The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2157: Sincere cooperation!

Listening to Wang Shangwu's decisive answer, the eyes of the three members of the Yue family were quite dim.

Yue Wugou was just trying his luck, to see if the Yue Family could bring the Bahuang Battle Body back to the Yue Family.

The unexpected answer was so firm and decisive, which was beyond the expectations of the three of them.

Wang Shangwu's ability to be so tough is naturally due to the support of such a shocking young man.

Immediately, Yue Ning'er, who was on the opposite side, frowned, hesitated to speak, and looked at the proud Wen Yuan, her eyes became a little complicated.

This scene happened to be seen by Yue Wugou, a trace of helplessness flashed in his bright old eyes.

For such a transcendent young man, what he experienced and saw must be wider than the world in this month's house.

Since Wen Yuan threatened to restore Wang Shangwu's position, how could Wang Shangwu condescend to stay in Yue's house?

In the dignified atmosphere, it was Su Yi who broke the silence, and suddenly said: "Some things, if you miss it, you miss it! Patriarch Yue doesn't have to take it to heart. His aptitude for martial arts is astonishing. If he stays in the ancient sect, he will be buried instead. ! As I said, these people from the ancient sect will not even have the qualifications to look up to him in the future!"

After the words fell, the three members of the Yue family swallowed their saliva one after another. Only Wen Yuan said such an arrogant tone, which sounded so natural.

If it were someone else who said such things in front of the Patriarch of the Yue Family, he would be either a lunatic or a fool!

Suddenly, Yue Wugou, Yue Ning'er, and Shentu's eyes flashed a gleam, and they all fell silent immediately.

"However, Patriarch Yue, there is one thing you have not missed, that is, we can still cooperate sincerely in a desperate situation!" Su Yi looked sideways, and his bright eyes revealed a sense of darkness.

Yue Wugou frowned, only to hear Su Yi pursed his lips and said, "The desperate situation in the Nightmare Sea is the Yun family's top priority, and if the master Yun says it will be postponed, it will be postponed. I'm afraid it's not that simple, is it?"

In an instant, a trace of surprise flashed across Yue Wugou's benevolent face, and his eyes flickered.

Yue Wugou's performance also verified what Su Yi thought in his heart, what kind of plans Yun Zhongli was planning, Su Yi really wanted to know.

Suddenly, Su Yi's deep voice resounded through the mighty inner hall again, fixed his gaze on Yue Wugou, and said.

"If Patriarch Yue can tell me what I want to know, I think we can cooperate sincerely!"

"Hey!" Yue Wugou, who was thinking over and over again, was silent for a while.

Immediately looking squarely at Wen Yuan, this young man seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

In front of him in the city of decades, he felt his scalp tingling, and Yue Wugou was even more curious about Wen Yuan's real identity.

Yue Wugou flicked his robe, his kind face was full of solemnity, and his eyes turned towards Yue Ning'er.

"Ning'er, take Shangwu and Renjie down to rest first, I have a few words to say to Wen Yuan!" Yue Wugou said lightly.

Immediately, Yue Ning'er nodded slightly, knowing that grandma must have something important to do, she saluted Yue Wugou.

Yue Ning'er pulled Shentu Shuangshuang, smiled lightly at Wang Shangwu, and everyone went to the back room.

After the two left, Yue Wugou's eyes sparkled, and he raised his eyebrows and said, "If you are talking about sincere cooperation, shouldn't you be more honest with me?"

His quiet eyes stared at Su Yi closely, and a powerful soul coercion spread across the world in an instant.

Below, Su Yi's hands sank slightly, and a surge of soul coercion surged out like a protector, drawing out ripples in space.

In the huge inner hall, a storm surged instantly, and two terrifying auras lingered in the duel.

Seeing Yue Wugou's solemn expression, Su Yi naturally knew that Yun Zhongli and Yue Wugou must have guessed that he was Su Yi.

Immediately, Su Yi no longer concealed it, and lightly wiped his face with his palm, revealing a delicate face like a sculpture, the only thing that remained unchanged was the pair of abyss-like eyes.

"I'm down, Su Yi, I've met Patriarch Yue!" Su Yi's deep voice slowly flowed out.

Yue Wugou narrowed his old eyes slightly, his silver-white hair fluttered slightly, looking at Su Yi's real appearance, his eyes moved lightly unconsciously.

"Sure enough, you still came to the ancient sect! Patriarch Yun spread the word outside like that, and advertised that he wanted to kill you, how dare you come?"

Hearing this, Su Yi smiled lightly, his body straightened abruptly, and the mighty coercion burst out again for no reason, like a god of war.

"There are so few people in the world who want to kill me! If you dare not come like this, Shang Wu, Wan'er and Jing'er will be disappointed!"

"Jing'er!" Yue Wugou couldn't help being moved when he heard Su Yi address Yun Jing so affectionately.

Yue Wugou stretched out a pair of snow-white wrinkled hands, pressed them lightly, motioned for Su Yi to sit down, and then said softly: "Since you keep your promise so much, with this courage alone, the Patriarch's plan can be told to you !"

Immediately, Yue Wugou's face was calm and peaceful, and he stretched out his hand and waved forward, a sharp aura instantly pervaded, and a small barrier separated the two of them from the outside world.

"Yunjing's whereabouts are unknown. My lord has searched all over Tianman, but there is still no result. Even the lord of the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament has no intention of participating. But this time, my lord is very concerned about the desperate situation in the Nightmare Sea. Do you know why?"

Hearing Yue Wugou's words, Su Yi's heartbeat gradually accelerated, the breath around his body shot up into the sky, and his divine light surged, and he said, "Could it be that this desperate situation in the Nightmare Sea has something to do with Jing'er's whereabouts?"

"I can only say that it might be related!" Yue Wugou said ambiguously with a pale face.

Su Yi frowned slightly at Yue Wugou's words, only to hear Yue Wugou say: "Jing'er's whereabouts are unknown, everyone guesses, there are only two situations. One is that Jing'er is no longer in the Tianman Continent, and the other is that she was killed by the dragon. Get away!"

Hearing the word Long's family, Su Yi's breath gradually became heavy, and he asked in doubt: "It is said that Jing'er has returned to Yun's house later, how could it be that the Long's family took her away?"

An old voice continued to come, like a deep lament: "The Yun family has nine surnames, and they have coexisted for thousands of years. There is no harmony. I am afraid that some people have already disagreed!"

"Patriarch Yue is saying that there are also members of the Long family in the ancient sect?" Su Yi was startled. If there were members of the Long family in the ancient sect, it's no wonder that Yun Zhongli kept a low profile for so many years.

"To be honest, the Nightmare Sea of ​​Desperation was supposed to open tomorrow, and it was Patriarch Yun's plan to advance it a day earlier. It was to show off those who have different intentions. Therefore, without you making a big fuss in Shengyun Palace today, the Desperation would still be postponed!" Yue Wu said lightly.

Hearing this, Su Yi's eyes moved for an instant, the old fox Yun Zhongli was really shrewd, and used this early desperate situation in the sea of ​​nightmares to test the Long family hiding in the dark.


Su Yi nodded solemnly. In this way, this time's Yunbang final is also a cover.

The highlight should be to find out the members of the Long family and find Yunjing's whereabouts.

This time, the Yue family is the main player in the cloud ranking final.

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