The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1791: Iron Back Bear!

"This little boy is actually the first to go in. Bahai Santong and the others are so strong that I admit defeat. This kid is only at the second level of Yuanhuang. I don't believe it!"

Hearing these words, Su Yi's bright and deep eyes flashed a bit of teasing, shrugged his shoulders, and strode towards the old man of Fuyaomen.

And on the high platform, a young man with golden light was staring at Su Yi fiercely.

"This is your demon pill bag! Take it well!" The old man's expression was slightly moved, and the subtle changes were all seen by the sensitive Su Yi.

"This old man is weird!"

Su Yi turned his head slightly, took the bag of demon pills, and secretly stimulated his vitality, warming his body.

I can feel that there is an extremely majestic energy light cluster inside, which is extremely red hot, like a soldering iron.

His eyes were slightly wrinkled, and he didn't find anything strange for the time being. He walked towards the beast-shaped entrance with strange steps.

In the sky, the faint sound of beasts crawled in the forest, somewhere outside the Great Demon Mountain Range.


Leaning his back on the limb of a big tree, Su Yi, who was wearing a green shirt, shrugged his nose, and his lazy eyes scanned the non-stop warriors below.

Many warriors have already entered the Great Demon Mountain Range one after another, shuttling back and forth around the periphery of the Great Demon Mountain Range, trampling the messy grass to an endless level.

"Go over there! If you find a demon core or a trace of a wild monster, let us know immediately!"

"Let's besiege together! Let the big brother get 800 points as soon as possible!"

After scratching his ears, Su Yi smacked his lips, closed his eyes slowly, and pulled the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's good to be alone, but there are also bad points!"

The number of savage monsters in the Great Demon Mountain Range is inexhaustible, and the number of savage monsters above the Yaoxu Realm is even more terrifying.

At the same time, compared to warriors in the same Yuanxu realm, they are much stronger.

Suddenly so many humans came in on a large scale, and the savage monsters with human nature have already sensed it.

A wall of beasts was formed on the periphery to resist, and the roar of the beasts shocked the mountains and rivers like an earthquake.

Everywhere was the sound of vitality rushing up to the sky, and countless tearing sounds coiled around the void.

Therefore, the general first-class strengths have chosen to form a small team at this time, starting from the outer periphery of the Great Demon Mountain Range, and gradually deepening into the interior of the Great Demon Mountain Range.

"Although there are a lot of Demon Void Realm here, are there strong players from Demon Emperor Realm and Demon Sect Realm like watermelons everywhere?"

Tie Hunxuan snorted coldly and said: "Even if there is, it's not enough to squander like thousands of people. He is not a fool! He is weird!"

"I don't know what else he's planning!" Su Yi raised his chin and nodded thoughtfully.

The soul energy spread out, looked left and right, and when he was sure that there was no one, Su Yi turned over and jumped down.

"Are you going to fight wild monsters to get demon pills?" Tie Hunxuan asked.

Su Yi nodded, and then turned Yunshuang Taying, immediately hiding his figure, a thin layer of ice covered his whole body, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

"The outside is all in the Demon Void Realm. If you go back and kill a few points, someone will naturally send them up. Those who are helpful to me now must be above the Demon Emperor Realm."

The wild monsters in the Demon Emperor's Realm are basically in the middle of the Great Demon Mountain Range. The mountain range trembles. Su Yi's vision finally broadens as he walks on the path paved with stones and thorny bushes.

Walking down the mountain road, the sound of fighting behind him gradually disappeared.

The central area of ​​the Great Demon Mountain Range is unusually calm, and Su Yi, the top power in the Six Continents, Three States and One Sea, has already figured out the tree trunks. They are all gathered here, ready to hunt and kill the powerhouses in the Demon Emperor Realm.

"Strange, why didn't you hear any fighting sound?"

"And without any traces of trampling?"

Su Yi's eyes sank slightly, he restrained the surrounding atmosphere to the extreme, and squatted down next to the bushes, closing his eyes, and soul-watching the movement of hundreds of feet away.

"You can feel the aura of wild monsters here. Although the level is not bad, but they haven't reached Yuanhuang Realm, what about Bi Ling and the others?"

At this time, Su Yi's heart was naturally surrounded by Taihangzong and Bi Ling who were allied with each other.

Su Yi, who had promised to form an alliance before, was scattered all over the circular Great Demon Mountain Range after entering the Great Demon Mountain Range, and has never seen Bi Ling.

After lying on the tree trunk for so long, I only saw traces of first-class forces outside the Great Demon Mountain Range, and the top-level forces seemed to have evaporated.

"Little Su Yi, the powerhouses in the Demon Emperor Realm are quite powerful among the demon clan. Some of them have already taken human form after transformation. Such powerhouses will have their own lairs! It's not so easy to find!" Tie The soul analysis said.

"That's right! Those top forces are not mediocre, so they naturally understand the principle of waiting for opportunities. Maybe Taihangzong and the others are fighting fiercely with the Demon Emperor! Hurry up and join them."

With Bi Changtian's figure floating in his mind, Su Yi's brows could not help but frown.


Taking a long breath, Su Yi immediately removed the aura of Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu secretly.

Immediately, his eyes opened suddenly in the dark night, and the sharp light shone like jewels. With light steps, Su Yi walked towards a low dense forest.


Between the woods, under the moonlight, the huge silvery figure was trembling up and down, before approaching, a fierce bloody evil spirit permeated the air.

The broad shoulders shook up and down, constantly tearing the flesh under the feet, and saw that the body of a first-class disciple had been separated into blood and blood.


"It's the iron-backed bear!" Su Yi rolled his eyes and smiled.

Su Yi knew that the level of this savage monster in front of him had already reached the ninth level of the Demon Void Realm.

Ironback Gray Bear's eyesight is extremely poor, but he can see things in his eyes, and his sensitivity to breath is something that others can't rush!

Holding his breath, under the cover of Yunshuang Taying, Su Yi quietly dodged behind the iron-backed bear, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu was quickly activated.


The wind and waves of breath swept across suddenly, and the shocked iron-backed bear let out a loud roar, and stomped heavily on the ground behind him with its huge fleshy paw.

The figure quickly retreated violently, and the violent demonic aura erupted with a hurricane, and the long and sharp fangs glistened in the moonlight, which was extremely scary.

After rubbing on the ground for a distance of tens of meters, it was only possible to defuse the extremely violent force that fell from the sky. Before he could shake himself from the panic, the iron-backed bear let out a low growl, and the murderous aura in his fierce eyes had already condensed.

"Have you finished eating? Big stupid bear?" Su Yi smiled slightly, practicing his fluent and proficient animal language.

The iron-backed gray bear in this level of demon realm naturally understands human nature, so Su Yi still chose to speak the animal language.

The iron-backed bear was slightly startled, carefully feeling the mysterious and ferocious energy on Su Yi's body.

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