The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1793: Don't be caught by me!

"It seems that the big stupid bear is not lying!"

With a deep groan, Su Yi Zhoukong's energy began to fluctuate again, his handprints condensed, and his aura was restrained by Yunying Tashuang again.

The whole figure was in the dark cave, as if it didn't exist, the light refracted by the ice crystals fell on the wall, and there was no trace of Su Yi at all.

The damp and greasy atmosphere filled the cave, and it took more than ten breaths to go around several forks in the road.

Su Yi was finally able to feel the fluctuation of vitality from the tiny dazzling light in the distance.

"Looks like it's there!" Su Yi took a deep breath, stepped up again, and walked towards the light.

"I heard from Tiebei Cangxiong that the savage monsters here have reached the seventh level of the Yuanhuang Realm. Even people from the Taihang Sect and the Wuji Sect should be difficult to resist. How can they be so quiet?"

Puzzled in his heart, while thinking, Su Yi rushed to the bright place, and there was already a dim light of Yuanjing on the surrounding walls at this time.

On the flat ground not far away, people from the Taihang Sect and the Promise Sect were confronting each other, and the leading disciple was one of the Gemini Sect who lined up that day.

Several people from Taihangzong were lying on the ground, seriously injured, and looking around, there were marks of fierce fighting everywhere, and the cave wall was also full of dents and scratches caused by heavy blows.

Su Yi recognized at a glance that the people Feng Yunhui was sitting next to him were, but neither of them saw the eldest disciple.

"Where's Bi Ling and Bi Changtian?" Su Yi held his breath and was about to meet him.

A sharp and piercing dry laughter came, and the people of the Gemini Sect looked at the ground with a mocking smile on their lips.

"The people of the Taihang Sect are really useless. With your three-legged cat skills, you dare to challenge a strong man at the seventh level of the Demon Emperor Realm? You are overestimating your capabilities!"

Several Taihangzong disciples who were seriously injured leaned against the wall, pinched their hands fiercely in the gravel, and said fiercely: "Don't be complacent, when Senior Brother Changtian comes out and gets the Yaodan, he will definitely help you We have revenge!"


A heavy kick shot out a fierce ray of light, hitting the disciple of Taizong's sect hard, and there was another heart-wrenching howl.

"I'm afraid Bi Changtian has already been taken care of by our senior brother Huna at this time, and that Biling has become our senior brother Huna..."

The following words did not continue, Su Yi frowned due to the obscene laughter of the crowd.

"Despicable! You will pay the price for this!" Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the disciple of Taihangzong's eyes were full of hatred, but his skills were not as good as others, and there was nothing he could do.

"Tsk tsk! You don't even have a hundred points. Killing you is a waste of my hands! Let's talk about it when Senior Brother Hu Na comes back!" The Promise Sect disciple raised his nose and smacked his lips.

As soon as they turned around, the eyes of several Gemini Sect disciples suddenly blurred, and a fiery red phantom flashed in front of their eyes.


Several disciples of the Gemini Sect drew their weapons from their hands in an instant, shouted sharply in the dark cave, the strong wind swept, and the two kinds of energy of gold and wood erupted at the same time.

"It's a waste of my hands to kill you!" Standing still, an ice-blue arc of light appeared in the air, and a thin figure slowly emerged!

"Su Yi!"

Everyone in the Shuangzi Cult heard the Taihang Sect's call, and immediately felt a strong cold murderous aura spreading to the capillaries, gasped, and hadn't recovered yet.


There were several bone-shattering sounds suddenly, and Su Yi naturally would not show mercy to these people who attacked his allies.

"I said, Immortal Sword Sect and Gemini Sect, don't let me run into you!"

With a flick of the robe, the pupils of the people present shrank suddenly, as if they were seeing a devil, and Su Yi seemed to relax his curled fingers slightly, and walked deeper into the cave.

He didn't look at Taihangzong at all!

And the hands and feet of the disciples of the Gemini Sect just now were bent in an almost terrifying arc, and the severe pain caused them to faint quickly.

In the quiet cave, several Taihang sects were terrified by the sudden and terrifying murderous intent, their bodies trembling constantly.

In the depths of the dark cave, only the sound of violent breathing and the rolling of saliva can be heard.

Thinking of the rude actions of several of them at the Fengyun meeting that day, everyone felt that they had saved their lives from the gate of hell!

The more he walked inside, the more Su Yi could keenly detect the movement trajectories and locations of several people, and quietly came to a big rock.

Looking down, the sound of vitality bursting suddenly resounded in the flat place below.

Several disciples of the Taihang Sect had already died, while Bi Ling was standing behind him in a haggard state, his eyes full of misery.

"This girl doesn't know much about the world, so it's a good thing for his father to bring her here to practice!" Su Yi mused to himself.

The two fighting fiercely are Huna and Bi Changtian, and the disciples of the Gemini Sect have their hands behind their backs, with evil smiles on their faces, and they keep shaking their weapons to cheer for Huna!

Obviously, the fighting strength of the Gemini Sect is much higher than that of Taihangzong, and there are only one or two disciples of the Gemini Sect lying on the ground.


After a heavy blow, Bi Changtian's left shoulder was shot backward like a cannonball after receiving a burst of metallic vitality.


His body slammed into the mountain wall, and Bi Changtian, with disheveled hair, was covered in blood, looking extremely gloomy. Bi Ling rushed to meet him, frowning.

"Bi Changtian, how are you? Are you okay?"

Huna and the three Gemini Sect disciples were calm, with a playful smile on their lips, and laughed loudly.

"Sister Bi Ling, why didn't you look for your little lover Su Yi this time? Hiss! By the way, he is Duanmu Xiaoman's pretty boy! How could he fall in love with you?"

When Bi Changtian heard Su Yi's name, anger flashed in his eyes, Bi Ling supported Bi Changtian, stood up with difficulty, Bi Ling scolded coquettishly.

"Huna, shut your dog's mouth! You have the guts to say that in front of Su Yi! He will definitely tear you apart!"

But Su Yi, who was hiding in the dark, had gloomy eyes and gradually clenched his fists.

"Okay! You let him come, I'm worried that I won't be able to find him!"

Huna's figure was getting closer and closer, Bi Ling held Bi Changtian's arm, his small face was slightly pale, Bi Changtian said in a cold voice.

"Huna, what are you going to do?"

Hu Na put away the double hooks, played with his fingers, and said without squinting.

"Killing you won't do me any good! All I want is Bi Ling! Use her to help me find Su Yi! Of course, if you're willing to give her to our brothers, we don't mind?"

"Jie Jie!"

Behind him was a group of disciples of the Gemini Sect who were like wolves and tigers, their eyes were crazy and hot, and the beauty of Taihang Sect's little Bi Ling was quite famous among the younger generation.

Bi Changtian pursed his lips tightly, his long and narrow eyes showed a trace of hesitation and hesitation.

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