The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1782: The saint saves the husband!

As soon as they heard that the evildoer's talent was ruined, many sects had malicious lights on their faces, and they fell silent in a tacit understanding.

"Impossible!" Most people from Yutian Palace, Wuliangmen, Taihangzong, including Shenjianmen stood up immediately.

"Su Yi can survive. Chi Dongjue, what do you mean? Do you think I am a vegetarian in Yutian Palace?" Guyue yelled, his brows were sullen.


The princes and elders stood up at the same time, spreading out the monstrous soul energy, and their eyes were full of ferocious blood, trying to buy time for Su Yi as much as possible.

"For the sake of Su Yi, destroy my century-old foundation of Fuyaomen?" Facing the tyranny of Yutian Palace, all the strongmen of Fuyaomen were also steadfast, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the vitality in their hands had already been condensed in their hands On top of it, the thick and resplendent monster radiance reveals a bit of bloody killing intent.

"The Millennium Foundation can't even measure the talent of a little guy? I think you should close the door as soon as possible!" The always stubborn Long Poshan beard flew up, and he raised his hands, showing contempt and contempt to his heart's content. Did not give face to the organizer of this Tianfeng Ranking Tournament.

Many strong men of Fuyao Sect choked on Long Poshan's words and trembled all over, but there was nothing they could do. Facing the overwhelming coercion of the princes and elders, a terrible thought shot through their hearts.

This Yutian Palace is a well-known protector of the calf, and has always been an existence that the top forces dare not provoke.

Right now, for Su Yi to stand out, he is undoubtedly announcing to everyone in the scene that Su Yi is his own, and if he tries to move, the end will be extremely tragic.

Immediately, everyone's hands in the air trembled in a panic, and their footsteps subconsciously stepped back.

"This Su Yi, I remember that he is not from your Yutian Palace, right?" Chi Dongjue fixed his eyes on the extremely Yutian Palace elder, and the fierce expression in his eyes indicated that a strong vitality attribute would erupt at any time.

"Why not? Su Yi is a soul master certified by Yutian Palace, why, everyone has an opinion?" Guyue did not show weakness, he pulled his mouth and shouted angrily.

The atmosphere between the two sides has reached a serious stalemate, like a spring that is about to collapse at any time. The expression on everyone's face is as heavy as a mountain, and their eyes are as cold as ice. An inevitable fierce battle is about to break out.

At this time, Duanmu Xiaoman turned her head quietly, her cold eyes looked around the audience, including the holy mountain.

The attitude of Yutian Palace is self-evident, very clear, Su Yi, Yutian Palace is guaranteed!

All the people present were puzzled at once. Dozens of sect powerhouses, big and small, gathered together. How could the relationship between Su Yi and Yutian Palace be so close.

So far, Chixingbao and Chidongjue's plan to kill Su Yi has completely failed. The two looked at each other, and then cast their gazes on the three upstream forces.

The Holy One fixed his eyes on Su Yi off the field, without squinting, with a graceful attitude, while the other two sects stayed out of the matter, noncommittal to Fu Yaomen's rush to help.

"His grandma, don't you dare to provoke Yu Tiangong!" Chi Xingbao muttered to himself, only to see Chi Dongjue give Chi Xingbao a look.

It seems to be saying that no one among the strong present can restrain the Yutian Palace, and wait until the aristocratic family arrives!

Duanmu Xiaoman stared at the Fuyaomen with a cold face, and then opened the first sentence after arriving at the scene, and at the same time, a trace of sullenness flashed across the beautiful face.

"Fuyaomen really knows how to count! Do you guys know Siling Feige?"

Guyue and Long Poshan nodded immediately, their faces were full of contempt and banter. If you want to talk about playing with the soul, Yutian Palace is the ancestor of everyone present here.

As soon as this thought came out, the faces of the important tasks of Fuyaomen all turned red, and they didn't dare to meet Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes with embarrassing expressions, for fear that if they looked at them for a long time, they would cause death.

"Su Yi will definitely be able to come out. If he can't, Yutian Palace will bear the loss of Fuyaomen!"

Chi Xing Leopard wanted to say something, but Chi Dongjue quickly covered his mouth, frowning frowns engraved on his head shaking extremely fast, he had never felt the tension in this Supreme Elder.

"Holy One, what does Palace Master Duanmu mean?" Liu Ruoxi's snow-white throat rolled, and her moon eyes were full of worry about the thunderous wind and thunder below the court.

The saint glanced at Duanmu Xiaoman, who was paying close attention, through the corner of his eyes, and immediately withdrew his gaze, and said softly.

"Fortunately, the four-spirited ice apes are only distributed around the square, and they are far apart, so there must be omissions in the formed soul light network. Su Yi is fighting against the four-spirited ice ape's combined soul skill, and the two forces have reached the most inflated point. There will be a zero boundary point from time to time, if a strong person can find that zero boundary point and break through it with external force, the damage will naturally be minimized!"

A gleam of light flashed across Liu Ruoxi's moon eyes, just like finding the air hole in a balloon.

Slightly pondering, Liu Ruoxi's slender hands slid towards the weapon at her waist, her beautiful face was determined, and she whispered in her heart: "This time, let me save you!"

After saying this, Sheng Shan's face moved slightly, and then he secretly sighed in his heart: "It's not bad for Sheng Shan to take this opportunity to show kindness to Su Yi, this Kung Fu Tiangong did it very early!"

The faces of Shenghuo and Yuchi Changfeng behind him turned blue and turned white, Su Yi's dangerous situation made them feel pleasantly surprised, but the attitude with Tiangong and Shengzun made them feel uneasy in their hearts!

Following Liu Ruoxi's gaze, the holy venerable watched every move below. At this time, the holy venerable became more curious about Su Yi who was on the cusp of the storm.

"Chi Chi!"

The wind and thunder were blowing off the field, and within the huge blue bubbles, Su Yi's consciousness had been completely shut down.

The whole body gradually vacated, as if always, it began to move continuously with the fluctuation of the soul.

The air waves rolled around his body, and the bright soul ripples caused space ripples, and the energy light thread like a silver snake attached to Su Yi's body.

From a distance, it looks like a divine talisman, shining brightly.

Half floating in the air, Su Yi, who was slightly thin, was engaged in an extremely fierce struggle. The Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu had already mobilized all the light red vitality in the Taixu Divine Sea, and interacted with the ice ape energy that was more than four times stronger. contend!

"This ancient monster is really extraordinary! Adding four together is really difficult!"

Su Yi whispered softly in his mind, he was ready to break out of the bubble, and condensed extremely complicated handprints in his heart, followed by a shout that soared to the sky.

The air waves that swirled like wind and thunder launched a final charge against Qingmang again. In the wide meridians, golden lines filled the air, stars were shining brightly, and a big ball had swelled up where the two balls of gas were.

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