The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1723: Returning to Tiandanzhai

Concerned eyes were cast on Ling Qianxue in the Tianyuan demon soul, seeing that she was devoting herself to cultivating safely and soundly, Su Yi's heart immediately relaxed.

Unconsciously, a warm current surged in his heart, Su Yi touched his nose, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Qianxue has always been by her side, thinking about it, this is also a small comfort after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers.

Xu Xu squinted his eyes, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and let out a breath slowly.


Immediately, Su Yi's palm and handprints began to condense strangely, and a heavy voice kept coming out of his throat.

"The volcano is here, I'm still afraid that you won't be able to break the cold water!" Su Yi shouted angrily.

Immediately, Su Yi suddenly stood up at the same time that Su Yi's instant shouting fell.


With a tall figure, Su Yi suddenly fell heavily into the water like a whale dragon entering the sea.

The violent fierceness instantly set off monstrous fluctuations in the buried sky cold pool, and the snowflakes floating all over the sky suddenly froze!

Above the sky, the vitality of the water attribute seemed to be drawn, and suddenly gathered towards the cold water overwhelmingly!

"Can you come down and tell me! It's so cold!"

The soul beast roared wildly at the entrance, staring at Su Yi whose body temperature dropped to the extreme in an instant.

The soul beast that was in the cycle of reincarnation was extremely weak, and it couldn't help shivering greatly.

The roar of the soul beast kept coming from the ear, and Su Yi's spiritual consciousness had been completely closed at this time.

As soon as he entered, the all-pervasive cold air rushed into Su Yi's thousands of meridians instantly accompanied by the azure water attribute vitality.

As if to freeze all warm things, the small ice crystals quickly climbed into Su Yi's blood vessels and meridians.

The bright red blood turned from red to blue, and there was a thin layer of ice on top of it, showing a slight red color, which was extremely terrifying.


The violent heartbeat resounded like a bell in the cold water pool, and the clothes soaked in the pool water were tightly attached to Su Yi's skin, with hard muscles seemingly showing.

Su Yi, whose whole body glowed with blue light and was tightly wrapped by water-attribute vitality, was completely unable to speak, his handprints were stiff, and he couldn't even complete a section of formed seal formulas.

Within the broad meridians, there is an incomparable Yuan Qi attribute surging, and the speeding up Yuan Qi is constantly wandering, rushing frantically towards the Taixu Divine Sea and the Tianyuan Demon Soul.

Su Yi, who tried his best to guard his heart and soul, raised his sword eyebrows, and the power of the emperor sparrow and the golden dragon gradually surged behind him, and Duanmu Xiaoman's quiet voice echoed in his ears.

"Use your soul to comprehend the water-attribute vitality that exists between the heaven and the earth, and comprehend your own soul skills, so that you can embark on the road of the real strong!"


The trembling body was faintly visible in the rising cold air, and the sound of the pool water still resounded endlessly. Su Yi, who was standing in it, simply sat down and closed his eyes tightly.

The powerful information of Yutian Jue in his mind was running crazily, and the trembling Su Yi's mouth moved slightly, as if he was repeating Yutian Jue.

Sitting cross-legged in the pool water, he has entered the stage of ecstasy and enlightenment, concentrating, forgetting the flow of time and the harshness of space.

The iron soul in the body was surprised to find that the blue pool water in front of him gradually began to fluctuate regularly, and traces of subtle vitality attributes rose from the pool water, surrounding Su Yi.

Zhen'e and Xinxi climbed up to the look of the soul, and Tie Hun, who was also severely frozen, smiled dryly.

"This kid's understanding is really extraordinary! He has mastered the method of adapting to this cold water so quickly!"

Immediately, he took a deep breath, twisted his neck, rested his withered palm on the edge of the entrance, and said quietly.

"Forget it, don't waste such ample soul energy, I will start to pay close attention to reincarnation! Try to help this kid as soon as possible!"

After a while, the water in the pool stopped, and the clear ice crystals that fell from the sky lightly landed on the cold water.

Because of the protection of water vapor, the ice crystal has always kept a layer of distance from Su Yi.

It didn't take a while for the crystal clear water-attribute vitality to form a semicircular transparent mask on top of Su Yi's head.

The pattern of light on it is pervasive, like a piece of high-quality uncut jade in the white and confused world, rippling with divine brilliance.

"Hoo hoo!"

Strong winds filled the air, and heavy snow fell to the sky.

In the endless world, Su Yi, who is only seventeen years old, is marching towards the road of a real strong man, enduring the pain that ordinary people cannot bear.

At the same time, Duanmu Xiaoman, who had left the place of burial in the cold sky, her beautiful figure flew away like a startled bird.

Fierce mountain peaks whistled in the ear, and the swift and fierce waves of merciless fit Duanmu Xiaoman's clothes tightly, outlining the graceful waist of a water snake that could not be grasped.

With the body turning lightly in the air.

The figure was like lightning, and suddenly disappeared in the burial cold ground with strange fluctuations in the sky.

Tiandanzhai, the holy land of pills in Yutian Palace.

The two elders, Mo and Hong, took Li Shiran into the back hall of Tiandanzhai alone. The alchemy disciples who passed by along the way had already heard about the previous competition of controlling the soul of the sky.

At this time, Li Shiran was personally brought into Yutian Palace by two alchemy masters, one can imagine Li Shiran's position in Tiandanzhai in the future.

From time to time, several disciples gathered around and whispered to each other, looking at Li Shiran from time to time.

The redness of envy and jealousy in the eyes is like a rabbit's eyes.

As soon as he entered the hall, Li Shiran, who was quite at a loss, bowed and knelt down towards the two elders, Mo and Hong, with a soft voice like silk.

"Two masters, I'm only half of the soul quality of Tianpin. Shiran knows that I'm not outstanding. Thanks to Brother Su Yi, I can be favored by the two masters. Shiran is already grateful."

The two elders, Mo Hong, looked at each other, with a wry smile on their lips, Elder Mo shook his head, and said softly, "Get up first, Shiran!"

Seeing that Li Shiran was still standing up, Elder Mo felt a little stunned, turned to look at Elder Hong, and said softly, "What's wrong with her?"

Elder Hong glanced at the several alchemy disciples outside the door, and the eyes met. The several disciples were a little embarrassed, and quickly left the corridor without staying any longer.


He took a sip of the tea, Elder Hong cast a clear look at Elder Mo, and said softly: "You and I never accept apprentices, and Shiran who came is a closed-door alchemy disciple. The guys have waited for so many years and have no status, they must feel uncomfortable in their hearts, and some resentment will naturally be spilled on Li Shiran!"

Having seen through his situation at a glance by Elder Hong, Li Shiran lowered his face, blinked his slender eyelashes, and pursed his lips tightly.

After such a mention, Elder Mo also understood clearly, and a soul spear in his hand slammed on the porter.

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