The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1779: Find out the situation!

Duanmu Xiaoman's beautiful side face is cold and lonely, as if she is not contaminated by any wind and dust in the world, her indifferent eyes are enough to make all men with evil thoughts feel ashamed.

Su Yi, who was leaning on the big tree with his hands on the back of his head, saw Duanmu Xiaoman's amazing appearance, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, and he said in a low voice: "If you let her be my wife, will you be chased by people all over the world?" Kill!"

"Then I guess you will end up worse than Duanmu Qingtian, with no bones left!" Tie Hunxuan gloated and smiled.

Leaning against the big tree, he suddenly stood up, Su Yi brushed his hair back, his eyes were scattered, but he followed Duanmu Xiaoman to wander around the audience.

Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were quiet, and she walked straight to the location of Yutian Palace, and there were voices of swallowing saliva on both sides from time to time.

Bahai Changying and Shangguan Juehu kept their eyes wide open, their mouths opened and closed, and the fiery eyes in their eyes were wild.

But her footsteps seemed to be frozen, she didn't dare to go up to say hello to Duanmu Xiaoman, she could only look at Duanmu Xiaoman's back, secretly moved.

Guyue and several princes and elders immediately went up to meet him, and said respectfully: "Master Duanmu!"

As soon as Duanmu Xiaoman appeared, everyone's eyes were focused on her alone.

From top to bottom, from old to young, men and women were all staring at Duanmu Xiaoman's face, their breathing was slightly stagnant, and exclamations were endless.

Among all the people present, only Liu Ruoxi looked at Duanmu Xiaoman, then turned his gaze to Su Yi.

As if aware of it, Su Yi turned his eyes slightly, and Ling Kong gave Liu Ruoxi a cold look, without waiting for any emotion, he could find that Liu Ruoxi's pretty face turned cold, and there was a bit of sadness hanging between his brows.

"This girl Liu is also born unparalleled in the world. I can only blame Duanmu Xiaoman for being too enchanting. She definitely has the best appearance that can only be found in the sky! Is it not an exaggeration to be the most beautiful woman in Tianman?" Tie Hun groaned in Su Yi's heart. He sighed in admiration, half-closed his eyes and clicked his tongue, like an old pervert.

After that, the audience began to whisper from time to time, their eyes scattered, their words intertwined, and all the topics were Duanmu Xiaoman.

Su Yi couldn't help sighing softly, a man has to be extremely strong to conquer the world, and a woman can conquer a strong man only if she has good looks.

"Wake up and control the power of the world, lie drunk on the knees of beauties, embrace the world in your heart and embrace your dreams, and the lake of gods will linger in the mountains and rivers!" Su Yi couldn't help but arouse great pride, this is the dream a man should have!

"Look, those old boys from Tianlongzong and Shenhumen all saw my beautiful and flowery master Xiaoman like a pug! It's really disgusting!"

Su Yi couldn't help but feel courageous, turned his eyes to Nanling Bingyuan again, and said in a low voice: "Come on!"

Only strong strength can have everything!

On the stage, Duanmu Xiaoman stood upright, listening to the results of Guyue's test just now: Junhao Tianyuan Emperor Realm Level 5, with a force value of 85, already the highest person in the Yutian Palace test.

"What about Su Yi, did he test it?"

This was Duanmu Xiaoman's first sentence, her voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, but she didn't expect to say it for Su Yi.

Hearing this, Bahai Changying and Shangguan Juehu frowned, showing great interest in the blue figure at Nanling Ice Ape.

On the other side, Chi Dongjue from Fuyaomen was always looking at Duanmu Xiaoman. Since Duanmu Xiaoman came in, Chi Dongjue's mood was like a roller coaster.

Looking at Duanmu Xiaoman in his cloudy eyes like a banished fairy in ice and snow, he danced excitedly, embarrassing all the strong men of Fuyaomen.

In another corner of the high platform, there was a short figure who stood up from the chair in an instant, looking at Duanmu Xiaoman who was like a fairy, the light in his eyes was flickering.

"What's the relationship between Su Yi and her?" Shengzun narrowed his eyes, a trace of doubt flashed on his dignified face, but his eyes were fixed on Liu Ruoxi beside Xuehonglou, his voice was cold.

"This..." Duanmu Xiongtu did not speak.

"He has quite a relationship with Duanmu Xiaoman! Duanmu Xiaoman fought against Fuyaomen because of him! Holy Master, what do you think is the relationship?" Shenghuo coughed contemptuously, and his heart was full of resentment towards Su Yi Feelings.

"I see, since that's the case, everyone don't touch him for the time being!"

"Holy One, he has a blood feud with our Holy Mountain!" Shenghuo choked, facing the Holy One, Shenghuo never gave face.

The Holy One was not in a hurry or annoyed, with a mysterious arc on the corner of his mouth, he said in a low voice: "Since that's the case, you haven't taken his life until now, so are you planning to use some inferior method?"

Shenghuo remained silent, but Shengzun went straight to Duanmu Xiaoman, leaving behind a faint voice.

"Save his life! He is of great use! Tell Yuchi, don't be fooled by your cleverness! If you do stupid things again, the Holy Mountain will not pay for him!"

Afterwards, Sheng Huo raised his head slightly, knowing that the Holy Venerable was referring to the fact that the Great Sage was stationed in the Man City and besieged the Overlord Sect.

The sullen anger on the withered face was suppressed, and the veins gradually popped up, and he stared at Su Yi stubbornly.

"Sister Xiaoman!" Shengzun smiled lightly, like pear blossoms and spring rain, truly gentle, and smiled at Duanmu Xiaoman with a crescent-like smile.

"Why did you come out?" Duanmu Xiaoman, who was talking with Guyue, raised her face slightly, and said softly without looking sideways.

"You big beauty has come out, and my old woman also took the opportunity to come out to see the excitement of the young people!"

Duanmu Xiaoman chuckled, with a bit of coldness, and said slightly sternly: "You also stole the limelight in the last Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, did the old lady say you were too much?"

"Sister Xiaoman, you are still so good-looking, even better than when I saw you in the last session! Why did you come out?" Shengzun asked tentatively with a soft and gentle voice.

Duanmu Xiaoman also came as a guest in the previous session, and that time, Shengzun was only in his twenties and thirties, and he had the reputation of being the best in the world.

"However, it has only been sixty years, and your holy mountain dared to attack me to control the Tiangong. I thought that little lunatic, the holy emperor, was gone, and the holy mountain could stop!"

"Sister Xiaoman, I..." The saint's gentle face flashed a bit of discomfort, and the star-like eyes gradually became turbulent.

The saint sighed softly, stopped talking, turned around, and only heard Duanmu Xiaoman leave a word.

"Rui'er, Su Yi is the person I have identified. He will definitely surpass anyone in your holy mountain from now on. Therefore, it is not you who are saving their lives, but he is saving your lives!"

Liu Rui was the nickname of the Holy Lord before, but Duanmu Xiaoman did not expect that Duanmu Xiaoman still remembered it, and the Holy Lord was both emotional and excited.

Immediately, the sage smiled wryly and shook his head, a trace of helplessness skipped over his elegant face, looking at the blue figure, this Su Yi is really powerful, unexpectedly let Duanmu Xiaoman defend him like this.

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