The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1766: Fanlong Heavenly Palace!

"Forget it, forget it, just stay here!" Thinking that Ling Qianxue was still refining Ling Lanyin's soul origin blood inside the Tianyuan demon soul, Su Yi sighed dejectedly.

"Your qi sea is also different from ordinary people. Your qi sea capacity and condensed level are basically nine times that of ordinary people?" Duanmu Xiaoman withdrew his soul energy and sighed slightly.

Duanmu Xiaoman stood up quietly, and walked in front of Su Yi, her deep eyes gradually brightened.

"Your previous breakthrough must have required much more vitality than others. There are 108 entrances in this mysterious spirit vein. After each entrance is opened, the overall cultivation will double." Duanmu Xiaoman looked at the sky, Recalling what was said in Yutian Palace Collection.

Su Yi smiled wryly, stretched his waist and said: "That's what I said, but after opening the second profound entrance, stagnant cultivation is not a good thing!"

Duanmu Xiao Manyao shrugged her nose, and comforted softly: "Is the Dongtian Xuanhuo Dan you got from Yutian Palace last time still there? You are the soul endowment of the five-and-a-half-layer fire element. Among the attributes of vitality, the attribute of fire is the most familiar. Swallow the Cave Sky Profound Fire Pill, use your own fire attribute to attract the energy of the heavens and the earth, transform it into vitality through the meridians, and pour it into the sea of ​​​​qi to try!"

Su Yi couldn't help but his eyes brightened, the method Duanmu Xiaoman said could be given a try.

"Then let's start, I will protect you! Break through the confinement, and if you encounter the backlash of vitality, I can help you!" Duanmu Xiaoman subconsciously said, the corner of her mouth moved slightly, and a trace of expectation flashed in her eyes.

Duanmu Xiaoman naturally also wanted to see what kind of miraculous effects the legendary mysterious spirit veins would produce.

Just as Su Yi nodded, a golden light flickered on his chest, but it didn't make a buzzing sound.

"It's the token of the commanding dragon that is trembling!" Su Yi frowned, thinking of Han Wulong's words in his mind.

Su Yi brushed back some hair, and looked at Duanmu Xiaoman with a little embarrassment.

"Master, I may have to go to Sect Master Han first to arrange the affairs of Overlord Sect, and then I will come back to retreat!"

Duanmu Xiaoman nodded slowly, her eyes shifted, she looked at Su Yi with a strange expression, but she still said.

"Go! You don't have much time left!"

Su Yi nodded, and quickly strode towards the door. Standing behind him, Duanmu Xiaoman's voice was low and his hands were crossed on his chest.

"Can you comprehend the legendary mysterious spirit skills?"

After leaving Yutian Fen Palace, Su Yi first went back to the Overlord Sect's posthouse, where Biling, Han Yurou and Han Wulong were already waiting.

"I heard that the Holy Mountain has troubled you?" Han Wulong's broad body was full of murderous intent.

Bi Ling and Han Yurou were also nervous, and their anxiety was all on Su Yi.

Stretching lazily, thinking of the outstanding combat power of Elder Shenghuo and Yuchi, Su Yi suddenly felt like a huge stone sank in his heart.

"If necessary, add all the hole cards together, and kill Yuchi Changfeng! But there is no way out!"

Turning his mind, Su Yi showed a bit of discomfort, and pouted indifferently.

"Holy Mountain wants to move me, but it's still far away, Sect Master Han, let's go in and talk!"

In the eyes of everyone, Su Yi and Han Wulong mysteriously entered the couch. As soon as they entered the room, Han Wulong's broad shoulders sank.

Kneeling on the ground with one knee, golden dragon patterns appeared faintly all over his body, and then the golden dragon token in Su Yi's arms immediately sensed.

Taking out the token, the whole body is filled with golden light from the dragon scales, and the warm and thick breath seems to have come from ancient times, suspended in the air, exuding a magical brilliance.

"Sect Master Han, what is it that must be said in person?"

Su Yi gently helped Han Wulong up, and Han Wulong sighed softly, groping his face with his palms, and his huge palms curled slightly.

"Commander! Wuliangmen once discovered the golden dragon secret realm in the chaotic domain. The previous suzerain is my father. He once accepted the golden dragon test, but ended in failure."

Su Yi nodded, and suddenly remembered that the five-clawed golden dragon had said that he had opened eight golden dragon secret realms before.

Only one of them barely managed to pass the test, and obtained three drops of golden dragon blood essence and a wisp of spirit.

"Then the golden dragon breath on your body?"

Han Wulong stared at the golden dragon and jade tablet floating in the air, and the huge dragon's power pervaded it, which was breathtaking.

"Before leading you to successfully obtain the blood essence, the old dragon god should have told you that there are eight people in total, right? My father was the last one. Although he failed, he was appreciated by the old dragon god and won half a dragon score. interest."

"No wonder you have the golden dragon breath on your body, but it's very thin!"

You must know that if you can stand the test, you can get three drops of golden dragon blood essence and a ray of soul.

But three and three are not nine. Su Yi, who successfully passed four levels, obtained a total of nine drops of Golden Dragon Blood Essence, the energy of which is far beyond the comparison of three drops.

In an instant, the energy of the golden dragon's aura turned into the supreme aura and gushed out, and the vitality in Taixun Shenhai was billowing, and rumbling sounds continued to be heard.

"Your father passed it on to you later, and the golden dragon breath on your body has become even thinner! Is this the shore?" Su Yi nodded his chin.

Han Wulong smiled wryly, his smile gradually subsided, and he said softly: "However, even this tiny bit of golden dragon breath is still feared by people!"

"Is it the first person to barely pass the test?"

Han Wulong nodded, the corners of his mouth twitched immediately, and he said harshly: "I know, since the first person, the next few people have more or less benefited from the old dragon god, and have become the top players in this continent." The ranks of the strong!"

"Helpless, after the first person came out of the secret realm, what he did was not to carry forward the golden dragon bloodline, but to expand the sect's aristocratic family based on it, and take the golden dragon bloodline as his own achievement!"

Su Yi's eyes gradually lowered, recalling what the five-clawed golden dragon said before leaving, and said in a low voice.

"The power is getting bigger and bigger. Anyone who does not submit to their family will be regarded as a different kind and will be suppressed. Those who have been tested by the Golden Dragon have disappeared because of this!"

"Damn it!" The teacup in Su Yi's hand was crushed to pieces. Isn't this a waste of the old Dragon God's effort?

With his eyes narrowed, Su Yi suddenly remembered the golden dragon aura on Han Wulong's body, and asked doubtfully, "Could it be the Wuliangmen?"

Han Wulong nodded, his face livid, heaved a sigh of relief and said: "This time the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament is a head-on confrontation with that family. Wuliangmen has a strong background, so don't be afraid for now, it's just the commander. Your chance is really good." It is precious, it is the last hope of the entire Golden Dragon Clan! It must not be exposed!"

With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, Su Yi's thoughts rolled quickly, and he said angrily: "Which family? Which sect is so shameless!"

Han Wulong spread his hands helplessly, his smile gradually became dignified, and he said lightly: "Fanlong Tiangong! Long Family!"

He whispered these few words in his mouth, and just now he heard this name from Lan Luolian, but he didn't expect to hear this name again soon.

"Sure enough, the notoriety spread far and wide?" Su Yi sneered.

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