The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2019: The Golden Lock Formation of the Heavens!

Above the void, a piece of golden light blasted down continuously, and Su Yi's figure turned into a ghostly light and shadow, shuttled among the strong men, the vast offensive was as dense as a big net, but Su Yi was able to take risks every time. , fortunately fortunately avoided.

Only Duanmu Qing knew that after experiencing the inhuman tempering of the five-legged golden flame beast, unless the holy fire personally made a move, the strong in the Yuanzong realm wanted to touch a hair of Su Yi, it was Tian Fangye. Tan!


Under the black robe, Duanmu Qingtian yawned big, his eyes fell on the invited guests, and suddenly a burst of coldness shot out.

"Long family? Is it the source of the holy fire?"

Immediately, Duanmu Qingtian withdrew his breath, and gradually stepped back. Even though his complexion was as cold as iron, he still chose to temporarily suppress his emotions.

Duanmu Qingtian's vitality has turned into a surging undercurrent, and he continues to wait and see the changes in the battle circle.


Another sword-killing tactic exploded, relying on the blood demon sword to kill the gods, Su Yi's sword intent was completely unrevealed, with the heavy sword in his hand, it was as if he had entered a state of transformation, picking, twisting, pointing, stabbing, the sword moved at will .

"Okay! Su Yi used the Remnant Sword so superbly, it's as if the ancestors are alive!" The experts of the Divine Sword Sect who were present naturally knew the origin of this sword intent, clapping their hands and applauding, their hearts were already overwhelmed.

How can it not be shocking that the Wuming Canjian Jue can be used to such an astonishing extent that day!

"Bang bang bang!"

The momentum was mighty, I saw Su Yi stepped forward with the sole of his foot, lowered his waist to dodge, and a unparalleled sword intent surged out in his hand.

Immediately, the clouds moved in all directions, and the golden cloud disappeared, and several Yuanzong Realm powerhouses with low cultivation levels fell to the ground at the same time!


Among the green and dark green, several Yuan Zongjing powerhouses turned into cannonballs and smashed into the mountain peak.

In an instant, smoke and dust rose everywhere, the mountains shook, and the wild monsters hiding in them let out a deep roar.

The monster roared again and again, the mountains and forests shook, and even a small number of disciples from the holy mountain were knocked to the ground by the huge shock wave.


The few Yuan Zongjing powerhouses remaining gasped heavily, their bodies were bloodstained, and their breaths were exhausted. They opened their bloodshot pupils and looked at Su Yi, who was sky high and cloudless.

"Is this the strength of the holy mountain? It turns out it's nothing! They're all ants!" Su Yihan's eyes lighted up, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, full of disappointment, and the blood demon sword stood in front of him, with a murderous intent !

"Damn, it's too much to bully!"

"Kill this Zongzi! How could he be so strong! Impossible!" Heart-piercing, filled with hatred, the strong men of the Holy Mountain glared at Su Yi like hungry wolves.

Li Void, the remaining five or six elders of the Yuanzong Realm powerhouse looked at each other, their red pupils shrank slightly, full of panic and doubt.

What is frightening is that Su Yi's powerful strength is able to challenge the strong ones in the Yuanzong realm one after another, but the question is why this son is not afraid of the spirit of the holy king?

"Su Yi! This young man is so powerful!" Duanmu Xiongtu's snow-white beard trembled slightly, waves flashed in his eyes, and he unconsciously became excited.

Following Su Yi's direction, Duanmu Xiongtu noticed that Elder Shenghuo's complexion had turned into a liver color at this time, no one had ever acted so wildly in the territory of the Holy Mountain.

This is a disgrace to the Holy Mountain, and it is a trample on the dignity of the Holy Fire!

The more Su Yi was stronger, the more Duanmu Xiongtu thought about the holy fire's actions, the clearer he was, his lips moved lightly, and he murmured: "This young man may be able to sweep away the dirt on the holy mountain! What kind of surprise can you give me?"

In the distance, Elder Shenghuo felt the faint power coming out of the mountains behind him, and immediately puffed up his chest, with a gloomy face, and the majestic and stern voice came again: "Presumptuous! Elders, don't be afraid! Line up, today we are going to take this Zi Hong killed on the spot! To eliminate the shame of the Holy Mountain!"

"The elders of the Holy Mountain, the face of the Holy Mountain must not be humiliated! If you are a disciple of the Holy Mountain, you should form the golden lock array of the heavens! Take the epee from the thief's hand!"

After the words fell, several Yuanzong Realm experts who were red-eyed shouted loudly, and the Yuanzong Realm experts who guarded everyone in Yutian Palace frowned, and all of them pulled out of the air.

A total of ten or so elders surrounded Su Yi again, forming a circle, and their hateful eyes fell on Su Yi.

"It's not good, the Golden Lock Formation of the Heavens!" Duanmu Xiaoman whispered softly, and a look of contemplation spread between her eyebrows.

"Su Yi is going to be in trouble! Even this formation is used!" Duanmu Xiongtu looked solemn, secretly condensed his handprints, and a golden vortex formed on the soles of his feet, ready to strike.


Within the encirclement, Su Yi's gaze fell on each of the Yuanzong Realm powerhouses, his eyes were like cold swords, revealing a look of excitement.

"Death is imminent, you still have to laugh! Boy, let me see how long you can laugh!"

Su Yi raised his brows upright, with the epee in his hand resting on his shoulder, he smiled lightly and said, "I've already broken through the Qianyuan Jintian formation, why are you still afraid of your small formation? Come down for me!"

The dark and profound Sword God radiated a cold light, and when the cold light hit the tip of the sword, Su Yi's figure disappeared in place again!

"Go to hell! Kill!"

The Yuan Zongjing powerhouses shot together, a terrifying golden vortex swirled rapidly in the air, and a golden storm like intertwined divine chains surrounded Su Yi.


The holy king's aura, which was hundreds of times stronger than before, soared to the extreme in an instant, and everyone present was startled and horrified!


Many invited guests couldn't resist such a strong attack wave, their faces turned ashen, and blood mist began to spew out from their mouths.

"Stand back!"

Duanmu Qingtian changed his voice, his vitality fluctuated slightly, and he pulled the anxious Duanmu Xiaoman back.


On the spot, Guyue, Long Poshan and other princes and elders pushed their palms forward, their palm prints overlapped, and at the same time they set up a soul barrier in front of them, the huge shock wave still made everyone excited and uncomfortable.

In addition, the guests were all moved back under the protection of the disciples of the Holy Mountain.

In an instant, the breath of everyone present was sluggish, and the sound of the sonic boom resounding through the sky continued. Thousands of disciples from the Holy Mountain blocked their ears, as if they were in great pain.


The golden light exploded, and the battle circle with Su Yi as the center was like fireworks at this moment, extremely bright, and only those who were in it could know what happened in it!


Elder Shenghuo stood high in the sky, his wild smile appeared again, and the sinister laughter finally broke out at this moment.

But in the next second, after the light dissipated in the battle circle, Elder Shenghuo's smiling face froze in an instant, like ice sculptures, and a dozen figures fell directly from the sky, like birds with broken wings!

"Sacred Fire, it's finally your turn!" Su Yi's indifferent voice sounded.

A cyan figure in front of him slowly walked out of the golden light, his voice was soft but murderous, the strong wind blew past him, and the blue hair fluttered, revealing a bunch of black and quiet eyes!

"Su Yi!" Sheng Huo shook his head, thinking that he had misread it, until the sound of more than a dozen crashing mountains and rivers rang in his ears, and he came back to his senses.

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