The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1729: People go to the empty building

The corners of Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked coldly at the frozen Elder Qin and the comatose people in the holy mountain.

The jade hand flipped casually, and the extremely cold ice crystals flew wantonly, and the sound of sneering and icing resounded endlessly.


Immediately, a large ice-blue space was formed, and everyone was immediately frozen, and the air was filled with extreme chill.

Suddenly everything in the forest turned into a world of ice and snow, with a light grip in the hand.

Elder Qin and Shen Mo unknowingly turned into ice crystals flying all over the sky.

At this moment, there was a sound of falling into the grass in the distance, and Wang Shangwu quietly poked his head out of the grass.

Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were cold, like a mountain ice lotus, holy and elegant.

"Are you with this little girl?"

Wang Shangwu nodded frantically, just now Duanmu Xiaoman's tricks were seen by Wang Shangwu, his face turned pale and he was shocked.


"What's the relationship between you and Su Yi?" Duanmu Xiaoman half-closed his moon eyes, obviously there was no malice towards the two of them.

Trembling, Wang Shangwu slowly poked his head out, his eyes flickering slightly.

"My name is Wang Shangwu, I'm Su Yi's brother, my sister... the one in your arms is Su Yi's younger sister, Su Wan'er."

Duanmu Xiaoman's heart twitched slightly, it turned out that these were the brothers and sisters that Su Yi was talking about.

Looking at Su Wan'er again, the slender eyelashes are agile, and she looks like a beautiful embryo, blown by a gentle breeze.

The veil was raised gently, and every part was carved like a beautiful jade.

Compared with Duanmu Xiaoman, Su Wan'er is like a beautiful cliff flower in bud, with a cold face mixed with a green feeling.

"As expected! Haven't you been separated from Su Yi for a long time? Why are you still in the Wild Monster Forest?"

Duanmu Xiaoman gently supported the snow-white and pure Su Wan'er, and kept looking at Wang Shangwu who was a little embarrassed.

"We also just came from...another place. We were planning to visit the Su family in Mancheng. We thought there should be news about Su Yi!"

Wang Shangwu's voice paused, obviously not saying everything.

"By the way, Sister Immortal, do you know Su Yi?"

Hearing Duanmu Xiaoman's question, Wang Shangwu was certain that she was not only Su Yi's enemy, but also had a great connection with Su Yi.


"Who! Why is Elder Qin's soul breath gone!"

With iron hooves behind them, a large group of wild monsters accelerated crazily and came towards the wild monster forest.

The trees trembled, and the sand and gravel flew.

Extremely thick smoke and dust rose high in the distance!

"Forget it, all the people in the Holy Mountain should be dispatched, you know where the Su family is!"

Duanmu Xiaoman's spiritual knowledge was profound, and she guessed at once that what happened to Elder Qin just now would definitely cause turmoil in the entire Man City and even the Man Monster Forest.

Under Wang Shangwu's nod, a piece of ice crystal barrier disappeared in an instant, and the wind-like coercion between heaven and earth rose again.


After a while, Duanmu Xiaoman led Wang Shangwu and Su Wan'er towards Man City.

Only the remains of ice cubes were left all over the ground, and the blood that hadn't dried out was left in the soil.

The place was in a mess, with countless deep pits and cracks and criss-crossed trees, all the people who came to the holy mountain took a breath of cold air.


The tragic scene in front of them shocked a large number of disciples of the Holy Mountain and the strong, as if a basin of cold water had been poured from head to toe.

"Who! Can actually kill Elder Qin!"

The speaker's legs were weak, his lips were crimson purple, and his palms were shaking constantly. Not only did he not find any trace of Su Yi near Man City, he even lost his life to the personal elder of the great sage son Wei Chi Changfeng.

A disaster lingers in front of everyone.

"Everyone, the murderer must still be in the wild demon forest, and I have to dig three feet to find him!" The eyes of the leading strong man were gloomy.

"Hateful! Who on earth dares to offend the holy mountain?" Someone behind him seconded.

"No matter who it is! If the murderer cannot be found today, everyone will die!"

Elder Shengzi is not an ordinary elder. If something happens to Elder Qin, he will still be the mentor of the Great Shengzi, and everyone will have to pay for their lives!

"Could it be Su Yi? Su Yi is back?" Someone whispered.

The strength of the leading powerhouse who reached the Yuanhuang Realm burst out suddenly, and a chill shot out from his long and narrow eyes.

The turmoil in the Wild Monster Forest only lasted for a while, and the sun gradually set. Mancheng ushered in an unusual night.

The Su family is one of the five major forces in the barbarian city.

After the whole family moved out, the Su family compound seemed extremely empty, with only an elderly butler guarding the Su family compound.

Sitting on the threshold, as sleepy as ever.


A gust of cold wind blew, and the old man slowly opened his eyes, and said softly, "The wind is getting colder without people here!"

Immediately, she wrapped her shirt tightly, closed the door of the Su family heavily, and when she turned to look at the courtyard of the Su family, she seemed to see a moon-white figure floating in her dim eyes.

"Hey, it's the old man, am I wrong?"

Immediately, the old man laughed and comforted himself and said, "It seems that I miss Patriarch and the others too much. The old man started to have phantoms."

In a certain room.

Su Wan'er was lying unconscious on a soft high bed, Wang Shangwu was anxiously guarding the bedside, and the old butler's coughing could be heard outside the door.

With the help of the moonlight, the silver frost scattered all over the floor illuminated the room brightly. After being illuminated by the moonlight, Su Wan'er's pale face was even more haggard.

Duanmu Xiaoman was sitting on the chair, her beautiful figure looked like a goddess under the night light, holy and shining, without a trace of earthly dust.

"Go and talk to the old man outside, he should know you, let him fetch a pot of hot water."

"Okay!" Wang Shangwu's anxious face was dignified, then he nodded heavily, and quietly pushed the door open.

After Wang Shangwu left, Duanmu Xiaoman quietly sat on the side of the bed, and slowly injected vitality energy into Su Wan'er's body.

Once the vitality entered the body, it was like entering the sea. Su Wan'er's surroundings were filled with extremely gorgeous light, illuminating the room in the middle of the night like daytime.

"This child, at such a young age, has already reached the seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm! With this level of talent, anyone with Su Yi is a monster!"

Duanmu Xiaoman shook his head and smiled wryly, gently raised Su Wan'er's black hair with his bare hands, his eyes were full of tranquility.

Suddenly, Su Wan'er who had recovered a little bit frowned, her moon eyes were closed, she grabbed Duanmu Xiaoman's bright wrist with her small hand, and muttered something.

"Brother Su Yi, where are you? Wan'er has come to look for you, don't leave Wan'er."

"Wan'er doesn't like Yunxian Zong, and Wan'er doesn't like Daddy either. Brother Su Yi, please take Wan'er home!"

"Brother Su Yi, Wan'er... Wan'er really misses you!"

Duanmu Xiaoman listened to Su Wan'er talking about her girlish feelings, and a wave of fluctuation unconsciously flashed between her eyes.

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