The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1825: The Zero Egg Ever Made

What greeted him was a face he didn't want to see, and Xue Honglou's figure landed beside Liu Ruoxi.

"What happened?" Xue Honglou frowned without any emotion.

Seeing Liu Ruoxi hurt, Xue Honglou didn't ask any more questions, and said in a low voice, "The spatial rules of the Magic Cave have changed, and the Great Demon Mountain Range is expulsing everyone, let's go!"

Reluctantly, Liu Ruoxi kept looking back at the bright blood flower in the sky, her eyes sparkling, and her figure disappeared into the air again!

As for Su Yi in the mirage fog, he could clearly feel that the spatial rules of the entire Illusory Demon Nest were changing.

Using the Hunyuan Supreme Art, but it doesn't help, Iron Soul? Said: "It's useless, the space rules of the outer magic cave are changing, and it is only possible to go out if it stops outside!"

Immediately, Su Yi sat down on the stone steps of the mirage, his eyes were full of disappointment.

From Chi Jiuzhen's body, Su Yi already felt that the magic cave is connected with the rules of the outside world, so it can still be discharged after death.

The Phantom Mirage is different. The rules of space are higher than those of the Phantom Cave. It is difficult to get in and even harder to get out, not to mention that the outside is still changing.

Looking at the quiet phantom mirage, Su Yi's heart suddenly became quiet.

"It's very safe to stay here, but it's too boring!"

Taking the demon pill bag out of his pocket, Su Yi found that his points had successfully reached 2150 points.

Looking at the destroyed bag of demon pills in his hand, Su Yi felt furious.


Bored and unpopular, the Phantom Mirage looks extremely eerie.

Looking back at the mirage, Su Yi suddenly thought that there was another strong man who could not move.

"Go in and tease him!"

The corner of his mouth twitched, Su Yi collected his mood, and went into the mirage again.

"Hey! Wake up!" Su Yi looked at the treasure box with a ferocious smile, like a little devil.

The treasure chest, which was emitting light comfortably, trembled all over and said in a trembling voice.

"Why haven't you gone out yet? Don't bother me!"

Su Yi shook his head and sighed: "The boat turned over in the gutter! But your beast soul mine is really useful!"

Recalling just now when Shangguan Shenzhuo turned into rain of blood and sprinkled in the air, I felt sour for a while.

"What did you use to detonate it?" The strong man from Fuyaomen became a little hideous.

"Your demon pill!"

Heartbroken, the strong man of Fuyaomen was like a beloved cabbage being pushed over by someone, his heart ached, and he kept scolding Su Yi for his prodigal son.

"That's the painstaking effort of this old man! There are only ten Yaozong Yaodans in total! Give it back to me!"

As she spoke, there was a faint sound of crying.

Su Yi heard the appearance of the strong man of Fuyaomen, and could imagine how sad that shrewd man looked.

"Okay, okay, it's all my stuff, so don't worry about how I use it!" Su Yi said with a smile.

In fact, what Su Yi was happy about was that he took a demon pill in exchange for a demonized demon pill, and even killed Shangguan Shenzhuo in an instant.

After being discharged, Shangguan Shenzhuo will definitely be seriously injured, and he will also lose a powerful enemy in the second match.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it is not easy to kill Shangguan Shenzhuo with the trick of Fuyaomen, so Su Yi is enough to relieve his hatred.


"By the way, how can I get out after the outer space is stabilized?" Su Yi's expression straightened.

What Su Yi was worried about was that after the rules of the outer space changed, if he couldn't get out, he would be trapped here forever.

"I won't tell you! Prodigal son!" The shrewd old man was still cursing endlessly.

Afterwards, Su Yi didn't bother to worry about it anymore, he simply crossed his legs and practiced calmly.

Immediately, a surge of heaven and earth energy quickly poured in from the space, covering Su Yi's surroundings.

Inside the treasure chest, the strongman of Fuyao Sect felt the old aura emanating from Su Yi's body, so he couldn't help but shut his mouth.

There was a little fluctuation in the space, the divine light was dense, and the full breath spread and swept like an arc.

In the gladiatorial arena, the gloomy sky finally cleared up, and a trace of loneliness filled with depression.

Thousands of pairs of eyes are fixed on the huge animal head in the center.

The old man standing next to the beast head had a cold and stern expression, without any emotion.

In the arena where the powerful gathered, the terrifying aura crushed the void, and everyone's faces were filled with surprise and anticipation.

On the head of the beast, two huge pupils are like glass beads, and the points ranking of the first match is reflected in the fierce pupils.

"Bahai Tee is really amazing! It's 2,500 points!"

"Enn, Yuchi Changfeng is not weak, two thousand and one hundred points!"

Warriors also mostly pay attention to the score of their sect warriors and the top ten points, and they never pay attention to the top ten.

The higher the points in the ranking, the more benefits these people get.

Just refining the demon pill is enough for them to improve a lot of cultivation.

Looking at the warriors flying out of the monster's mouth one after another, the eyes of many sects were filled with light, and they were full of surprises.

In the current situation, being able to come out of Tianfeng's first match requires strong strength to survive smoothly.

Those who died will be directly discharged and sent to the treatment room.

In other words, those who died inside were severely injured, and naturally lost the advantage in the second fight.

As long as they can come out alive smoothly, the warriors think it is already a victory.

After all, no one would have thought of hunting people in the treatment room of Fuyaomen!

At this time, Shenjianmen and Bawangzong's faces were solemn, especially Xi Wuqing and Wuchang Fairy, their hands were pinched purple.

"What is that kid doing? Why is it almost over, and the points haven't increased?"

Under the light of the animal pupils, everyone's points are clearly displayed.

The top ten are all taken over by top forces from six continents, three states and one sea.

And Su Yi's name has always been at the bottom, without the slightest change, and the number of points behind is also a big zero.

On the side of Yutian Palace, Guyue, Long Poshan and others whispered to Beast Tong.

Looking at Beast Tong, then at Duanmu Xiaoman, Long Poshan said in a muffled voice: "Could it be that the kid was beaten out a long time ago?"

Gu Yue said in a low voice: "There is no Su Yi's name in the treatment room of Fu Yaomen! By the way, did you notice the strangeness of Fu Yaomen just now?"

Suddenly there was laughter and insults.


"I'll just say, you little white-faced trash!"

"Relying on a woman, she still flaunts her power during the test! Damn! Once you enter, you will be completely exposed!"

"He dared to fight in the second round, I was the first to beat him up! Trash!"

"Yeah, Lingdan, it's really hit a new low! As soon as I entered, I was beaten out!"

"I don't know who is so brave?"

Liulu, Sanzhou and Yihai were martial artists who had long disliked Su Yi, and knew how much Su Yi's ranking was compared to zero, so they ridiculed, insulted, and despised him all the time.

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