The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2112: Invitation to the palace!

"It's still close, boy, come on!"

At this time, there was still an inch of distance between the tip of the sword and the eye of the formation. Su Yi gritted his teeth and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The Qianyuan Jintian formation is the sacred formation for guarding the mountain. In ten thousand years, hundreds of generations of strong people have continued to become stronger , how can it be so easy to conquer!

In the mind, a misty and vicissitudes of life sounded slowly, it was from Tie Hun, Su Yi listened carefully.

"The Heavenly Wind Divine Sword is a half piece of golden stone, and the holy mountain formations are all born out of this. The metal is not an attribute of your own vitality, and you must learn to follow the trend and don't fight hard! Otherwise, there will be no burial place for death!" Iron Soul drink up.

"That's right, follow the trend!" Su Yi kept thinking about this sentence in his mind, and at that moment, the Tianyuan demon soul suddenly trembled, as hot as the sun, and a strong and thick force overflowed from the mysterious light cluster.

"The array eyes, open!"

The scene of refining water vitality that day is vivid in my memory, water can be used to refine sky stones, not to mention this half gold town stone!


In an instant, the ripples in the space around Su Yi turned into waves and faded back. The hands holding the sword were extremely tight. With a loud shout, a huge ancient force gushed out from the palm of the hand, and a long-term unreleased metal burst from the tip of the sword. Sexual vitality gushes out!

The golden light burst out fiercely from the tip of the sword, and the majestic metallic energy caused the space to turmoil in an instant, making the sky dim and the earth dark!


Su Yi yelled violently, and a burst of strength burst out from his hand, urging the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, the tip of the sword sank again, and immediately a huge force collapsed on the eye of the formation!

The golden light exploded, and the burst of sharp golden waves spread out in an instant, enveloping Su Yi's whole body.

The terrifying energy storm swept across the world like a hurricane, and Shangguan Tianchen's eyes in the distance were also dull. Such a strong metallic energy, so dense to the extreme, also forced him to retreat several tens of feet!

His complexion was pale, his breath surged, and the black hair on his shoulders kept fluttering. Shangguan Tianchen couldn't believe it was the energy released by this young man!


With half a piece of gold suppressing sky stone in hand, Su Yi guided the metallic energy into the eyes of the formation following the energy changes in the sword, but within three breaths of effort, Su Yi had already adapted to such terrifying metallic energy.

"The space-time storm experienced, such an energy storm is no longer impossible for Su Yi!" Chi Feihong squinted his eyes, his eyes were calm, as if he had realized the strangeness.


A huge sonorous sharp golden sound resounded again, and Su Yi drove the epee deep into the groove like lightning.


The soaring golden light soared into the sky, sacred and vast, not to be desecrated, and an aura of domineering majesty enveloped the world!

In the distance, the wind and cloud were turbulent, and the sky was quickly swept away by the sky, and the golden light shone on the mountains and high mountains, a majestic look!

And in Su Yi's mind, a large amount of information also flooded in immediately, the information was like a sea, extremely surging, Su Yi glanced at it, and couldn't help being shocked.

"Aura of the Holy King! Half of the Qi of the Holy King!" The corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, before he could take a closer look, the demon soul of Tianyuan once again burst into flames.

Immediately afterwards, another section of vast amount of information flooded in like a mountain. Su Yi could see it clearly, but it was a series of more mysterious and incomparable runes. The tactic, the general outline of Tianfeng Sword Intent has the same effect.

"This is..."

When shrouded in a golden light, Su Yi's soul energy was also being consumed like flowing water. When he was about to take time out, his brain ached, and the talisman culture in front of Su Yi's eyes formed a ball. The layout of Yuanjintian Great Formation and how to use the formation eyes!

"It's done!" Tie Hunxuan exclaimed.

"The suzerain is done!" Chi Feihong was even more pleasantly surprised.

"Huh! Ping'er is exhausted!" The Blood Demon Killing Sword was inserted straight into the groove, and in the world of the sword body, Ping'er sat on the ground, sweating profusely.

At the same time, Su Yi's eyes trembled, and a stream of blood spewed out in an instant. Without hesitation, Su Yi left the sword with both hands, and his handprints condensed like lightning. Yu Tian Jue activated again, stabilizing the consumption of soul energy in his mind.

The metallic killing is extremely fierce, and the vitality and soul energy consumed by conquering water vitality are incomparable.


Surrounded by the roaring power of golden light, it formed the last huge vortex, and the space gradually distorted.

The vortex swirled in front of Su Yi, the electric light flickered, and the arc light caught people, it was the exit of the Qianyuan Jintian Great Formation.


After a few breaths, Su Yi restrained his vitality, stood up and staggered, obviously he hadn't recovered yet, and there was a star in front of his eyes.

Shangguan Tianchen, who had no time to be surprised, quickly brought Xue Honglou and Liu Ruoxi over, his shock turned into eagerness, and asked: "Sect Master, how are you? Are you okay!"

With his eyes closed, Su Yi secretly circulated his vitality to soothe the mighty message of the Holy King's Qi, and then swallowed half a bottle of spiritual liquid, with the corners of his mouth raised, and said quietly.

"No problem, the formation eyes are under my control, the holy mountain is under my feet, let's go out first!"

In front of Shengwu Hall.

The sun rises and falls, the divine light is overwhelming, and the golden waves that permeate the sky and the earth are surging, sacred, heroic, majestic and solemn.

Above the void, everyone from Tianlan Haicheng and Wandao Sword Union stood with Yutian Palace. After a while of pleasantries, the princes and elders of Yutian Palace became more harmonious with the family.

"Su Yi, what kind of adventure has he experienced, that he has reached the first level of the Yuanzong Realm! Behind him is a strong man of the Monster Realm!" Lan Luolian said angrily, with jealousy and envy in his eyes.

But Dugu Yumo's blue eyes were clear, but his mind was always concerned about Su Yi who was in the Qianyuan Jintian formation. From time to time, he looked at Duanmu Xiaoman who was like a goddess, his mind swayed, and his red lips parted.

"Your eyes are very special!" Duanmu Xiaoman looked at the people in the holy mountain below with indifference, like a peerless goddess looking down on the world.


Dugu Yumo trembled all over, and the voice of Goddess Yutian shook the world. Everyone in the Tianman Continent knew that she would take the initiative to talk to herself. Dugu Yumo was a little surprised, blinking her watery eyes, and looked at Duanmu Xiaoman.

"You came here specially for Su Yi, right? If Su Yi comes out later, you can go back to Yutian Palace with us!" Duanmu Xiaoman was as cold as ice, her glacier-like eyebrows and eyes did not change at all.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes turned to Dugu Yumo. Dugu Yumo was a disciple of the sword god Duguxie, but no one had ever been invited into Yutian Palace. Everyone couldn't help being surprised. .

Guyue, Long Poshan and other princes and elders carefully looked at this woman with a pair of magical eyes, all showing a very curious look.

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