The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2010: Heavenly Wind Excalibur!

"Bang bang!"

Above the void, the light and desolate sword energy kept floating, and the sword energy of the two of them roared and attacked, one on the left and one on the right. Immediately, the ripples in the space were continuously pierced, and a series of sonic booms erupted!

The crushed stones shot out, the golden light was turbulent, and the vegetation exploded!

Seeing that Su Yi also used the same swordsmanship, but it was light and delicate, with a desolate and simple charm and majesty, majestic and sacred, weird and tricky, extremely exquisite, far superior to his own demon swordsmanship!

The middle-aged man in white suddenly looked horrified, and his cultivation at the third level of the Yuan Realm retreated a little in an instant. He withdrew the half-attacking demon swordsmanship and rushed towards Su Yi, but the demon spirit that had been pushed to the middle was still in a state of destructive force. The momentum exploded towards Su Yi!

The monster beast shook the sky, and the roar resounded through the mountains and rivers!

The smoky monstrous aura instantly permeated the entire world, and the colorful beast attack was like a wave trying to swallow Su Yi, the space along the way exploded, and a series of pitch-black space gaps suddenly formed!


Su Yi stood in the air, calm and unhurried, with a calm gaze, and then circulated the mysterious handprints, adorning the demon god battle armor all over his body, and at the same time the sword edge flew out, shouting "Blood Phoenix cracks the sky! Go!"


A huge phantom of the Emperor Sparrow rose from behind Su Yi. The flaming eyes of the phantom opened, and the fiery divine flames spewed out from the double-winged fan, bombarding directly along the sword, the ripples twisted along the way, and the breath shattered!

In Su Yi's hand, the blood demon killing sword, the sword light is extremely sharp, wrapped in the energy of the emperor sparrow, immediately aroused the majestic energy of the sky and the earth to collide with the monster energy field!

"Chi Chi!"

The flames touched the sky, and the joint strangling of Jianguang and Huoyu caused the demonic aura to spread, shaking the mountains suddenly. From the center of the formation, the shock wave exploded out of thin air like a bomb, and the entire mountain and river were in a state of heaven and earth shattering.

Su Yi and the middle-aged man in white retreated back at the same time, leaving two long white marks in the void, the space trembled suddenly, the sky and the earth roared, and the wind howled!


Su Yi, who was supporting the Gorefiend Killing Sword, looked slightly pale, and his chest was churning with qi and blood. Just now, the field power of the third level of Yuanyujing was like a ten thousand catty boulder pressing on his heart, and he couldn't breathe for a long time. The middle-aged man in white opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen a ghost, and his hair stood on end!

Holding the Blood Demon Killing Sword tightly, Su Yi knew very well in his heart that if Shangguan Tianchen hadn't pulled back midway, he would never have stood here so intact.

"Shangguan Tianchen, how long are you going to pretend!" A cold voice fell from the midair, and Su Yi's murderous aura spread out again, his eyes were proud, like a trial!

"Su Yi, do you know him?" Chi Feihong exclaimed at the same time, the man in front of him seemed to be in his forties, quite young, but his martial arts cultivation was quite good, and his whole body had a strange ancient charm, Su Yi Wouldn't it be weird to know such a strange person!

The middle-aged man in white who was called Shangguan Tianchen by Su Yi froze on the spot, his sculpted eyebrows frowned, his eyes fell on Su Yi, his eyes showed doubts.

"Little brother? Do you know me?" Shangguan Tianchen tentatively asked, with extreme fear in his words, gloomy eyes, and a murderous intent pouring out!

The name Shangguan Tianchen hadn't been called by anyone for many years, and it sounded both extremely familiar and strange at the same time.

It is familiar because the name is hidden deep in the heart and never forgotten, and it is extremely strange because it is called this name by a person outside Lingu Village at this time, which means that the young man in front of him has a deep relationship with Lingu Village!

Surrounded by violent wind power, the terrifying power is enough to make people tremble, but Shangguan Tianchen's performance made Su Yi feel at ease. The guess is not wrong at all, the man in front of him is Shangguan Xiwei's. Father, Shangguan Tianchen!

The Blood Demon Killing Sword was hanging upside down on his back, Su Yi stood in the air, his robe bulged behind him, a flash of coldness and loss flashed in his pupils, and he said calmly.

"Do you know Shangguan Xiwei? Grandma Shangguan, do you still remember! Do you still have memories of the villagers in Linggu Village? Tell me!"

The voice was like a bolt of lightning hitting the heart, Shangguan Tianchen's eyes were shocked, even a little dull, and then his complexion changed, and he said loudly.

"Who are you! How do you know about Lingu Village!"

As soon as the words fell, Shangguan Tianchen's killing intent was unprecedentedly strong above the formation's eyes, and within the void, a violent wind that could tear apart the space swept out out of thin air, and the space shattered inch by inch, revealing space ripples.

"The reaction is so violent, it means that you have not forgotten your roots! This is why they have waited for you for so many years!" Su Yi felt the killing intent on Shangguan Tianchen's body, nodded slightly, and immediately flashed to Shangguan Tianchen's side, completely Condensed breath, no longer have the will to fight.

Su Yi's eyes fell on Shangguan Tianchen's appearance, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his appearance was clean and handsome, and there was an extraordinary arrogance hidden deep in the brows, which clearly matched the temperament of Linggu Village.


The edge of the Gorefiend Killing Sword turned, and the blood light shone in the sky and the earth. The Bloodfiend Killing Sword was hung upside down on Su Yi's back.

Su Yi's black pupils were extremely deep, and a smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, and he said in a deep voice, "You and Sister Xiwei look very much alike! They have waited so hard for you! Where have you been all these years!"

"I've been looking for the Holy King's Emperor Sword, which is your Blood Demon Killing Sword!" Shangguan Tianchen's face darkened, his eyes suddenly filled with loneliness, his peripheral vision fell on the Blood Demon Killing Sword, and he didn't move away for a long time .

Subconsciously touching the Blood Demon Killing Sword, Su Yi lightly said: "You are also looking for this sword? Could it be that this sword is also related to the Sky Demon Sect and Linggu Village!"

Immediately, Shangguan Tianchen's eyes trembled, his handsome face was full of surprises, and he said excitedly: "My mother even told you about the Sky Demon Sect?"

"Grandma Shangguan..." The great pain of Grandma Shangguan dying in his arms quickly appeared in Su Yi's mind, and he said hoarsely.

"Yeah, I still have this thing!"

After groping in the interspatial bag, Su Yi took out a dark red jade tablet with secret patterns lingering on it, and many ancient runes were engraved on it.

The jade plaque has a simple and simple aura, seemingly ordinary, but there is a huge monster in the air, and there are three big characters of "Day Demon Sect" engraved on it.


Above the void, Shangguan Tianchen's complexion changed drastically, and the light in his eyes fluctuated. He squatted down excitedly, and said respectfully: "Sovereign! You are the suzerain appointed by the Yaozun! The Sky Demon Sect is expected to flourish! Tianchen's eyesight is clumsy! , did not recognize it, and almost caused a catastrophe!"

"Get up and talk! You don't need to salute at this time!" Su Yi shook his head, and hurriedly helped Shangguan Tianchen up.

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