The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1764: Definitely!


Between the horizontal pushes of both hands, a faint space crack burst out with the sound of wind and thunder. After the crack disappeared, the golden sword came violently again.

Compared to just now, the aura of the Holy King has been activated to the extreme!

"Holy Golden Soul Light Saber!"

A low shout came from Elder Shenghuo's mouth, and a monstrous and straight sword shadow cut through the void, as if bringing with it a monstrous power, slashing towards Su Yi viciously like Mount Tai pressing down on top!

"This is the space field!"

Su Yi's eyes narrowed. In order to protect Yuchi Changfeng, the holy fire had already used all its strength.

The thin body instantly grew taller and enlarged, and in the pupils, the sword light followed like a shadow, but Yuchi Changfeng behind him had a sly smile.

In the next second, the fierce force spread out, even the surrounding space began to distort, and it was about to strike in front of him.

I saw Duanmu Xiaoman raised her hand lightly, the movement seemed to be gentle, the white light fluttered lightly, like a beautiful and arc.

Like a dance, the coercion of the soul and the endless flying snow moments and sword shadows intertwined.

But the monstrous aura made countless people present dumbfounded!

The two brothers Jing Baiqi and Jing Baiwei watched everything with shock in their eyes.

"This is the strong man! This is the strength I want!" Su Yi growled in his heart.

Su Yi, who was right next to him, could feel Duanmu Xiaoman's composure. Facing a strong man like Shenghuo, he could still be calm and calm.

Su Yi's heart was incomparably surging at this moment, and the pleasure brought by this kind of force crushing was simply unparalleled.

"I want to become stronger!"

Following the direction of the wind and snow, one could only see that after the palm prints changed repeatedly, countless winds and snows instantly extinguished the holy king's aura.

The overwhelming pressure of the water attribute, with bright rays of light, slammed into the chest of the holy fire elder, and only a muffled sound was heard.

The huge fluctuations generated by the contact of the light caused Xue Honglou and the others to shudder, and they all retreated violently. The shocking sound of energy explosions set off endless storms, and the ground was turbulent!

Elder Shenghuo and Yuchi Changfeng fell to the ground one after another. Duanmu Xiaoman stood condescendingly beside Yuchi Changfeng for a moment when his eyes went blank.

Su Yi stepped on the collapsed chest of Elder Shenghuo, and a dry howl of pain came from Shenghuo's mouth, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

With the broken internal organs, blood spurted out, and his eyes were still full of disbelief, looking at Duanmu Xiaoman who was like a fairy.

"Impossible, impossible! You have reached that level!"

Su Yi pressed his toes on Elder Shenghuo's chest, and a heart-piercing sound resounded instantly.

This is the gap in strength!

The eyes of Xue Honglou and the other holy sons and daughters were full of shock. The elders of the Holy Fire in Yuanyu Realm were defeated in seconds, so thoroughly?

"Old thief Holy Fire, you have this day too!" Su Yi sneered.

The holy fire's withered palm kept sinking deeply on the floor, and he gritted his teeth, his eyes were blood red, and said anxiously.

"Don't hurt my Great Son! If you want to kill him, kill me first!"

Afterwards, all the saints and saints behind them showed various weapons, and their colorful vitality shone with golden light, and they sternly shouted.

"Don't hurt my Great Holy Son! Su Yi, don't go too far!" The younger holy sons and holy goddesses looked nervous, but they still did not lose the dignity of the holy mountain.

"Then kill them all!" Gu Yue said coldly.

Jun Haotian, Guyue and others also came up immediately, and the grievances between Guyue and Shengshan did not happen overnight.

Shengshan killed Li's family under the guise of Yutian Palace, but Duanmu Xiaoman's expression was cold and cold, and he could kill him at any time!


Immediately, Yuchi Changfeng laughed loudly, embarrassing his messy hair, and said with a wry smile: "Su Yi, you really are a coward hiding behind women! Do you still need a woman to help you avenge you in the end!"

"Fart you, winner and loser! I slap your mouth first!" Gu Yue roared angrily behind him.

Yuchi Changfeng unconsciously struggled and shook back, Su Yi looked at the embarrassed Yuchi Changfeng and said harshly.

"Death is imminent, it's the end of the battle!"

Just as Su Yi was about to raise the knife, the fire attribute energy in his hand instantly condensed into shape, and only heard a subtle voice.

"Su Yi!"

Following the voice, Liu Ruoxi's eyes flickered, with some hesitation in his eyes, and he said in a low voice.

"Can you give me a face and leave everything in the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament?"

Su Yi's hand hanging in the air froze suddenly, raised his eyebrows, and said softly.

"Are you pleading for him?"

Liu Ruoxi shook her head, her eyes were slightly blurred, but there was a hint of a smile.

"I know your character, and you will always retaliate. The Dashengzi is certainly wrong, but I also hope to use your own way to solve it, instead of pretending to others! This is the Su Yi I know!"

"This little girl seems to know Su Yi very well?" Jing Baiqi and Jing Baiwei looked strange and kept looking at Su Yi and Liu Ruoxi.

On the side of Yutian Palace, there was even more doubt in his eyes, Gu Yue seemed to have remembered something.

"Could it be that little girl who is engaged to Su Yi?"

These words reached Duanmu Xiaoman's ears, his calm eyes moved slightly, and the eyes he looked at Liu Ruoxi changed instantly.

Afterwards, Su Yi put down his hand and smiled wryly: "Yuchi Changfeng, I will take your dog's life in three days! Today's life is given to you by Liu Ruoxi!"

"Thank you!" Liu Ruoxi looked at Su Yi in a daze, and actually listened to her own words.

Yuchi Changfeng immediately stood up with the support of everyone.

Liu Ruoxi pleaded for herself, her face was hot, her eyes were dark, and she said coldly.

"Sure enough, my wife's words are the most beautiful! Xue Honglou, you are really calm! You have lost the face of Shengshan!"

The obvious provocative words seemed extremely harsh in front of the parties involved.

Xue Honglou frowned slightly, Liu Ruoxi trembled like a lightning strike, and quickly moved her eyes away from Su Yi.

"Is it true?" Su Yi just said a word lightly.

Liu Ruoxi raised her head, and suddenly remembered what the Holy One had said to herself.

Those dusty histories are squeezed in Liu Ruoxi's huge heart like mountains, Liu Ruoxi's lips are tightly pressed, and they are slightly opened.

"No..." Before he finished speaking, a letter flew from Su Yi's palm to Liu Ruoxi's body.

Liu Ruoxi who took the letter in a hurry, her hands trembling slightly, what caught her eyes was the letter Liu Ruoxi left to Su Yi that day.

"Your life can only be taken by me!" The words were still in my ears, looking at the familiar font, Liu Ruoxi's eyes instantly became moist.

"Let's go!" Duanmu Xiaoman's light voice came faintly.

The people who controlled the Tiangong cleared the way, and Su Yi took a deep look at Liu Ruoxi, whose eyes were hurting, his rosy lips seemed to freeze.

Turning around her green shirt, Su Yi's words echoed in front of Liu Ruoxi.

"From now on, I, Su Yi, and you, Liu Ruoxi, will never owe each other! The people of the Holy Mountain will be slaughtered at my sight! One day, I will slaughter all the families of your Holy Mountain!"

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