The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1809: Desperate Ruoxi

Immediately afterwards, Liu Ruoxi shook Su Yi's arm and said softly.

"Su Yi, hurry up, the three major forces have united, and they also know that you have a mysterious treasure chest, so don't let them find your trace!"

All of this was under Su Yi's gaze, looking at Liu Ruoxi's fair face.

Su Yi said softly: "I'm not afraid of them. Don't worry, I will help you recover all your debts!"

There was blood in the eyes, and the fiery breath quickly surged up.

Su Yi thought to himself, the most urgent thing is to find a way to send Liu Ruoxi out first.

This kind of Liu Ruoxi can't last long, and if she is found by the three major forces, she will definitely die.

Looking at the natural cave in front of the bottom of the cliff, the breath like an abyss is constantly spreading out.

The surrounding rocks are extremely dry, and everywhere feels like it has been weathered for thousands of years. Before entering, I feel a touch of dryness.

"Ruoxi, let's go first!"

Su Yi's expression was slightly tense, and he looked up and down the cave, wondering if this was the vision that Chi Jiuzhen said.

Helpless, Su Yi could only choose to give up because of several mysterious places.

Clamping Liu Ruoxi's slightly opened red palace attire, a few drops of bright red blood were scattered on the snow-white collarbone, and Su Yi sank suddenly.

"Su Yi, I don't want to drag you down! Just let me go!" Liu Ruoxi's moon eyes flowed, endless sadness flowed out, and the eye sockets gradually became moist,

"The one who should come can't escape, everyone knows the reason for the crime of pregnant bi! Besides, you are my wife, if I don't save you, who will save you?" Su Yi turned his eyes and said with a faint smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he put Liu Ruoxi on his back, held the heavy sword in his right hand, and supported Liu Ruoxi's white and silky slender thighs with his left hand.

The two soft snowballs on his back were tightly attached to him, but Su Yi didn't have any thoughts at this moment.

"By the way, where is Xuehonglou? When Yuchi Changfeng pushed you, why did he go?" Su Yi's heart flashed with a killing intent.

"I didn't join the people from the Holy Mountain, and I was discovered by Yuchi Changfeng who was looking for the vision alone, and that's why..." Liu Ruoxi said in a low voice.

After listening to Liu Ruoxi's words, Su Yi's eyes flickered, his murderous aura became even more intense, and he carried Liu Ruoxi on his back again.

Looking up at the top of the cliff, Su Yi's back wings rose again, and the fiery red light suddenly rose a bit through Liu Ruoxi, as if growing on Liu Ruoxi's body from a distance.

"I'll take you out first!"

Immediately, with a long cry, Su Yi, whose heart was extremely heavy, brought Liu Ruoxi to the flat ground in an instant.

With a sweeping gaze, he headed towards the exit. Su Yi, who was carrying Liu Ruoxi on his back, immediately slowed down a bit.

And you can't use Yunying Treading Frost, otherwise it will look like Liu Ruoxi flying in the air, which is even more weird!

"Do you know where the three of them are going?" Su Yi's vitality was running wildly, and the speed was as fast as possible.

Liu Ruoxi pointed to three directions respectively, Su Yi nodded immediately, and flew towards the entrance at high speed, avoiding these three directions on purpose.

Halfway through the walk, a sharp paw print suddenly floated in the air, and the paw print brought out an afterimage, and the space froze instantly at this moment.

In an instant, a crazy strong wind pierced through the air against Su Yi's shoulders, and then, with the momentum of a thunderbolt, it ruthlessly crushed towards the two of them.

As soon as his complexion changed, vitality was born again under his feet, Su Yi didn't even think about it, before he had time to look at the person's appearance, he switched angles and went in another direction.

"Su Yi! Where can I escape!" A sharp and wild laughter suddenly sounded from behind Su Yi.

"It's Shangguan Shenzhuo!" Su Yi's eyes tightened, and he yelled inwardly.

The strength of Shangguan Shenzhuo at the sixth level of Yuanhuang is far from being as simple as it appears on the surface. Compared with Chi Jiuzhen, he is even more powerful than Chi Jiuzhen.

Being able to be pushed away by the Bahai Santong at the eighth level of the Yuanhuang Realm without changing his face, this strength is evident.

"We didn't meet the worst Yuchi Changfeng, but we met a difficult one!" Su Yi made up his mind and screamed to run away!

The fire wings fluttered and lifted Liu Ruoxi upwards. The Blood Demon Killing Sword flew in the air in his hand, and the bloody sword was thrown back a long distance.

Taking advantage of this gap, he fled forward several hundred meters in an instant.

"It's almost over now!" Su Yi knew that the three alliance forces would definitely receive the message at the same time.

With Liu Ruoxi around, if she wanted to subdue Shangguan Shenzhuo in an instant, she was just joking, if she didn't want to be torn to pieces by five horses, she could only run away.

Looking around the sky, Su Yi randomly chose a direction and rushed away again.

"Bang bang bang!"

Countless beams of light came from behind, and the majestic vitality bombarded Su Yi's whole body. He used Swinging Steps and Cloud Shadow Treading Shuang to avoid Liu Ruoxi from being hit as much as possible.

Looking at the vitality that was continuously draining from his body, Su Yi felt a chill in his heart, he clenched his hands continuously, his toes lifted a little, and immediately rushed out like a goshawk.


When the distance between Su Yi and Shangguan Shenzhuo began to widen, another thunderous giant dragon pierce charged diagonally forward.

The golden light swelled to the extreme, and the rays of light scattered all over the sky were like dense arrowheads, trying to pierce through Su Yi and Liu Ruoxi.

"Yuchi Changfeng!" Su Yi's heart throbbed violently, and his whole heart began to tremble crazily.

"I didn't expect that you, a bedbug, could break through my holy king's realm!" Yuchi Changfeng stepped on the clouds in the air, standing with his hands behind his back, with a hint of cunning in his raised brows.

At this moment, Liu Ruoxi's complexion was extremely pale, and she whispered, "Su Yi, leave me alone!"

"Clap clack!"

Big crystal tears fell on Su Yi's green shirt, Su Yi smiled faintly, his face turned pale slightly and his brows twitched because of the rapid loss of vitality.

"It's okay! Let's go!" Su Yi tried his best to comfort Liu Ruoxi.

Peeping into his mind, Su Yi, who was carrying Liu Ruoxi on his back, felt for the first time that the vitality of Taixu Shenhai was draining so quickly.

The oppressive power of the two superpowers in the Yuanhuang Realm is really not comparable to that of Chi Jiuzhen.

"call out!"

Before he could answer, Su Yi turned around and gave Shangguan Shenzhuo and Yuchi Changfeng a hard look.

The momentum around him skyrocketed again, turning into a long crimson awn that charged in another direction.

Above the void, a strange picture suddenly rose, and after a flash of fire, two figures followed closely, like a big herringbone.

Then the four gazes involuntarily changed from shock to enthusiasm and excitement.

Both of them enjoyed this kind of game of catching a turtle in a urn, only to hear Yuchi Changfeng say: "Huh! I've said it all, push this little girl down, and Su Yi will definitely come to rescue her!"

"Brother Yuchi, there is actually a saint like Liu Ruoxi in the Holy Mountain. I am really ashamed of you! But I still appreciate this appearance!"

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