The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1721: Burial


Just hearing a muffled sound from Zhou Kong, the four phantoms shrank into a ball in an instant.

The light dissipated, and a howling sound resounded through the space of the earth veins.

Su Yi's real body covered his arms for a while, leaning his back against the wall and grinning, the numb feeling all over his body made him unbearable, and his bones began to ache.

"It won't be long! Start beating people again!" Su Yi cursed inwardly.

In the distance, Duanmu Xiaoman moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked to Su Yi's side. The embossed and exquisite curves instantly approached Su Yi, and said coldly.

"Small tricks can only be sensationalized. Your trick is vulnerable in front of the real strong soul! It's better to use it sparingly!"

Su Yi shrugged his nose, raised his eyes slightly, and stopped talking for a moment, but his eyes were full of complaints.

"Let's go!"

Duanmu Xiaoman gently opened her tender lips, and her graceful and delicate body suddenly turned around, bringing countless ice crystals to spin, and a pitch-black crack in space was formed out of thin air.

In the next second, Su Yi followed Duanmu Xiaoman to a mountain top covered in snow and ice.

The top of the mountain is flat and open, with a sweeping view.

Heavy snow like goose feathers continuously fell from the extremely high sky, and the icy cold wind carried ice crystals and blew into Su Yi's clothes. Suddenly, Su Yi took a deep breath of air-conditioning, his eyes were shocked.

I am already the soul of the fire element, why come here, but feel extremely cold?

And the surroundings in front of him are only endless white snow, without any life, just like deathly silence.

In the water-attribute vitality that was full, Su Yi could feel that every falling snowflake contained extremely strong soul energy hidden in his mind when he took a slight peek.

It seems extremely open, but in reality, the soul energy has created a small space here.


Su Yi, who didn't have time to think about it, felt that every meridian was about to freeze, and unconsciously, his whole body began to tremble subconsciously.

Arms wrapped around his arms, trembling, trying to circulate the fire attribute vitality, but it was extinguished in an instant, Su Yi couldn't help feeling depressed.

The soul energy here is too thick, and the soul energy of my fourth-rank elementary level is not enough to see!

His mind was in turmoil, as if he was bearing the overwhelming pressure from the sky, Su Yi was as if he was trampled under his feet by the Wanren cliff!

On the other hand, Duanmu Xiaoman, who arrived first, seemed to enjoy the extremely low temperature, Su Yi asked tremblingly.

"Master, what is this place?"

Duanmu Xiaoman didn't speak, but a gleam of light flashed in her phoenix-browed eyes, which flashed under a huge snow tree.

Immediately, Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes shone coldly, and her long black hair bulged out in the boundless white snow.


The heavy snow that filled the sky was like a tornado, roaring and surrounding Duanmu Xiaoman.

Su Yi's face turned pale with shock, and when he was about to reach out, Shuo Feng directly cut his hands so painfully, his heart was even more horrified.

"My vajra body has almost no resistance in such a place? What kind of place is this!"

Silver-white snow crystals fluttered one after another, and Duanmu Xiaoman, whose long hair was swept out, was radiating radiance all over his body.

"Chi Chi!"

The light was extremely blazing, surrounding Duanmu Xiaoman like an elf, spinning endlessly like a bell, and lingering for a long time.

"ding ding"

The ice crystals that were spinning faster and faster once solidified around Duanmu Xiaoman, but at the same moment they fell like thousands of steel cones.

"Bang bang bang!"


Suddenly, the whole snow tree fell rapidly and collapsed!

Continuous sonic booms sounded, snow waterfalls filled the sky, and the white snow covering the sky supported a huge white light wall.

After a long while, where the snow tree fell, a round crystal pool of water was exposed, glowing with a clear white light, steaming up.

Even Su Yi, who was far away, could feel the temperature of this cold water, which was unusually low, it was so low that it was outrageous.

Maybe one step down, the foot will be directly abolished.

Staring at the white cold water in the distance, Su Yi was slightly dazed, Su Yi still didn't understand why Duanmu Xiaoman brought him to this place, let alone rush forward.

In front of Duanmu Xiaoman, who was half a step up from Yuantian, the Yuanhuang himself was like Xiaobai, who knew nothing and was full of surprises.

After a while, Su Yi couldn't bear the cold around him, so he took a deep breath.

Immediately, the fingerprints condensed, Su Yi raised his eyes, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu began to circulate, and the breath of the golden dragon slightly surged to the limbs and torso, but it still didn't get better.

On the contrary, because of the accelerated flow of vitality, bursts of cold currents took the opportunity to flow into the mind and limbs along the broad meridians, adding to the chill.


"What the hell is this place! Why is it so weird?"

Not far away, Duanmu Xiaoman's beautiful figure moved slightly, and she returned to Su Yi's side in an instant, and said lightly.

"This is a burial place!"

At this time, Su Yi's eyebrows and ears were covered with crystal snowflakes, completely white.

Looking at Duanmu Xiaoman trembling slightly, his eyes were full of doubts.

Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were solemn, he pondered for a while, and said.

"This is the place where countless ancestors of Yutian Palace died. All the strong soul energy will predict their own death in advance. At that time, they will come to the place where the sky is buried and return the last bit of soul energy to Yutian Palace. Tianchuan!"

"Their cultivation bases were all bestowed by Yu Tianchuan, so when they returned, they all chose to give their cultivation bases to Yu Tianchuan as a gift! This is the belief of Yu Tiangong people!"

As soon as the words fell, Duanmu Xiaoman's moon eyes flashed a trace of sadness, and he murmured: "My master also passed away here!"

Surrounded by vast white snow, the merciless strong wind blows down the sky with snowdrops, Su Yi couldn't help being startled.

"This is actually the Tomb of Returning Souls of the past dynasties!"

Su Yi in the wind and snow couldn't help but realize that this place is actually the highest exit of Yu Tianchuan, no wonder it's so cold.

In addition, this is the place where generations of strong people have died. Over the years, the superposition of the soul energy has accumulated, and at the same time, the vitality of the water attribute has also been filled to the point where it cannot be controlled.

Thinking of this, Su Yi approached Duanmu Xiaoman unconsciously.

Glancing sideways at Duanmu Xiaoman, he found that there was not even a single bit of ice crystal left on Duanmu Xiaoman's body.

The ice crystals spinning in the air always kept a certain distance from Duanmu Xiaoman, neither near nor far, surrounding them like true energy protecting the body.

"Master, why did you bring me here?"

There was a slight pause in the voice, Duanmu Xiaoman stepped forward, and then the handprints changed, and each handprint seemed to be able to distort the space.

The snowstorm in the sky stopped in mid-air instantly, and time seemed to stop abruptly at this moment.

Su Yi's heart skipped a beat, and he exclaimed in surprise, "That's amazing!"

Eyes showing respect, Duanmu Xiaomanyu's hand imprinted, and Feixue once again flew into the sky.

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