The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1715: The Secret of Flowing Shadow Stone

If he rashly took Yutian Palace Master with him, it would definitely bring about a catastrophe in Mancheng, which would be known to the whole world.

It's not good for seniors, Mancheng, or Duanmu Xiaoman.

What's more, the holy mountain is now stationed in Man City on a large scale. Although it temporarily affects the Man Yao Grand Canyon and Man Yao Forest, the plot is true.


Taking a long breath, thinking about such a series of things, Su Yi couldn't help but feel a chill down his back, and a cold light shot out from his eyes.

"If it was that senior's idea to fight the holy mountain, this grievance will be even more serious!"

Su Yi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Duanmu Xiaoman, a trace of anxiety flashed in the dark eyes.

"Master, that senior once agreed with me to go find him after the Yuanzong Realm. Can I go with you after I reach the Yuanzong Realm!"

If at that time, the senior is Duanmu Qingtian, he can also help the master.

Su Yi thought in her heart, with her personality, she would definitely dare to be an enemy of the world! When the world is in chaos, Man City will be in danger.

Grandpa Su Yuntian still has to work hard!

After pondering for a long time, Dai Mei frowned slightly as she stared at Su Yi, before she let go of her lips and said.

"Actually, Su Kuangge once brought the Flowing Shadow Stone of Qingtian to Yutian Palace to look for me more than 40 years ago. This is what I just said, the origin of Su Kuangge!"

The Flowing Shadow Stone, Su Yi's natural way, is used to exchange information between the top powerhouses in six continents, three states and one sea.

It can save what you want to say in the form of pictures and shadows, and it is a special product of Yutian Palace.

Therefore, most of the novelty and eccentric objects in Yutian Palace remain in the world.

Su Yi's eyebrows darkened, and he said in disbelief, "Elder Su knows your brother?"

Hearing this, he was a little confused, Su Yi continued to ask: "Hasn't Duanmu Qingtian disappeared for a long time? How come the Flowing Shadow Stone came over again."

Duanmu Xiaoman nodded, and said dejectedly: "When Su Kuangge sent the Liuying Stone, he had already suffered extremely serious internal injuries, his meridians retracted, his whole body was in danger, and the Liuying Stone was also severely damaged. There are only a few words left in the restoration of Tiangong's top craftsman elder!"


No wonder!

Su Yi's heart was awe-inspiring, and his entire pores seemed to open in an instant. He heard the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect often say that the sword Yan Luo Su Kuangge back then was a talent, and Yushu Linfeng.

But due to some unforeseen circumstances, he became only the size of a seven or eight-year-old child. Since then, his temperament has also changed drastically, and he is often moody.

It is conceivable that Elder Su must have healed his wounds in Yutian Palace. After returning, his appearance changed drastically, and his temperament also became violent.

Suddenly, a terrible thought lingered in Su Yi's mind. The sword Yan Luo was so powerful back then. Even Elder Su was severely injured. Isn't that Duanmu Qingtian...

His stern gaze cast on that beautiful face, Su Yi felt more and more that this matter might not be that simple.

"What was said in the Flowing Shadow Stone?" Su Yi leaned forward.

Duanmu Xiaoman pondered for a while, her beautiful eyelashes fluttered, and in an instant a drop of crystal floated in the air, like flying snow crystals.

"Qingtian only said a few words in it. I knew that his condition was very bad at that time. He said that he actually came back once more than 20 years ago, but he was hunted down by the enemy, so he stayed in a hurry. I found something in Yunzhou! Let me take good care of it! When he matures, he will come back!"

"What was left behind?"

Su Yi's brows became tighter and tighter, and he felt that he was involved in a huge vortex, his eyes were like a deep pool, and he bit his lips tightly.

"Need to say it? I think it's the Blood Sword Fruit!" Tie Hunxuan said with drooping eyes, after a little thought.

When stealing the Blood Sword Fruit, Tie Hunyan once told Su Yi that the Blood Sword Fruit was not from here.

"Blood sword fruit." Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes trembled slightly, and these words were quietly sighed from his red lips.

In an instant, Su Yi's scalp began to tingle, the blood sword fruit was actually left by Duanmu Qingtian back then? And because of this incident, Su Kuangge still defended it with all his might. What happened?

The coldness of Su Yi's spirit spread quickly, and a strong sense of solemnity swept through the entire vein.

The aura of the earth's veins swallowed, and the light was dense, and immediately, the small space was filled with a very dignified meaning.

"Are you sure that he left the blood sword fruit?"

Duanmu Xiaoman nodded heavily, the atmosphere was condensed, her eyebrows were furrowed like mountain characters, the chill and sense of danger descended at the same time, she was very solemn.

"For more than 20 years after he disappeared, I have been looking for traces of him. I have searched all over the six continents, three states and the sea, but there is nowhere!"

Youyou sighed, lifted her jade feet lightly, Duanmu Xiaoman took a step forward, turned her back to Su Yi, and said.

"After that, I still didn't give up, but I set my sights on Yunzhou. I searched all over Yunzhou, but I just believed that as long as I found the thing Qingtian said and guarded it well, Qingtian would be able to come back."

Duanmu Xiaoman's nose twitched slightly, and her moon eyes said deeply: "I haven't found it until recently. I discovered that there is a change under the Broken Sword Sea! So I changed the location of the Yutian Soul Competition. It’s not enough to let me go out of the mountain, but I didn’t expect that there is such a danger hidden under the Sea of ​​Broken Swords, far beyond what I imagined!”

As soon as the words fell, Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and the coiled soul energy spread instantly.

The next moment, the graceful and moving figure seemed to be frozen, Duanmu Xiaoman began to tell the past of himself and his younger brother in detail, facing the gleam of the earth veins.

Su Yi was silent for a moment, he just wanted to keep watching her quietly.

The voice didn't tremble in the slightest, it was as gentle and dignified as ever, but Su Yi could feel the slight trembling of the woman in front of him.

When it comes to Duanmu Qingtian, she is really weak, like a little white rabbit who needs someone to protect her.

How could she not have her own weaknesses!

Perhaps, she accepted me as a disciple because the Blood Sword Fruit was refined by the Blood Demon Killing Sword.


Su Yi sighed softly, the sad thing is that the blood sword fruit finally took shape, but Duanmu Qingtian did not come back.


A single teardrop was like rain under the eaves, dripping on the leylines like beads, and then turned into smaller teardrops due to the impact, flying into the void.

Tears soaked the ground, and at the same time soaked Su Yi's heart.

The transcendent Duanmu Xiaoman was completely white and flawless. At this moment, Su Yi didn't have any distracting thoughts, but walked towards Duanmu Xiaoman uncontrollably.

Stretching out his hands and embracing Duanmu Xiaoman with his arms around him, Su Yi could feel Duanmu Xiaoman's slight tremor in an instant, as if he had been electrocuted.

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