The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1758: Biyan Wuxianghai!

Surrounded by soul energy, Su Yi has actually been isolated from his surroundings.

The onlookers outside could only see Su Yi's lips opening and closing, and his knife-sharp eyes flashing.

The bursting energy wind was extremely fierce, and it hit every Bi Changtian and the others.

At the same time, Mr. Baiguai led Han Yurou and Bi Ling, one on the left and one on the right, and suddenly retreated behind him like a ghost, and a beautiful figure appeared.

Taihangzong and the others were breathless, and their eyes were full of shock, but because they only felt a huge impact, they didn't expect that it was Su Yi who broke out.

The fiery red figure squinted his eyes, was lazy and cold, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Stinky boy, I'll forgive you!"

Turning his head to look at Han Yurou and Biling, Jing Baiwei had a coquettish and cold expression: "Can you borrow your sweetheart from my sister for a while!"

"Where are you going? I'm not going!" Su Yi put his hands behind his head, and there was a sense of laziness in his laxity.


Under Su Yi's blink of an eye, Jing Baiguai was like a light and shadow. It seemed that the speed was extremely slow, but in fact it had already arrived in front of him.

"Don't you want to meet your old friend?" The gentle and charming voice immediately made Su Yi feel numb.

Immediately, Jing Baiwei added another sentence, and said in a low voice: "The black card is not for nothing!"

In an instant, a surge of violent soul energy suddenly surged, and Su Yi's heart buzzed suddenly.

Su Yi stared at Baiguai, who was more beautiful than a woman, before pondering for a while and said, "Let's go! Mr. Baiguai!"

The body rushed out, and Baiguai lightly crossed his fingers, then tapped Su Yi's forehead lightly, pretending to be angry and said: "I have said it all, I am sister Baihua! Don't call me wrong again, my good brother !"

As soon as the words fell, he turned around with a smile, and a voice like a silver bell resounded through the hall in an instant. He turned his waist and walked towards the corridor.

After pondering for a while, the soul energy in Su Yi's eyes soared, his breathing gradually calmed down, and he quickly followed Jing Baihua's pace.

"Don't go!" Han Yurou and Biling yelled in surprise, Su Yi turned around and smiled slightly.

"It's okay, I'll go back as soon as I go, and tell Sect Master Han that I'll look for him after I'm here! Biling, stay at the station!"

Under the worried eyes of the two, Su Yi also instantly disappeared into the lights of the corridor.

"Who is this Yi Su! Which sect!"

"Why do Han Yurou, Bi Ling, and even Jing Baihua, that tortured goblin, look at him differently?"

"Quick, let me find out who Yi Su is?"


"Damn it, what is the origin of this kid!" Sitting down again, Bi Changtian's eyes were full of fighting spirit, and he gritted his teeth while looking at Su Yi's original back.

When Su Yi left with Jing Baiwei, Jing Baihua's eyes flickered, and he slapped his slender palm in the air, and there was a crisp slap.

"Ba Chong Wind and Cloud Meeting, start now!"

"Da da da!"

Jing Baihua, who was stepping on high heels, walked enchantingly in the corridor, and her charming voice echoed faintly in the corridor.

"Brother Su Yi, you really have courage. Just now, there were many top sects that were hostile to you, and you dared to make a noise!"

Su Yi suddenly smiled inwardly. Sure enough, this scene was full of strange things, including Jing Qianqi just now was also somewhat mysterious.

Su Yi suddenly had a feeling that he was in the light and others were in the dark, and that his every move had a pair of eyes on him.

"Jing... Sister Baihua, isn't your Lingbao Pavilion equally courageous? It's spread all over six continents, three continents and one sea, but never dared to check your details!"

Jing Baihua immediately turned around, and an extremely distorted power appeared in the faint space, and the surrounding air flowed like a river.

There were constant ripples between the two of them, but it seemed as if they were separated by thousands of huge waves, Jing Baihua seemed to be stepping on the white waves, looking down at herself below.

Su Yi also did not show weakness, and secretly called out: "Get up!", and the power of the White Flood Dragon also split a phantom in front of him.

Bai Jiao's huge bright eyes stared at Su Yi viciously. At this moment, he had no scruples. Su Yi released all the energy of his cultivation to his heart's content, standing on top of the Jiao's head with a majestic aura.

In just an instant, Jing Baihua withdrew his soul energy, and Su Yi's mind thumped, like a bird falling from the sky, his mind and soul fluttered, and it seemed that a sky full of gold stars suddenly appeared in front of him.

"The soul energy against the sky, I may guess why Xiangu likes you so much! Go in and perform well in a while! Don't die halfway!" A mysterious smile slightly curled up on the corner of his mouth, and he turned his head away.

Gently pulling the door bolt, a door made of black iron was leisurely opened, and a breath of freshness like a vast ocean spread over the surface.

The soul coercion just now was swept away, and Su Yi couldn't help but sweep it away.

"Come in!" Jing Baihua, who entered first, said softly in the stone room.

Slowly walking into the stone room, Su Yi was shocked by the scene in front of him, the azure blue eyes were extremely dazzling.

Except for the top of the head and the bottom of the feet, which are made of black stones, the whole body is covered with a vast ocean, and the blue waves are constantly churning in front of the eyes, which is extremely beautiful.

The small fluctuations in the air were accompanied by bursts of cool air, and the sweet breeze hit Su Yi's whole body, making him extremely comfortable.

Gradually, Su Yi could feel a feeling of being swallowed by the ocean, like a humble fish, with nowhere to hide, nowhere to follow, at the mercy of others.

"Boy, cheer up, this formation is very strange!" Inside the porch, Tie Hun frowned and reminded urgently.

Hearing this, Su Yi straightened his mind immediately, a gleam of light burst out from his eyes, his dangling hands turned secretly, and Yu Tian Jue recited silently in his heart.

The phantom in front of him not only blocked his position, but also his spiritual consciousness. Su Yi felt more and more strenuous with the attacks of souls pouring into his mind.

The whole body is extremely hot, water and fire are intertwined, and it may be swallowed in an instant.

Su Yi yelled in his heart: "Not good!"

Immediately with a shake of his hands, a majestic force burst out from the Xuanling Divine Veins all over his body, and the milky white gas instantly shattered the space.

Using Su Yi himself as the space, a huge wave quickly oscillated, and Su Yi also felt relieved, as if he had escaped from a vacuum bubble.

Panting heavily, his eyes fell on Jing Baihua's body, and he said sharply.

"What do you mean!"

Observing carefully, the blue wall is made of pieces of blue crystals, and the countless scenes that appear are all driven by the energy of the soul.

"Sure enough, you have escaped from Xiangu's 'Biyan Wuxianghai' so quickly! You are qualified to see Xiangu!"

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