The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2006: The Mysterious Crack

"The Holy One has always been determined to die from the beginning of using the secret technique. I think she must be tired after so many years. It is all because of the Holy Emperor that she has survived until now. For her, such a destination may be a kind of relief. !"

"Really?" Liu Ruoxi sobbed, big teardrops kept falling down like strings, soaking a large piece of clothes on her chest, Su Yi gently reached out her hand to wipe away the tears.

Confused, disappointed, sad, helpless, sighs flashed through Su Yi's eyes, staring at Liu Ruoxi, who was pear blossom and raining, forced a smile, then gently hugged Ruoxi into his arms, and said softly.

"You must not forget the painstaking efforts of the Holy One. We will be the greatest comfort to her when we go out. We must find out the origin of Yuchi Changfeng, the power behind this time, and the emerald finger!"

Putting it on Su Yi's shoulder, Liu Ruoxi cried louder. Su Yi's eyes were low, and he was also a little depressed.

Glancing at Xue Honglou, he said in a deep voice, "Don't you want to say something?"

Xue Honglou turned around from the trance, looked at Su Yi, her eyes were full of sadness, her pupils froze, and she said in a deep voice.

"Nine Holy Maidens, isn't the emerald wrench in Yuchi Changfeng's hand something from the Holy Mountain?"

Liu Ruoxi raised her head, recalling the finger wrench on Yuchi Changfeng's hand before, and said, "It really doesn't look like something from a holy mountain! I've never seen it before."

"Yuchi Changfeng! And the holy fire, I want them to pay with their blood!"

His eyes trembled, and a domineering aura flashed in Xue Honglou's star pupils, which made it difficult for him to return to his senses for a long time.


Taking a long breath, Su Yi forcibly pulled himself out of his emotions.

Su Yi immediately stood up, and with the light of the Gorefiend Killing God Sword, it illuminated the entire cavern. The dots of light on the wall were like starlight, leading to the depths.

Judging from the constant oozing chill from the wall, it should be some distance away from the ground.

"Let's not talk about that, have you been to this place? Where does it lead?"

Hearing this, Liu Ruoxi wiped away her tears, her lake-like eyeballs glowed in the darkness, she looked around, she couldn't help shrinking her body, and embraced her arms.

"It's so cold! This place should still be within the golden sky formation, it's just that it's not in the divine land, this..." Liu Ruoxi felt worried.


Xue Honglou pushed Liu Ruoxi back, lowered her brows, shook the snow lightly, a snow-white horse cut open in the air, and the person carrying it moved forward with the attitude of running like a thunder!


The sword light swept out, and the sword light rushed forward for a long time without making a sound, and finally a dull sound erupted in the far distance.

Suddenly, the ripples in the space shook, and Xuehonglou rushed to the side of the grotto again, the sword light slashed down, and under the tilt of the huge force, the sharp sword energy overflowed, the holy artifact buzzed, and Xuehonglou was thrown back several feet !

"thump thump thump 1

Xue Honglou stared at the dent on the stone wall with trembling eyes, it was almost just a shallow and very thin white mark, her gaze spread solemnly.

"This place should not be in God's Land anymore. I can't feel the strong innate sage king's aura before. It's just that the walls here are too hard and old, and I don't know what kind of secrets are hidden inside!"

Su Yi took a step forward, closed his eyes, and watched with his mind, the soul energy burst out, extending to a long distance invisibly, a faint divine radiance surged around his body, and immediately the terrifying air wave was like tentacles probing inward.

After a while, the light in Su Yi's eyes fluctuated slightly, his whole body shivered involuntarily, and he raised his star eyes.

"Go in, the Holy One said that the answer is hidden inside, she wants to harm me, but she won't harm you, right?"

In order to ease the atmosphere, Su Yi hooked his mouth, striding towards the interior of the cave, the turbulent air wave filled the entire cave in an instant.

Liu Ruoxi and Xue Honglou looked at each other, and immediately raised their vitality and walked towards the inside of the cave.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

The further they went in, the more frightened the three of them became. A bottomless feeling penetrated deep into their hearts, as if they were digging out their inner secrets, the expressions of the three of them changed rapidly.

The light was exposed, and the three of them had been flying for an unknown amount of time, and their direction was unclear, but they finally reached a flat ground.

Stepping on the flat ground, a kind of quiet emanating from the center of the earth quickly surrounded the three of them. Under the dim light, they could vaguely see a light in front of them.

In the bright place, the mighty aura of the Holy King spread, containing a kind of coercion that the people of the holy mountain could not resist, covering the world. This kind of coercion made Liu Ruoxi and Xue Honglou tremble and their faces turned red.

This is the deepest baptism from the soul and blood. With the fluctuation of breath, Liu Ruoxi and Xue Honglou unconsciously walked towards the light in the distance.


Seeing the pace of the two walking forward, Su Yi secretly activated the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, and his spiritual sense was opened, but he felt a pair of eyes in the world watching him.

Turning back quickly, in the quiet darkness, his vision was dim, and there was nothing else.

"Strange, can I perceive a mistake?"

Su Yi, who was a little puzzled, quickly followed the pace, broke through the light, and went straight to the light.

Where the light was, when the three of them walked in, the whole world trembled rapidly and violently in an instant, and a vast and ancient aura spread out in an instant!

This kind of aura is less domineering than the aura of the innate sage king, but more of a vast righteousness, giving people a feeling that spans through the ages and lasts forever.

"This holy king's aura is so strong!" Su Yi exclaimed immediately, the Tianyuan demon soul in his mind emitted a fiery radiance like a shining sun, as if he was being induced and ready to come out.

"It's the spirit of the Holy King!" Liu Ruoxi couldn't help but get excited, her whole body trembled slightly.

What made Su Yi feel unbelievable was that after the Xuehong Building entered the light, the aura around him instantly became extremely powerful and fiery, and the space immediately began to distort, like a tornado storm emanating from within the vast golden light.

"This guy, the secret on his body is about to be unraveled!"

The light dissipated, and the golden rain fell all over the sky, followed by mountains and rivers that could not be seen at a glance, with the momentum like a dragon raising its head, and it has a huge momentum that can last forever.

The countless mountain peaks in front of me are like giant towers that reach the sky, and they become stronger when they look up, and they still have a strange feeling after looking at them for a long time.

"On that mountain, sitting upright is the Xiantian Sage Emperor!"

Xue Honglou opened his eyes, followed by a shocking aura gushing out, through the illusory scene, Xue Honglou's eyes widened extremely wide.

But at this time, Liu Ruoxi looked at another mountain peak on the other side, and the vast and ancient aura was endlessly powerful, which made people's heart beat faster, and she shouted softly.

"Su Yi, look, look! The one on that mountain is the previous emperor!"

Su Yi looked at Zhou Kong, carried the Blood Demon Killing Sword on his shoulder, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu was activated rapidly, the scene in front of him became distorted instantly, and the desolate and ancient atmosphere began to gradually dissipate.

Everything in front of him was very ordinary to Su Yi, except for a bottomless crack in the open space in the middle of the mountain peak.

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