The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1740: The Goddess Arrives!

"It seems that she still hasn't found the old senior. Isn't the old senior restrained by force? Where can he go by himself?"

"At this juncture, I guess the person who set up the restriction probably took him away!" Soul Beast Gang Su Yi analyzed.

With such a reminder from Tie Hunxuan, Su Yi sat up instantly, his eyes full of doubts.

"The aristocratic family has been fighting for the Tianshi Town for a long time, and even the Holy Mountain has participated in it. After I took the Tianshi of the Water Town, the Holy Mountain lured me out in Mancheng, which is reasonable. But at the same time, the senior disappeared, which is too unusual. It can only mean that there is a force stronger than the Holy Mountain that transferred the old senior away first, then the one with this strength can only be the aristocratic family." Su Yi calculated carefully in his mind.

Immediately, his eyes were filled with rising flames, and he gritted his teeth in his heart: "What kind of top forces in the holy mountain, in the end, they just snatched the water town of Tianshi in the name of dealing with me and Yutian Palace, and used such indecent means to design and lure me into the bait! The same is true for the Bird Family! They are all a bunch of sanctimonious trash."

Su Yi couldn't help but let out a roar in his heart, his sharp gaze seemed to shoot through the window.

Immediately after Tie Hunyan spoke a few words of comfort, Su Yi gradually calmed down.

"I'm going to Youzhou tomorrow. I'd better keep a low profile when I first arrive in a different place. One day, I will wash the holy mountain with blood and find Duanmu Qingtian for my master!"

After speaking, Su Yi calmed down from his anger.

When he thought about arriving in Youzhou, he would be able to see Yunjing, and Su Yi couldn't help feeling a little more anticipation in his heart.

"Chi Chi!"

Without further ado, Su Yi sat cross-legged in the simple bedroom, guiding out the soul skill he had just comprehended, his handprints were condensed, and his eyes were closed tightly.

A layer of faint azure light shrouded his whole body, and his whole body seemed to be covered with a deep wave.

The night passed quickly, the sun was shining, and the golden light was shining. All the people in Yutian Palace were already looking forward to it near the teleportation station.

The sky was bright, and many people were already standing near the teleportation station of Yutian Palace.

The Palace Master Guyue led the Palace Master who went to go together, and all the elders above the fourth rank and above waited silently.

Jun Haotian stood next to the Palace Master Guyue, behind him a group of Yutian Palace disciples were whispering, they were extremely proud to be selected to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament.

The eyes are constantly glowing with pride, and each of them looks excited and looking forward to it.

Long Poshan took a look, then whispered to Luo Wuya.

"Hao Tian was accepted as a disciple by the Supreme Elder Lin Xiao, everyone should know about it! Hey, Su Yi is really generous!"

Luo Wuya's face twitched, and he remained silent, while Nie Shuangjue at the side twitched his eyes, pointed to the front and said: "Jun Haotian has a good talent, and it's not surprising that the Supreme Elder looks at him. But if Su Yi paid homage to the palace Wouldn't it be better to have the Lord as the teacher?"

"It's very possible!" Long Poshan's eyes flashed, recalling the huge movement on the funeral ceiling two days ago, he nodded thoughtfully.

And a flame flew by in the distance, and Su Yi had already arrived near the teleportation station.

"Palace Master Guyue, everyone has been waiting for a long time!"

When Guyue and the others saw Su Yi coming, their eyes turned cold, and Gu Yue spoke loudly.

"It's not too late, it's just right!"

Looking at Su Yi up and down, everyone showed a look of surprise. They all found that there had been a change in Su Yi's temperament and coercion, but they didn't know where the change had occurred.

On Jun Haotian's side, all the participating disciples behind him turned their attention to Su Yi.

At this time, Su Yi's name was already as loud as that of Duanmu Qingtian back then, resounding and prominent.

Those who participated in the Soul Control Competition and those who were a little older and hadn't participated in it all stared at Su Yi cautiously, their throats rolling with nervousness.

High-spirited and striding like a shooting star, Su Yi walked over with a smile on his face, with a blue robe raised high behind him.

The sword eyebrows were drawn into the temples, with a bit of evil aura, and the evil coercion instantly suppressed everyone until they couldn't breathe.

When Su Yi was about to speak, Jun Haotian approached immediately, and a bright smile appeared on the corner of his excited mouth.

"Su Yi, I will fight you hard in this ranking match!"

Su Yi was also very shocked. Looking at Jun Haotian, the coercion of the fourth-rank mid-level was much stronger than the previous few days.

I thought in my heart that it must be under the guidance of the strong, that there will be such a rapid change in just a few days.

"Okay! Yutian Palace is yours to play, and you will definitely get good results! It seems that you have had an adventure!"

Jun Haotian was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "The elder Lin Xiao officially accepted me as a disciple the day before yesterday! Thank you for this!"

After finishing speaking, the corners of Jun Haotian's eyes were slightly red, Su Yilang laughed and patted Jun Haotian's shoulder, and suddenly there was a loud noise after the sound!


A powerful ice and snow storm suddenly resounded behind him, causing ripples in the surrounding space and quickly scattered in all directions. Su Yi turned his head in shock.

After the ice and snow condensed, countless small wind blades rushed to the hearts and souls of everyone with overwhelming coercion.

In the blue light, a figure in a moon robe slowly walked out, a pair of water-cut pupils seemed to be mixed with water mist, and the sleeves of the clothes fluttered.

Sai Xue's complexion was dazzled by the golden light, and all the people riding on the mounts of the wild monster got off one after another, saluted and shouted hurriedly.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

Duanmu Xiaoman glanced around the crowd quietly, then set his eyes on Su Yi, and then said calmly.

"Has Guyue arranged everything as he said last night?"

Gu Yuezhong nodded his head, his robe swayed slightly and said in a soft voice: "Everything has been arranged properly, this Tianfeng Ranking Tournament will definitely bring good news to Yutian Palace and Palace Master!"

"No need, I will go to see it in person. When I arrive in Youzhou, everything will be arranged by Guyue!"

"Yes!" Everyone blurted out their agreement, and when they finished speaking, they were shocked!

"What! The palace lord personally led the team to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament?" Long Poshan's eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Su Yi was also shocked, but he was more happy. With Duanmu Xiaoman participating, he felt a little more stable for no reason.

"He is looking for the whereabouts of Duanmu Qingtian! If it is really a force stronger than the Holy Mountain who takes him away, then what will you do?" Tie Hunxuan also saw Duanmu Xiaoman's intention.

Thinking of this, Su Yi's heart gradually sank, and he slightly nodded his chin with his fingers.

"Even so, I will help her!"

Looking away from everyone, everyone consciously made way for Duanmu Xiaoman, after Duanmu Xiaoman's figure disappeared in the teleportation light created by Yuan Jing.

Everyone entered the transfer orbit one by one.

Su Yi was the last one to stand on the teleportation station. He found that Yutian Palace this time, besides the Palace Master, Deputy Palace Master and the newly appointed teaching elders.

There are also thirty strong elders above the middle rank of the fourth rank and ten high ranks of the fourth rank.

And among the participating teams led by Jun Haotian, there are also a few older fourth-rank junior strongmen, and the other immature-looking ones are all third-rank high-rankers.

It seems that this time Yutian Palace really worked hard, and it attaches great importance to the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament! Su Yi said softly.

"Let's go! Let's go to Youzhou to have a look too! Brother, they are probably waiting impatiently!"

Su Yi smiled slightly, standing on the teleportation array, the faint light gradually surrounded Su Yi, and all the scenes in front of him gradually began to blur.

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