The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1676: Killing intent!

A wave of heavenly power suddenly fell on him, and his soul began to tremble immediately. When he regained his senses again, the bloody demon dragon that was hit hard hit him like a cannonball in the distance.

Facing the sudden sound of wind and snow bombardment, Su Yi, who kept going down, also felt a little shocked.

When the feet were swaying and twisting, the right hand was held by a soft and boneless catkin in an instant, and the figure was straightened, and it instantly came to the high ground beside it.

In desperation, Su Yi turned his head and looked at Duanmu Xiaoman with narrowed eyes, his breath was a little sluggish, and the fluctuation of his soul was not as calm as before.


A slap quickly slapped Su Yi on the face, Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were full of killing intent, and he said fiercely: "Turn around, don't look at me!"

"Hit me again!"

Is this woman violent? Hit me when you meet me? Su Yi couldn't help feeling angry in his heart. After he refined the Blood Demon Killing Sword thoroughly, he rushed down to rescue Duanmu Xiaoman, and even beat him, the more Su Yi thought about it, the more angry he became.

"This kind of woman is so proud, of course she doesn't want you to see her in such a mess!"

Tie Hun raised his eyebrows, seeing Su Yi being beaten again by this woman, he felt indescribably comfortable, if he could, he would have beaten Su Yi to the point that he would be so scared that he would be scared all day long!

But Su Yi who calmed down could feel that Duanmu Xiaoman was much lighter this time than last time.

Before she exerted much force, Duanmu Xiaoman seemed to have lost her center of gravity, and her right hand resting on Su Yi's shoulder also began to slide down, as if she was extremely weak, panting heavily.

Su Yi frowned instantly and said, "Are you injured?"

"Don't worry about it! You're all gone! What are you doing back here? Are you going to die!"

"Yeah, come back to die?" Tie Hunxuan was also fanning the flames beside him, taking the opportunity to teach him a lesson.

"Shut up!" Duanmu and the soul beast raised their heads at the same time.

A flash of anger and surprise flashed in Duanmu's eyes. It was the first time someone dared to talk to him like this, and he was still a brat.

"I don't care? I don't care, you just died! Are you hiding in the ice lotus and waiting to die?"

Duanmu Xiaoman glared at Su Yi angrily, without saying a word, she stared at Su Yi, as if she wanted to say something, but she stopped talking, and suddenly there was a trace of waves and ripples in her eyes that were sleeping like ten thousand years of ice pool .

Su Yi roared angrily, mustered all the courage and courage in his body, and looked at Duanmu Xiaoman.

This was the first time Su Yi looked at Duanmu Xiaoman squarely, and found that there was a trace of panic and sadness on Duanmu Xiaoman's cold and beautiful face.

A woman like this, so cold and aloof, probably wouldn't accept a man's help even if she died. The anger just now began to dissipate.

Su Yi looked solemn, and said in a low voice: "I don't care what you think, I have done what I promised you, and you have to do what you promised me! Even if you die, you can't wait to die!"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yi turned around, his ragged robes fluttered with the wind, revealing his domineering killing intent!


Duanmu Xiaoman, who has always been extremely lonely, looked at the resolute Su Yi who turned his back. His thin and thin body instantly became extremely generous. He looked like a god of war between the majestic and majestic. Holding an epee, he looked at the distance and stood up from the ruins. The bloody demon dragon that came out.

"I said it's no wonder you are working so hard. It turns out that there is a little chick who is protecting you! Stay here for me, and no one is allowed to leave!" recovered.

Su Yi, whose back was facing Duanmu Xiaoman's face was serious, and the catkin that Duanmu Xiaoman put on Su Yi's shoulder trembled slightly, Duanmu Xiaoman said in a low voice: "You are not its match! Go away!"

The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, he didn't listen to Duanmu Xiaoman's words, a shocking soul wave surged out of his body, and said: "I have notified the disciples who are still competing in the Tian Yu Soul Competition, don't worry! Leave the rest to me! We both have to go out today!"


The fiery breath was like violent magma rushing out, and a large area of ​​land in front of him instantly turned scorched black, and the scattered smoke and dust were filled with white air, and the entire Broken Sword seabed instantly became extremely dry and hot.

The Gorefiend Killing Sword was held by Su Yi at this time, with blood patterns floating on it, and a very strange crimson light lingering, the pitch-black blade instantly reverberated in the air, resounding like a dragon's chant. The roar is shocking!

"Murdering intent! Such a strong killing intent!" Duanmu Xiaoman looked at Su Yi in front of him, and could feel a nameless killing intent on Su Yi's body. It was monstrous and fierce, like the reappearance of the killing god who suppressed everything in the world.

"Gorefiend Killing God, I will slaughter you, a sensual dragon today! Go to hell!"

Vigorous and boundless energy immediately filled the surroundings, and every corner was filled with Su Yi's endless killing intent.

At this time, Su Yi's Art of Controlling the Sky and the Ancient Demon Scriptures were activated at the same time, with triple protection added to his body, and instantly, like a phantom, he sprinted into the blood mist of the demon dragon.


Immediately, there was a sound of tearing silk in the air, and the pervasive blood mist dissipated in a large area, and the huge blood demon killing sword swung across the air, and went straight to the head of the monster dragon.

"Jie Jie, it's up to you! Court death!"

The blood-colored demon dragon sneered sternly. Duanmu Xiaoman's attack just now obviously caused a lot of damage to himself, resulting in a loss for both sides. But killing a Yuanhuang Realm is like crushing an ant.

"This guy has absorbed the energy of the blood ring of the Seven Fiends, do your best, kid!" Tie Hun said with concentration.

As soon as the words fell, countless space fragments were instantly set off on the vast land. The Gorefiend Killing Sword was like a mountain, outlining a strange arc in the air, crushing on the body of the monster dragon.


The bloody demon dragon twisted its body immediately, and rushed out with a muddy dragon roar, and the rolling thunder rushed towards Su Yi with an incomparably fierce blood blast.

"Bugs in Yuanhuang Realm, I kill you like crushing an ant!"

"Chi la la!"

Where this huge blood-colored demon dragon passed, the surrounding space collapsed incomparably, and a huge blood-colored long scar was killed in the middle. After the blood-colored scar dissipated, Zhou Kong only heard a heavy "bang".

The extremely small body of Su Yi instantly hit the cracked ground like a cannonball, and a huge earth pit appeared, inside the extremely dark pit.

Before turning around, Su Yi rushed up into the sky like a ball of flame, and landed heavily on the ground.

After landing on the ground, Su Yi's entire battle armor of the demon god was on the verge of shattering, and the battle armor glowing with strange light danced in the wind, and there was a faint aura of golden dragon on it.

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