The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1749: Overlord Nilin!

An extremely thin black gauze is enchanting and charming, and an extremely seductive expression is revealed on the fiery pretty face, like a hot fairy.

An extremely perfect arc was outlined on the waist that could not be held tightly, making people linger and take a few more glances.

"Master!" The three of them were Qinghuang and Yinyang Erming, half kneeling respectfully towards Su Yi.

Su Yi looked strangely at the three of them, except for Yang Ming who was only at the ninth level of the Demon Emperor Realm, Qinghuang and Yin Ming were already at the first level of the Demon Sect Realm.

This kind of advancement can be described as extremely fast, the Demon Emperor and the Demon Sect are absolutely different, the huge gap between them is simply terrifying, it is not an exaggeration to call it a huge gap.

The powerful monster clan who can pass the monster clan realm can definitely establish a sect in any continent and establish their own sect.

"Okay! Get up!" Su Yi laughed loudly.

With half-closed eyes, Xiwuqing and Wuchang Fairy looked at the three of them with smiles on their lips, and Su Yi also felt that the three of them were a little weird today.

Yin Ming and Qing Huang's positions were a little too close, Su Yi joked: "You guys are advancing in this realm a little fast! Yang Ming is a little slow, what's going on?"

Listening to Su Yi's words, the long and slender Qinghuang robe moved, and the long and narrow demon light trembled slightly, and it was the first time that Yin Ming showed the posture of a little woman.

Her beautiful eyes were lowered, she was staring at the ground tightly, she was so cowardly, she lost her voice for a while.

"Don't look, you are allowed to find us a brother and sister who defies the sky, and you are not allowed to be happy as a young couple?"

Fairy Impermanence's silver-bell-like laughter wafted through the small demon-subduing courtyard, it was very sweet.

After being reminded like this, Su Yi smiled awkwardly, didn't ask any more questions, and quickly called everyone in.

"To have made such a big progress in such a short period of time, these two little snakes must have achieved dual cultivation!" Tie Hunxuan smiled evilly in the entrance.

"Dual Cultivation?" Su Yi looked inwardly, and looked at Tie Hunyu suspiciously because of some confusion.

"Why are you looking at me? Even the dual cultivators don't know?"

Tie Hunyan patiently explained to Su Yi what double cultivation is. Human monsters have their own dual cultivation methods. From ancient times to the present, there have been many dual cultivation couples in Tianman Continent.

Practicing a kind of exercise together or exchanging vitality, and harmonizing and complementing each other in a certain way, it is very easy to achieve a state that is difficult for others to achieve.

Correspondingly, the entry speed is also extremely terrifying.

"Is there such a good thing?" Su Yi walked into the hall, sat on the high chair, raised his chin with his hands, and seemed to be in deep thought.

Xi Wuqing, Qinghuang and the others thought Su Yi was thinking about something, so they didn't bother them, they laughed and chatted.

Su Yi, who was reincarnated as a human being, really did not expect that there would be such a good thing in the world.

If it's so simple, wouldn't anyone be able to double cultivate! How can martial arts be so easy!

"You really think it's that easy? Hmph!" Tie Hunxuan said with a slanted mouth.

Double cultivation is not just for two people. Physical fitness, vitality attributes, meridian tolerance, soul quality and many other factors will determine the quality and risk of double cultivation.

Hastily letting two irrelevant people practice the method of double cultivation will not only prevent them from entering the realm at lightning speed, but will instead lead to madness, and both of them will explode and die.

Su Yi pondered for a while, but when he heard this, he immediately understood.

"That's it, dual cultivation is risky, like the kind that uses women's vital yin as a method of cultivation, this is evil work!"

Inexplicably, Su Yi frowned when he thought of the monster he met in the chaotic domain.

"You can also practice dual cultivation! It's good to find the right one!" Tie Hunxuan slightly raised his eyebrows, dragging his cheeks.

Su Yi couldn't help but several different images emerged in his mind, different beautiful figures were in the same room with him, his throat was burning hot, and his heart was shaking slightly.

A wave of hot blood that could be felt rushed to his forehead, making him extremely uncomfortable, he quickly straightened his posture and turned his mind, Su Yi said seriously.

"Go, go, you know a lot!"

Immediately, Su Yi looked at Qinghuang, Yinyang Erming and others, and asked doubtfully that there were no traces of other people.

"Where are the others? Are you the only ones in the Overlord Sect?"

Qinghuang and Xi Wuqing stopped talking, their expressions suddenly became serious, and they said respectfully.

"Master, this time to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, Yin Yang Erming and I are the Overlord Sect, the representative of the Heavenly Demon Hall, and we have come here to protect you. There are many demon-subduing sects here, the Purple Elephant Emperor, the Dragon Rhinoceros Emperor, they We are still at an important stage of breakthrough, and my subordinates have the guts to tell them not to come, Yin Ming and I have made great progress recently, and we can definitely take on the responsibility of protecting them."

Su Yi nodded in satisfaction. This place is full of evil spirits, and it is also the old lair of Fu Yaomen. It is true that the number of people should be small rather than large.

"Then what about the other six halls? Didn't Wu hall send anyone to participate in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament this time?"

There was a moment of silence, everyone did not speak, and their brows were tightly frowned.

"What exactly happened?" Su Yi slightly clenched his fists, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

When the lightning flashed, Xi Wuqing sighed deeply, and said softly with a faint murderous intent.

"One month after you left, a lot of things happened in the Overlord Sect!"

After a while, Su Yi instantly stood up, clapped his right hand heavily on the handle, and said coldly.

"What! Sacred Mountain actually brought people to attack my Overlord Sect!"

Xi Wuqing nodded heavily, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "In the beginning, only some third-rate sects came to make trouble, and we didn't take it to heart!"

"There will be more and more in the future, until one day, suddenly groups of casual warriors rushed into the Overlord School. At that time, many martial arts disciples were murdered!"

When Fairy Wuchang said this, blood surged on her pretty face, and her silver teeth were clenched.

Afterwards, Xi Wuqing told Su Yi that it was the leader of the Tiangang Sect who fled back then, and now he is no longer the head of the sect, and from nowhere, he recruited a group of casual warriors to kill the Overlord Sect.

Immediately, a coldness flashed from the corner of Xi Wuqing's eyes, and ridicule and disdain filled the room.

"Unfortunately, the Overlord Sect is no longer what it used to be. The top three sects in the Chaotic Domain are not vegetarians. There are also all the Overlord Sects in Lihuoxuanyang Realm who are dispatched at the same time! And Feng Qier performed particularly well. Jie Qi Poison Soul came in handy and cleaned up all the rubbish!"

Su Yi frowned tightly, raised his chin slightly, and listened carefully to Xi Wuqing's narration, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart.

"After that, what about that bastard Hong Qianglong!" Su Yi's murderous intent appeared coldly, and his knuckles creaked from being pressed.

This beast only dared to come to the door when he was not around.

"At the last moment, Hong Qianglong was taken away by a strong man. From his martial arts, I can tell that he must be a strong man from the Holy Mountain! After torture, those casual cultivators were also dressed up by disciples from the outer sect of the Holy Mountain!"

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