully recovered his sanity, and he could feel the blood demon killing sword in his hand. The power and influence swept through the earth cave like a hurricane.

The bloody wind was blowing, and the blood was gushing.

At this moment, the entire cave collapsed, and the ground inside the cave spread like a spider's web. A ferocious roar resounded from outside the cave. It was the blood-colored demon dragon just now.

"Damn humans! Sure enough, there are helpers! You want to steal the blood sword fruit of the domain master! Go to death! Insidious and cunning humans."

Afterwards, the energy of the entire heaven and earth stirred, and earth-shattering sonic booms continued to be heard from the outside world. Wave after wave of scalding heat spread into the cave, and the already cracked mound of soil was about to collapse!

"The monster dragon has been discovered! It's coming!" Su Yi was anxious.

Tie Hunxuan calmly said with satisfaction: "It's okay, this place is smoother than I imagined, and the Xuanling Divine Vein is good! Boy, after a while, the sword spirit recovers, and you run out as fast as you can! Can you If you survive, it depends on your two calves!"

"Please tell me the plan in advance, will you die! Will you die!" Su Yi held the epee in his hand, and his hands were starting to lose strength.

The terrifying sound waves that shook the earth turned into rainbows and poured into the earth cave in bundles. Suddenly, the roof of the entire cave began to collapse rapidly.


"I'm going to kill you! You hateful humans! Bury them all for me!"

"If you want me to die, you have to weigh yourself first!" Duanmu Xiaoman shouted coquettishly outside.

Afterwards, the icy blue energy swirled like a tsunami, collided with the scorching scarlet aura of the bloody monster dragon, and the destructive devouring power entangled with each other, and the entire space was strangled into pieces in an instant.

Inside the cave, the ground shook and the earth and rocks collapsed.

Su Yi could hear the sound of fierce fighting between the two. The blood-colored demon dragon was approaching continuously, step by step approaching like a mountain collapsing. The cave was gradually scorching hot due to the approach of the blood-colored demon dragon. Su Yi had already prepared to fight to the death Preparations for World War I.

With a move in his mind, he suddenly felt that the heavy sword in his hand was no longer as heavy as before, but only half of its weight.

Taking a closer look, the sword body is still extremely black, but the sword body is covered with strange and dazzling long blood-colored lines, which are like carvings, and they are majestic.

And in the center of the sword body, there is a small and simple blood-red sword body that is taking shape, and it is still a little short of the last point. Su Yi knows that the sword spirit of the Blood Demon Killing Sword will be reborn soon!


In the middle of the sky, huge stones are constantly falling, the broken stones are stirring, and the strong wind of energy is spreading, as if to destroy everything in this small space at any time, and the destructive atmosphere is constantly pouring into the cave with the outside world , In the narrow space that was shattered inch by inch, two kinds of energy winds, one hot and one cool, swept across, and the small mound was like a bomb that was about to explode at any time!

"Damn demon dragon, I want you to die!" Su Yi's eyes were tearing apart.

Su Yi raised his eyebrows, and his soul fluctuated. Watching the last bloody sword pattern in the center of the sword finally take shape, the entire Blood Demon Killing Sword seemed to open its eyes. Between the sky and the earth, the red horse soared into the sky like a thunderbolt, with a length of several kilometers.

Looking at the Blood Demon Killing Sword again, the whole body is crystal clear crystal black, deep and simple, the carved bloody lines are extremely vivid, and the whole body is full of domineering and destructive kingly aura.

At this moment, the earth hole was already like a balloon, and energy like a volcanic eruption began to erupt from Su Yi's body. Su Yi immediately activated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, and the golden dragon breath, demon spirit armor and diamond body covered his body again.


Between lightning and flint, Su Yi's soul trembled, and the eyes shot out, and suddenly he sprinted out in an instant, like a fire-colored butterfly, following the direction of blood, turning into a red streak The thunder sprinted into the sky and disappeared.

In an instant, the blood light illuminated the entire space with radiance, mixed with a monstrous evil spirit, and at the same time, the entire surrounding sky was filled with the sound of wind and thunder like a hurricane, like an invisible imprisoned force soaring into the sky.

"The demon dragon will die!" Duanmu Xiaoman saw that Su Yi, who had rushed to the sky, had disappeared, and felt relieved, and instantly decided to attack the bloody mad dragon all the way.

Seeing the sudden dazzling blood light, the blood-colored demon dragon was stunned for a moment, then rushed into the mound in an instant, picking at the debris in the mound.

Immediately, his gaze changed drastically, a boundless bloody murderous aura surged in the sky, seeing that his beloved Blood Sword Fruit had disappeared, he instantly became extremely crazy, a strong and terrifying aura permeated, directly surpassing Duanmu Xiaoman imagination.

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