The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1806: Yun Lingfeng who hides his strength!

Su Yi let out a soft cry, looked at the high-speed rotating Gorefiend Killing Sword hanging in the void, and said loudly: "Have you sucked enough blood, we're going in!"

Under the night, the Dayao Mountain Range is full of stars, and the wind is blowing.

Climbing up to the dead boa constrictor like a small hill, the surrounding fields Su Yi saw were all desolate and desolate scenery.

The roar of the big monster in the distance continued to roar, countless wild monsters crawled in the mountains and forests, and countless figures in the darkness were like hunters waiting for food.

The woods vibrated, the sound of heavy breathing and the murderous pupils stared at the entrance of the Magic Cave like copper bells.

The demise of the ancient red-eyed python was a great loss to the Great Demon Mountain Range.

The beast's roar, like the singing of thousands of monsters, was continuous and resounded through the mountains and rivers. This kind of battle also shocked Su Yi's heart.

A gust of fishy wind came quickly, and the evil spirit continuously coming from the entrance of the Illusory Demon Cave was as gloomy as an abyss, and Su Yi's soul also trembled suddenly.

The whole body shuddered unconsciously, and unconsciously the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu began to circulate violently, the awe-inspiring aura enveloped the whole body, and the fiery temperature dispelled the cool air.

"The breath inside is too terrifying! Old Tie, it seems that the breath inside is unusual!" Su Yi's eyes froze, and he felt a sense of familiarity.

Tie Hunxuan, on the other hand, did not answer abnormally, and black smoke spread from the entrance.

At the same time, Su Yi's handprints were condensed, and he silently recited the ancient scriptures of the sky demon and the exercises of controlling the sky,

The Tianyuan demon soul like a blazing sun emitted an extremely strange light in his mind, and a sense of excitement suddenly appeared in Su Yi's eyes.

The fierce monster energy around him poured into his body, but Su Yi felt extremely comfortable. The monster energy permeated his whole body, and after the demon soul of Tianyuan was introduced, the light overflowed.

The vortex under his feet rose again, and the mysterious and complex light patterns of the Tianyuan Ancient Scriptures enveloped and swept across. Su Yi, who was carrying the heavy sword on his shoulder, paused, and rushed into the entrance of the Illusory Demon Cave.

"Chi la la!"

The entrance was filled with tiny light spots, and the light suddenly increased, and an ancient coercion rushed out from the magic cave, and then swallowed Su Yi's figure.

"This is?"

After Su Yi entered, Yutian Palace and dozens of first-class forces had already heard the news and rushed over. Seeing the tragic scene in front of them, all of them were shocked and their eyes trembled.

Jun Haotian looked at the tragic disciples of Fuyao Sect and the corpses of ancient beasts lying on the ground, and his eyes froze for a moment.

"Did Su Yi do all of this?"

Jun Haotian couldn't help being a little speechless, judging from the aura at the scene, Jun Haotian's soul energy could detect that Su Yi had been here.

"Wow, boom!"

Suddenly, all the forces from the Six Continents, Three States and One Sea had arrived at the entrance of the Magic Cave, and Wuliangmen and Taihangzong slowly signaled to Yutian Palace.

Among the first-class forces, four sects have been almost wiped out, the Twin Sect, the Immortal Sword Sect, the Taihang Sect, and the Fuyao Sect.

In addition, the three upstream forces have already entered, and now only the Wuji Sect, Wuliangmen, Taiqingmen and Yutian Palace are keeping pace with each other, and Yutian Palace is the strongest among them.

Han Yurou's eyes fell on the ancient red-eyed python, her pretty brows were frowned, and her eyes were full of worry.

Dozens of first-class sects behind him were eager to try, but seeing Yutian Palace guarding the entrance, their pupils were full of fear, and they dared not go forward rashly.

"Jun Haotian, what should we do now?" Han Yurou asked.

Jun Haotian's eyes were clear, and a trace of solemnity flashed in his deep pupils, and he said in a low voice: "The only ones you can see right now are the four of us!"

Pointing at the entrance of the Magic Cave, Jun Haotian shouted loudly.

"There are many dangers inside. If you want to act alone, I will not stop you, but if you can't come out in time and delay the discharge time, you will really hand over your life!"


The demonic aura filled the air, and terrifying fluctuations continued to blast out from the entrance of the Illusory Demon Nest, and the void was distorted.

Everyone nodded secretly, pointing at the Illusory Demon Cave, what Jun Haotian said was not unreasonable, without strength, going in rashly is begging for death, not begging for money!

The voice came out from Jun Haotian's mouth, and a huge amount of soul energy resounded like thunder, overwhelming.

"But if you form an alliance with Yutian Palace for the time being, I have my own way to bring you out, but the condition is that you must obey my command inside, and of course help us deal with some problems if necessary!"

Dozens of first-class strengths including Wuji Sect and Taiqing Sect moved in their hearts at the same time.

Yutian Palace is in the same faction as Su Yi, and forming an alliance with Yutian Palace means making enemies with the three upstream forces.

"If you don't make an alliance, I don't care about the safety of those who go in to join in the fun!" Jun Haotian's eyes moved slightly, and his solemn expression was full of frost.

After finishing speaking, dozens of people from Yutian Palace swarmed outside the Illusory Demon Nest, Jun Haotian gave Han Yurou a wink, and the Wuliang Gate was also blocked on the other side of the Illusory Demon Nest.

The strong are respected, if you don't have enough strength, you don't even have the confidence to speak!

The disciples of the Taiqing Sect thought twice, looked solemn, and said loudly: "I form an alliance!"

As for the Promise Sect, who had received the lessons from Yutian Palace, he said in a low voice, "I'll join too!"

In the end, the four forces formed an alliance one after another, Jun Haotian looked around at the first-rate forces present, and muttered in a low voice.

"As long as the remaining Promise Sect and Taiqing Sect don't play tricks, the first-rate forces won't be able to cause any disturbance!"

As soon as the words fell, while waiting for the first-class forces to reply, Liu Yunchuan in the Excalibur Gate shouted loudly.

"Excalibur Gate Alliance!"

Suddenly, like a wave surging through the crowd, seven or eight first-class sects jumped out to form an alliance.

Everyone knows the reason why it is good to enjoy the shade under a big tree. Facing a huge obstacle like Yutian Palace, there is no other way not to form an alliance.

"Okay! Since this is the case, the other sects can do it for themselves!"


Amidst the astonished gazes of the crowd, there was a sudden sound of oppression.

I saw a ghostly figure rushing out, and before everyone could react, it burrowed into the phantom cave like a pitch-black shadow.

What happened suddenly, Jun Haotian's soul peeped at the breath that had just left behind, and suddenly his brain hurt, and beads of sweat dripped down because of the pain.

Suddenly, his complexion became slightly pale, and he whispered: "The breath of that person can actually corrode the soul!"

"That was just now!" Han Yurou's moony eyes widened.

Jun Haotian was suddenly surprised, the man's cultivation just now was fully at the third level of the Yuanhuang Realm, but the sudden burst of breath was really weird.

"What a strong breath!"

Where the figure flashed past, the ground was directly corrupted, and the fierce breath drew a deep and smooth hole in the ground.

"It seems to be Yun Lingfeng who is arguing with Su Yi!" Jun Haotian murmured in his heart.

Immediately, his eyes sank to Shenjianmen, and everyone in Shenjianmen also looked serious and said nothing.

His eyes fell on the entrance of the Illusory Demon Nest, and Jun Haotian could vaguely feel the aura in the Illusory Demon Nest and that of Yun Lingfeng just now, and his heart sank.

Yun Lingfeng obviously hides some shady strength!

"Let's go! Go in!" Jun Haotian took a long breath.

After ordering the two disciples to stay outside, Jun Haotian's soul spread out, and his figure cut through the sky and flew across the sky.

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