The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1777: Shocking Xuehonglou!

The light from Ice Ape's pupils spread out, surrounding Yuchi Changfeng like a horse training.

Yuchi Changfeng slowly closed his eyes, and after a while, the Xilingbing Ape let out a clear beast roar again.

The sound wave of the elder of the Fuyaomen was the best in the audience: "Yuchi Changfeng, the eighth level of Yuanhuang Realm, thirty-four years old! The force value is ninety!"

Bahai Santong then smiled lightly, and the corners of his stretched mouth concealed sarcasm and contempt. He was also at the eighth level of Yuanhuang Realm, and Yuchi Changfeng's force value was two points lower than his own.

The difference between these two points determines the level of force to a great extent. In a duel between masters, the difference between a slight loss and a thousand miles!

"Is it because I'm older than him!" Yuchi Changfeng gritted his teeth in hatred, and cast his sinister eyes on Bahai Santong.

Finding that he was also staring at him, Yuchi Changfeng had no choice but to force out a pale smile.

Afterwards, Shangguan Shenzhuo also quickly walked to Dongling Ice Ape, took a deep breath, and accepted the Ice Ape's test.

"Shangguan Shenzhuo, the sixth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, twenty-nine years old, with a force value of eighty-six!"

Hearing such shouts, Yuchi Changfeng immediately sneered in his heart.

Among the upstream forces, there has always been the order of Tianlongzong, Shengshan, and Shenhumen. It was never expected among the three sects that other sects would get involved in the upstream order.

Even the Immortal Sword Sect among the midstream forces has been on the move in recent years, and it is not so easy to be promoted to the upstream.

"Shangguan Shenzhuo is nothing more than that! Looks like the first match will be a contest between me and Bahai Santong! Bahai Santong must die!"

Yuchi Changfeng stood with his hands behind his back, and suddenly there was a hint of wildness between his brows, and he looked at Bahai Santong and Shangguan Shenzhuo again with a proud expression.

Shangguan Shenzhuo, who was at Dongling Bingyuan's place, and Shenhumen, who was above the stand, were ashen-faced.

Facing the gazes projected by Tianlongzong and Shengshan, they also looked at each other coldly, laughed dryly, and their eyes were full of displeasure.

The comparison of the three sects was turbulent, and the stands were full of strong men who were already in their positions. Su Yi found that except for the Holy Master in the holy mountain, and except for his master Duanmu Xiaoman in the Yutian Palace, everyone else had arrived.

There were still many people in front of Su Yi, so Su Yi didn't bother to wait any longer, and walked to a remote corner, putting his hands on the ground.

Looking at the results of everyone's test with cold eyes, I secretly remembered that it would be better to perform better in the first trial match.

"Boy, the four-spirited ice ape is more accurate than the result of measuring the soul crystal. The ancient barbaric monsters are not covered. I'm afraid you can't hide your cultivation!"

Su Yi twisted his neck slightly, released a touch of indifference from his sword eyebrows, and said with a light smile: "As long as he is a wild monster, I can find a solution!"

Hearing this, the black and white pupils of the soul beast sitting at the porch turned straight, and then revealed a soft smile.

"Then watch your show!"


At Xiling Shenyuan, it was Xuehonglou who was testing. The pale golden light spread rapidly from Xuehonglou's body, and he was quickly surrounded by a strong water attribute aura.

The golden vitality in the body continuously surges out from the pores, as if resisting, forming a transparent and holy halo around the body. From a distance, Xuehonglou looks like a golden emperor descending!

"This kid is quite powerful!" Su Yi half-closed his eyes, curled his mouth, and his eyes fell on Xue Honglou.

The divine light of Xilingbingbing Ape kept lingering on Xuehonglou's body, and the light red halo continuously circled around Xuehonglou's head, gradually forming a small vortex.

The vortex was spinning extremely fast, and the aura was also rising rapidly. Because of the interlacing of energy in the air, layers of flowing water ripples were gradually pushed out, causing everyone to keep looking sideways.


Above the void, a muffled sound exploded quickly, followed by the roar of Xilingbingbing Ape, which shattered the sky, tearing everyone's eardrums apart.

The energy in the vibrating sky vibrated, and a majestic aura shot up from the vortex, shocking people's hearts.

"Xuehonglou, twenty-eight years old! Fourth level of the Yuanhuang Realm! The force value is ninety!" shouted the old man from Fuyaomen.

As soon as the result came out, the audience was shocked, even Yuchi Changfeng beside him was full of shock.

"What! He has exactly the same force value as me?" Yuchi Changfeng seemed to have seen a ghost, his eyes fixed on Xuehonglou, killing intent burst out from his pores.

"Fourth level of the Yuanhuang Realm, how can there be a force value of ninety?" On the stands, the strong men of various sects also looked incredible, among them the elders of the holy fire opened their eyes wide and their beards flew up.

Shaking his head in disbelief, the corner of Shenghuo's mouth turned down, and he said to the elders of the Holy Mountain beside him: "It must be that the Holy One has done something to Xue Honglou!"

"It's not good to talk nonsense! Elder Shenghuo! You are a supreme elder, let alone belittle the Fifth Son and the Holy One in front of others!" One of the golden old men who also looked old frowned and said.


Sheng Huo snorted angrily, looked towards the field, and stopped talking.

"This kid is really interesting!" Su Yi's dark eyes flashed a gleam, and his eyes froze slightly.

Seeing Liu Ruoxi standing behind Xue Honglou, and the next one was Liu Ruoxi stepping forward to test, Su Yi's heart suddenly twitched.

When Liu Ruoxi came up, her eyes met with Su Yi's. Su Yi's expression was condensed, and there was a trace of coldness in his loose eyes.

After staying with Duanmu Xiaoman for a long time, Su Yi learned a bit about Duanmu Xiaoman's aloof temperament.

"This girl, why do you come here so often? Could it be that you are still pretending to be in your heart?" Tie Hunxuan shrugged his nose and lowered his head.

"Maybe she feels ashamed?" Su Yi laughed at himself and shrugged slightly.

"Then do you still want to control your cultivation? It's a good chance to make her change her mind?" Tie Hunxuan said with a little enthusiasm, obviously wanting Su Yi to overwhelm Xue Honglou.

Su Yi lowered his head, pulled a weed from one side of the arena, and put it in his mouth, his nostrils were filled with bitterness.

A twisted melon is not sweet, Su Yi never does anything to embarrass women, if Liu Ruoxi really chooses Xuehonglou, Su Yi will beat Xuehonglou upright, and let Liu Ruoxi know how bad her vision is!

"Liu Ruoxi, 18 years old, first class Yuanhuang, with a force value of 80!"

Su Yi nodded, Liu Ruoxi's combat strength was still within the understandable range, and the eighteen-year-old Yuanhuang Yizhong was already very good, and he was also an existence that could not be ignored among the top forces.

"If this force value is a manifestation of potential, then this Xuehonglou is a bit terrifyingly high!"

Looking at the high platform, many sects and elders are still pointing and whispering to Xuehonglou.

The center of the three contests also changed from Bahai Santong, Yuchi Changfeng, and Shangguan Shenzhuo to Bahai Santong, Yuchi Changfeng, Xuehonglou, and Shangguan Shenzhuo.

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