The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2152 Protected by the strong!

"What!" Gongyang Xingyu and Gongyang Wuming's eyes froze instantly.

Even if you have snow tobacco in your home, it is just a primer for medicine, and whether it can be cured is still a question.

This kid, cured Yue Ning'er's illness in such a short time?

Not only was it cured, but Yue Ning'er showed signs of breakthrough again?

In an instant, there was an uproar, and everyone stared at Su Yi above as if they were freaks.

Who is this foreign sect youth! Why is there such a supernatural power!

Everyone knows that Yue Ning'er's illness is a disease that even the Gongyang family, who are good at medicine, can't deal with it. How can this young man be cured by medicine?

"Impossible! Wen Yuan is so powerful?" Shentu both opened their mouths wide, as if time and space were frozen.

"How is that impossible! He can always create miracles!" Wang Shangwu and Mu Renjie raised their eyes and raised their eyebrows at Su Yi, as if they were demonstrating to everyone.

Among the top ten in the Yunbang, Dongfang Yuan, Jing Tianzhan and the others instantly turned their gazes back, looking at this little-known young man.

Even Yun Hanchen, who was dazzling just now, was robbed of a lot of demeanor by Su Yi because of this amazing turning point.

Yun Hanchen squinted his eyes, looked at Su Yi, and secretly made a face, fluctuating again and again.

On the high platform, Yun Zhongli called Yue Ning'er over, and after prying into his soul, he nodded heavily and said softly, "That's right! Ning'er's injuries have indeed healed!"

"Impossible! It's not that simple!" Gongyang Xingyu's face turned earthy in an instant, and he shouted at Yun Zhongli like a fierce god roaring.

"So what if it's cured! I'm in the same room with Yue Ning'er, he's my daughter-in-law! Just insult my Gongyang family!"

Immediately, Gongyang Wuming sneered, bent his fingers into claws, turned his head and went straight for Su Yi's throat, the sonic boom of Yin Sha resounded.

"Boy, hurt my grandson and insult my family! I want you to die!" Gongyang Wuming shouted violently.


In an instant, the space was shattered inch by inch, and in the monstrous blood-colored light, an invisible big hand descended from the sky, grabbing at Su Yi desperately!

In the blink of an eye, Ram Wuming's offensive went so fast that no one could react.

"Gong Yang's ignorance wants to kill people to silence him!" Yue Ning'er exclaimed.

Above the void, the vast handprints distorted the entire sky.

When Yun Zhongli and Yue Wugou yelled "No", Gongyang Wuming's palm had already penetrated the space, and the distorted space was suddenly surging with wind and clouds!

The audience was shocked, and in the fearful bodies and rapidly constricted pupils of all warriors present, they could feel the tremendous deterrent force of the eighth-layer powerhouse of the Yuan Realm.

Above the void, Gongyang Wuming bullied him and approached him. In the monstrous waves of blood, the red light churned, reflecting Gongyang Wuming's distorted and sinister smile. He knew that Wen Yuan must die!

As long as Wen Yuan dies, the hatred in his heart can be relieved.

Even if Yue Ning'er has recovered from her injuries, the Gongyang family will not lose face if what happened in Fuyun Ladder is not correct.


Immediately after, Yun Zhongli, Yue Wugou, and Shen Tuyi's three vitality lights caught up in an instant, and when they saw their palms falling towards Wen Yuan, the next change made everyone cover their mouths!

Under the gaze of all the astonished gazes, Su Yi's figure suddenly disappeared between the sky and the earth like a ghost.


The soul shadows overlapped, and under the blood cloud, four identical Su Yilings stood in the void. Pushing their palms upward, they bombarded each other with this dreadful blood shadow!

The moment the four materialized soul shadows were bombarded by the bloody palm prints, the body of the soul shadows twisted instantly, and finally exploded on the spot!


After four consecutive beeps, the terrifying energy split apart, and as the blood wave disappeared, faint blue ice crystals streaked across the air.

The silent square was immediately silent, and the sudden change shocked everyone on the spot.

The changes just now were too astonishing, Gongyang Wuming's lightning shot and Wen Yuan's lightning counterattack were enough to make people tremble inexplicably.

What were those four shadows just now? Was it sent by that guy Wen Yuan?

Under the explosion of Gongyang Wuming, did Wen Yuan still survive?

Everyone who witnessed all this swallowed their saliva fiercely, the head of the Gongyang family actually killed a young man! How domineering! What a decision!

"You don't have to be in such a hurry if you want to kill people, right?" Above the void, a voice quickly pulled everyone back from the shock.

Suddenly, as if seeing a ghost, everyone saw Wen Yuan standing above the pale blue ice crystals in the sky.

Wen Yuan crossed his arms and was not injured at all!

"It's you! Grandpa, that day, he was the one who robbed Xueyan! He severely injured his grandson!" Recognizing the ice crystal, Gongyang Xingyu quickly said to Gongyang Wuming viciously.

Immediately, Gongyang Wuming knew why Wen Yuan was able to save Yue Ning'er, because he was the one who snatched that plant of snow tobacco, and his expression became even colder.

"Boy, you hurt my grandson twice, you really treat me as a bully! Today, you can't live!"

At this time, Yun Zhongli, Yue Wugou and Shen Tuyi quickly came to Su Yi.

The move just now had completely aroused Yun Zhongli's anger.

Yun Zhongli promised Su Jingyuan that he would take good care of Su Yi, if Su Yi hadn't been vigilant just now, the consequences would have been disastrous!

"Gongyang is ignorant, I say he can live a successful life!" Yun Zhongli's figure suddenly stood up straight, with long white hair draped over his shoulders, stepping into the air in front of Su Yi in the space between heaven and earth, as if connecting and echoing with heaven and earth.

"My lord!" Yun Zhongli's toughness instantly made Gongyang Wuming panic, and his face changed suddenly.

Then, Yun Zhongli glared at Gongyang Wuming, then turned to look at Su Yi.

The eyes of the two met, and the unconscious breath in the cloud spread.

Instantly catching Yun Zhongli's breath change, Su Yi's heart skipped a beat, fearing that Yun Zhongli would recognize him, but seeing Yun Zhongli's fleeting gaze, Su Yi felt relieved again.

"Wen Yuan, the Yue family owes you a favor, and they will definitely protect you today! Don't worry!" Yue Wugou looked at Su Yi excitedly, he was completely different from the domineering one just now.

The people present naturally knew that Su Yi saved Yue Ning'er, and this kindness was like saving the Yue family.

Not only saved Yue Ning'er's reputation, but also maintained Yue Wugou's self-esteem, how could Yue Wugou not protect Wen Yuan.

Without waiting for Su Yi to speak, Yue Wugou turned to Gongyang Wuming, and shouted angrily in a low voice: "Gongyang Wuming, you are so majestic! You actually murdered a disciple of a foreign sect who came to participate in the desperate situation of the Nightmare Sea! I, Yunxian Gu Zong's face is going to be lost to you!" Yue Wugou snorted lightly, flicked his sleeves, and his awe-inspiring arrogance instantly spread.

"Gongyang Wuming, Wen Yuan brought Ning'er into the Moon Palace. It has been found out that it is for Ning'er's healing! What else can you say right now?" Yun Zhongli frowned, and a cold light fell on Gongyang Wuming. .

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