The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1819: Search!

Then, he turned around and watched the monster struggle violently, his whole body seemed to be peeling off cocoons.

Terrifying black devil energy leaked out continuously, and the world trembled endlessly.

Covering Liu Ruoxi's ears, violent sonic booms continued to come from around her.

"Bang bang bang!"

The violent shock wave continuously rushed to Su Yi's demon god battle armor, and then to the vajra body, and finally the clothes on his back were completely destroyed, leaving only the radiant vajra body.

The eyes of Liu Ruoxi who was lying on the bottom were full of fluctuations, her exquisite little nose moved slightly, and her lips were tightly pursed.

Under such astonishing movement, after an unknown amount of time, the space finally quieted down.

The evil spirit finally disappeared, Su Yi supported the ground and helped Liu Ruoxi up.

Looking at the location where the evil spirit was permeating, there was a crystal bead on the ground, glowing with a strange black light.

Su Yi leaned forward to take a look, the pistol in his hand exploded with a bang, and the ball was immediately in his hands.

It is warm and cool, and the faint black magic energy constantly flowing on it gives people a feeling of horror and shock.

After staring at it for a long time, even Su Yi felt dizzy and terrified of falling into endless darkness.

"Is this also a demon pill?" Su Yi tried to absorb a sliver of vitality, but was instantly counterattacked by the power within.

A huge impact shook Su Yi's hand away, and he felt a palpitation of desolation for no reason.

Su Yi's words were approved by Iron Soul Tapir, and he immediately looked carefully at the Demonic Demon Pill in his hand.

An extremely majestic energy froze in the air, making people tremble.

If this demonized Demon King Peak Demon Pill is refined, it will definitely not be much worse than the Demon Sect Realm Demon Pill.

"The first floor is already like this, so what will happen in the future?"

Holding the demonized demon pill in his hand tightly, and putting it back into the interspatial bag, Su Yi was full of satisfaction.

Looking expectantly at the second staircase, Su Yi decided to go up from the right next.

"Old woman, how are you?" The shocking roar from the stone house on the left made both of them tremble at the same time!

The demonic energy soared to the sky, and the fierce shock wave instantly made the entire bottom of the mirage tremble.

The diffuse air ripples poured out of the space layer by layer, and then, the sound of tigers roaring and monster beasts colliding again came.

"Damn human! Kill my wife, I want you to be buried with me!" the male ancient lizard roared loudly.

"The fight is still very fierce!" Su Yi raised his brows, and a curve was drawn from the corner of his mouth.

Immediately, ignoring it, the two quickly walked towards the second floor.

With the opening of the second stone chamber, the soaring magic energy and soul energy became much smaller.

Looking at the same dim but empty room, Su Yi dared not lower his vigilance.

After it was finally confirmed that there were no monsters and no aura of monsters, Su Yi scratched his head and said, "Could it be that only the first floor of the mirage has demonized monsters?"

At this time, there was a high platform in the center of the platform, on which was placed a box that was exactly the same as Su Yi's mysterious treasure box.

The two looked at each other, and after searching their souls, Su Yi opened the treasure chest after thinking that there was no problem.

The light rushed into the box in an instant, hurting the eyes of Su Yi and Liu Ruoxi. After the light disappeared, a demon pill of the demon sect state was safely contained in the box.

The breath is strong, it seems that it has been here for many years, but the monster breath inside is still fierce.

Like a vivid animal soul rushing out, Su Yi couldn't help shaking his heart.

"It's the Demon Sect Realm Demon Pill again!" Su Yi whispered.

With a movement of the robe, he quickly put the demon pill into his arms, and Su Yi stared at the demon pill in his hand in a daze.

With an idea, he and Liu Ruoxi came to the stone room on the left, and also found a demon pill of the Demon Sect Realm on the central platform.

"As expected!" Su Yi nodded repeatedly.

Afterwards, Su Yi immediately became bolder, proving once again that the two monsters at the bottom level sneaked in, not the monsters that existed in the phantom mirage.

Looking at the majestic and majestic demon pills in his hands, these demon pills from the Demon Sect Realm alone, once the time is up, will be enough for their remnant souls to be reborn.

It's just a pity that when his wisdom recovered, he ran into himself.

"Ruoxi, start searching! You are on the left and I am on the right!" Su Yi smiled slightly.

Liu Ruoxi was also very excited. Looking up at the small building with ten floors, the two quickly started searching.

The more you go up, the less devilish energy there is, but there is a huge sense of desolation and desolation.

Su Yi started to search from the right, listening to the sound of the beating below getting smaller and smaller, his heart was filled with joy.

"Royal grade exercises, earth grade high-grade pills, heavy armor treasures, uninspired holy artifacts, primordial stone boxes!"

Su Yi kept restraining the treasures on each floor on the right, and put all the treasures into the space bag with his fingers. The higher he went, the pressure was getting closer and closer to the energy of heaven and earth.

It was as if the coercion accumulated for tens of thousands of years caused Su Yi's heart and soul to be a little turbulent at the same time, and the soul energy in his heart burst out suddenly.

The ball of light filled with bright light was shining brightly, as if finding the same kind, when eager to reach the fifth floor, Su Yi came to the stone room on the left with some worries.

Seeing Liu Ruoxi lying on the central high platform, panting heavily.

There is a difference in the cultivation base of four small classes, but Su Yi doesn't feel any difficulty at all.

Of course, Su Yi knew that this was definitely not due to the difference in cultivation, but the reason why he was protected by the mysterious light group and the iron soul tapir magic energy.

"Ruoxi, are you okay?" Su Yi frowned, and patted Liu Ruoxi's shoulder with concern.

Panting heavily, Liu Ruoxi gently handed a package to Su Yi.

"Su Yi, this is the thing on the fifth floor on the left! Take it first!"

Su Yi shook his head, signaling Liu Ruoxi not to speak yet, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu gently passed into Liu Ruoxi's meridians.

As soon as the mighty energy entered her body, Liu Ruoxi's complexion gradually improved, and her slightly rosy cheeks added a touch of coquettishness and tenderness.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Ruoxi stuffed the interspatial bag to Su Yi and said, "Su Yi, go up quickly! Shangguan Shenzhuo is protected by the secret treasure of Shenhumen, and it is not difficult to escape from the monster beast!"

Su Yi smiled thoughtfully, seeing Liu Ruoxi caring about him, his heart suddenly warmed up.

Liu Ruoxi, who was incompatible since childhood, always has a different place in her heart.

Afterwards, Su Yi marched towards the fifth floor and above again, taking all the treasures into his arms like a sweep.

When he was about to push into the tenth floor, Su Yi had already held his breath.

Any one of all the treasures before is priceless, the only treasure in the world.

So far, Su Yi already has one piece of Armor Heavy Treasure, two high-grade earth-grade pills, one double-hook sacred weapon without psychic connection, four Yuanshi boxes, and ten demon pills of the Demon Sect Realm.

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