The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1762: The holy fire does it for you!

Standing up quickly, he yelled loudly, his figure changed left and right above the ground, and quickly found a gap.

With his hands folded, Su Yi's hands suddenly gathered an extremely old and heavy suppressive air, his eyes flickered instantly, and he shouted loudly in his heart.

"Chi Ancient Seal!"

The tricks in the Tianyuan Ancient Scriptures were used this time, and Su Yi used the killing spirit that looked down on the world to the fullest!


The domineering and destructive blow used all of Su Yiyuan's cultivation at the second level of the imperial realm, only to hear a crackling sound from Zhou Kong.

The monstrous palm prints visible to the naked eye blasted towards Yuchi Changfeng along with the sound of the wind.

Immediately, everyone present shouted loudly, and Shenghuo yelled at the side: "Eldest Son, be careful!"

Yuchi Changfeng didn't show weakness either. When his body had already lost his power, he stepped on the void, turned his body at an angle abruptly, and exhaled several beams of golden light from his hands repeatedly.

"Go to hell!" Yuchi Changfeng yelled.

Continuous sonic booms sounded, and all the stone slabs on the ground that passed by were set off again and again, like a stone dragon roaring and impacting on Su Yi's direction.

Seeing that the huge stone slab was about to smash Su Yi into pieces, Yuchi Changfeng fell steadily to the ground, his eyes filled with murderous pleasure.

"Hahaha! Go to hell!" Yuchi Changfeng laughed wildly, his eyes were bloodshot, like a bloodthirsty madman.

Liu Ruoxi's moon eyes widened behind her, she stepped forward, her hands were placed on the short knives on both sides, tightly clenched, her nails glowed bright white.


The stone slabs fell in Su Yi's direction like rain one after another. The place where it was located could not bear the heavy pressure, and tiny cracks like ivy had already begun to appear.

Earth and rocks flew up and dust filled the sky.


In the end, a huge muffled sound sounded like thunder, and a deep hole that was wide enough to be seen by a person was formed in an instant.

Yuchi Changfeng and Shenghuo's eyes were full of joy, and they rushed to the deep cave in an instant.

"Grandson! Are you looking for me?"

Yuchi Changfeng, who hadn't found Su Yi for a long time, raised his eyes and saw Su Yi sitting on the octagonal cornice with his legs crossed.

A touch of green shirt was flying wantonly, the robes fluttered, and faint small ice crystals fluttered around him.

His eyes trembled, and a gleam of light shot out from Su Yi's pupils, and the extremely majestic soul pressure quickly hit everyone like a wave.

Seeing that Su Yi was not only unharmed, but also escaped under the noses of everyone, Yuchi Changfeng narrowed his eyes and said quietly.

"It's very interesting! I like the game of cat and mouse! You can play the next game with me!"

There was a smile on the corner of Su Yi's mouth, the surging flames in his eyes seemed to swallow Yuchi Changfeng, but he secretly planned in his heart.

Yuchi Changfeng's eighth level of Yuanhuang combined with the Qi of the Holy King is enough to match the ninth level of Yuanhuang. With such a gap in strength, it is absolutely difficult to win without using Emperor Sparrow and Tianxing Soul!

"Do you want to show your strength here?"

Su Yi's heart moved slightly, he spread his hands forward, and said in a deep voice: "The people in the Holy Mountain do some shady things every day, they really are a bunch of rats!"


The muffled sound of the holy fire immediately resounded through the sky, and the phantom behind him instantly condensed, the holy and condensed golden light was dazzling, as if swallowing everything in the world, it roared at Su Yi.

"Shameless boy, you killed so many disciples of my holy mountain, a hundred crimes cannot be redeemed! Get out of here!"

The sound reverberated in the sky, and Su Yi's soul was vaguely under an extremely strong soul coercion at this time, but it was still far from the shock that Duanmu Xiaoman gave him.

"This old man is indeed in the Yuan Realm!"

Su Yi scratched his head, his gaze sank, and he kept thinking about how to break this situation!

At the eighth stage of the Yuanhuang Realm plus the Yuanyu Realm, a dignified voice came from the mind: "Boy, if you can't do it, just use the split jade to escape! You can't win now!"

Su Yi nodded, and a flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, but Liu Ruoxi, who was far below, was already extremely angry when he heard what Su Yi said.

A pair of autumn eyes were full of anger, staring fixedly at Yuchi Changfeng, his silver teeth clenched.

"The great sage did such an obscene thing!" Liu Ruoxi resented in a low voice.

The saint sons and daughters on the side didn't feel much, they looked at Su Yi on the octagonal cornice with great interest, and said softly.

"Junior Sister Ruoxi, is that your best friend?"

"Not bad! You have reached the second level of the Yuanhuang Realm!"

"It's a pity, it's about to be cleaned up by the Dashengzi! I could have played again!"

When Liu Ruoxi heard the words, her delicate body moved even more, and she burst into rare anger, her phoenix eyes stared forward.

"Shut up!" Xue Honglou murmured, slightly raised her chin, and was also extremely concerned about Su Yi.

Yuchi Changfeng looked up at Su Yi, his eyes were full of disdain and contempt, as if Su Yi was in his hands.

"Su Yi, how long do you want to hide? Keep being a shrinking turtle?"

Shenghuo turned his head and whispered softly: "Sage, let the old man finish this kid with one palm! Last time the Shengwu Conference let him escape, this time we must not make old mistakes again!"

After the sound fell, Shenghuo glanced at more and more people on both sides, and said angrily.

Yuchi Changfeng is naturally not an idiot. On the eve of Tianfeng's qualifying match, killing people on the eve of Fuyaomen, he, a seeded player, will definitely be implicated.

Then, a cold light emerged from the corner of his mouth, he stepped back, and the strong aura from his body gradually dissipated.

Su Yi, who was sitting on it, had a dignified face, his bright and deep eyes were full of murderous intent, and he made a slight movement while looking at the holy flame!

"Damn it, I can't kill these holy sons and daughters today, let's save your lives for now, and I will kill you one by one in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament!"

Gently fumbled in his arms with both hands, trying to find the Split Sky Jade that Jun Haotian had given him in Yutian Palace.

"Little bastard! Completely disappear from this world, go to hell and make amends to the disciples of the Holy Mountain!"

In the next second, the holy fire suddenly burst into a blinding light, and the majestic aura of the holy king roared in the air instantly.

In an instant, it turned into a huge sword blade of golden light. In the blade, there were countless small, sharp and sharp golden vortexes.

It can be seen that the energy contained in it contains powerful power, just like distorting the void, and the whole space trembles.

Countless ripples in the space were set off, and Liu Ruoxi covered her mouth and exclaimed behind her, and the sword shadow continued to expand, heading towards the violent slash on the octagonal cornice!

At that moment, all the people present closed their eyes in unison, and couldn't bear to watch the bloody scene where Su Yi was split into two.

Liu Ruoxi, under the cover of the thin redwoods, had her moon eyes tightly closed, her delicate body trembling, and her slender snow-white fingers trembled slightly.

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