The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1834: Fu Yaomen as rent! 【Third watch】

This sentence made Chi Feihong even more angry, and immediately cursed.

"That bastard, likes to be the running dog of the Long family. Back then, I would have expelled him from the Fu Yao Sect! He is still the Supreme Elder now! God has no eyes!"

Chi Feihong spoke viciously, spit flying all over the place, his voice was harsh, and his voice was full of heartbroken disappointment.

"Aren't you still a vassal of the Long family?" Su Yi sneered.

The voice paused, Chi Feihong sighed heavily, and said in a low voice.

"I subdued the Yaomen for thousands of years, and finally developed from the barren land of Youzhou, and became one of the ten powerful forces standing proudly in the world. Although downstream, they are also the strongest forces in the world!"

In the words, Chi Feihong said lightly with extreme pride: "But I like rare treasures by nature, and I just agree with the Long family's way, and I have never been sincere. I just want to be safe and not let Fuyaomen overthrow , but if it really reaches the point of principle, I, Fu Yaomen, will never be willing to be someone else's lackey!"

Su Yi nodded emphatically, Chi Feihong's two words are like the words spoken by a venerable sect master of a thousand-year-old sect.

From the fact that everyone went after Duanmu Qingtian, but the old man stayed alone to find the treasure, it can be seen that what he said was true.

He also began to think about the many benefits of incorporating Fu Yaomen, his Overlord Sect was at best the third force in the Chaos Domain.

Compared with the holy mountain, there is a world of difference.

With the joining of Fuyaomen, Overlord Sect will be able to become a new force in six continents, three states and one sea in a very short period of time.

And the Overlord Sect has a new base, which is simply a wonderful choice.

It is not a loss for him to sworn obeisance to a strong man at the peak of Yuan Zongjing.

This Chi Feihong's vision and means are as good as the sky, and he will definitely make himself grow rapidly. No matter how he calculates it, he will make money.

The more Su Yi thought about it, the more excited he became, his heart was already surging, but his face still pretended to be calm.

The rent is actually a top power, no matter how you think about it, it is a good deal, Su Yi coughed, pretending to be serious and said.

"If I help you recover, what will you do if you don't listen to me? You are the peak of the Yuanzong realm!"

Chi Feihong pondered for a while, patted his chest and promised: "If I can really return to the human world with the help of my little brother, the moment I just recovered is the weakest moment, if you think it's not possible, you can plant the eternal spider for me." poison!"

The Eternal Spider Venom, recorded in the Magic Book of Fu Yao, was extracted from the talent of the ancient great demon Eternal Blue Flower Spider.

It can be attached to palms and weapons at will, or it can be injected into the human body as a restraint. It is extremely poisonous and cannot be detoxified by the caster.

The person who is injected with spider venom can only obey orders, otherwise the spider venom will pour into the heart, soul and veins on the spot, and the muscles, bones and acupoints will immediately turn into powder, and the flesh and blood will turn into pus and die.

"This is much more convenient than the Soul Eater Tarsus Pill! You don't need to make it, you can use it anytime you want." Su Yi immediately agreed.

"let's start!"

Inside the mysterious treasure chest, Chi Feihong couldn't hold back the longing in his heart long ago, and pulled Su Yi to talk about a lot of worship.

After bowing to the world for a while, Su Yi also got up and said seriously.

"Uncle Hong, I had a few sworn brothers. You sworn sworn brothers with me without their consent, so you can only recognize me from now on! It has nothing to do with them!"

Chi Feihong was overjoyed and said, "It's only natural!"

Su Yi still doesn't trust Chi Feihong 100% in his heart. Without a guarantee, Su Yi will not let his elder brother and the others know about Chi Feihong's existence.

"Then can I live in it?" Chi Feihong said urgently.

Su Yi couldn't help rolling his eyes, he was always worried about this old guy, so he left it for investigation.

Immediately, slowly opened the mysterious space, and the chaotic energy of heaven and earth instantly turned into a hurricane and filled the surrounding sky.

The mighty sound of wind and thunder in the space clanged endlessly, and there was a sound of exclamation in the mysterious treasure chest.

Chi Feihong turned into a mass of white streamer, penetrating into the center of Su Yi's eyebrows.

In the distance, there seemed to be a sacrificial Tianyin hovering, and the entire phantom mirage was filled with white light.

There is a huge energy vortex hovering between the sky and the earth, which makes people tremble for no reason.


Chi Feihong rushed into the mysterious space in an instant, Chi Feihong, who looked like a remnant soul, was illusory, still shrewd.

It is exactly the same as the one seen in the Realm Bead, floating back and forth in the space like a wandering spirit, looking around.

His mouth was full of non-stop exclamation and looking around, and he kept saying: "Wonderful! Wonderful!"

The Milky Way above the head, the stars are spinning, and the aura in the space is extremely astonishing.

Chi Feihong looked at the colorful divine clouds in the sky, like a gigantic monster entrenched between the sky and the earth, with an extremely terrifying aura.

The light like a divine ring enveloped the world, Chi Feihong's remnant soul trembled, and his eyes gradually became dull.

Su Yi, who hadn't entered the mysterious space for a long time, was also a little surprised. He had always cared about his cultivation.

But it has never been discovered that the mysterious space has spread to such a thick point, and the bright flames between the sky and the earth are lingering, like the divine fire falling from the nine-day sky.

It was dazzling, and the divine chains were intertwined, filling the entire void, resounding through the clouds like an electric arc, deafening and frightening.

Subconsciously overwhelmed by the tremendous coercion in front of him, Su Yi's dark pupils kept fluctuating, and said.

"You are a remnant soul, be careful in the space, the Nine Heavens Thunder will be blown away by you!"

In the distance, Chi Feihong came back to his senses, and hurriedly floated to Su Yi's side.

"Little brother... No, Su Yi, this is simply a rare treasure! No! It is the best treasure in the world!"

Chi Feihong's flower branches trembled wildly, and said to Su Yi with joy, and pulled Su Yi to point to Hua Yun in the sky.

"Look quickly! That is the ancient mythical beast White Tiger! That is Xuanwu! That is Suzaku! That is the ancient Azure Dragon!"

Following Chi Feihong's line of sight, as he said, among the floating clouds, one can clearly distinguish the four ancient beasts in the southeast, the southeast, and the northwest!

"That's a legendary beast! Even the ancient monsters are almost extinct in this world, so how can there be ancient beasts?"

Chi Feihong said loudly, his pupils looking at the sky were filled with shock and puzzled expression.

Su Yi frowned unconsciously. Speaking of which, he knew nothing about this mysterious space.

It just so happened that Chi Feihong had a profound background, so he just let him explain the origin of the mysterious space to himself.

"Look over there!" Su Yi pointed at the small pool of spiritual liquid over there, and said in a concentrated voice.

Chi Feihong turned into a stream of light, and quickly came to the medicine field. As soon as he approached, he felt an incomparably majestic impact of heaven and earth energy.

Suddenly, Chi Feihong's blurred figure was pushed back by a strong wind.

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