The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2164: Ugly words first!

When Su Wan'er walked in front of her, her bright eyes were like the most magnificent jewels in the world, exuding a bright brilliance.

The slightly smeared and half-ashamed red glow above the snowy face set off this incomparably delicate face even more beautifully.

Everyone in the Yue Family, Shentu Shuangshuang, and Dongfang Yuan also changed their expressions in awe when they saw Su Wan'er coming, and saluted in panic.

A gust of fragrant wind blew, today's Su Wan'er didn't wear a veil, she jumped in front of Su Yi like a cheerful elf.

This second seems like a lifetime away.

During the last Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, the masked Su Wan'er was controlled by Yun Zhongli so that she could only watch from a distance, but not get close.

After Tianfeng, when Wan'er heard that she was missing, she had no way of knowing her comfort. At that time, Wan'er must have been extremely sad, right?

Now, Su Wan'er is standing in front of her like this, looking at her with big watery eyes like stars, how can Su Yi's mind be at peace?

In an instant, Su Yi seemed to have returned to his childhood in the Su family.

I still remember that at that time, every time I was punished by my uncle and grandfather for being stubborn, everyone in the Su family regarded me as a evil star and dared not approach him.

At night, it was Wan'er's younger sister who secretly came to deliver meals to him, and only Wan'er dared to talk to him.

From then on, Su Yi treated Su Wan'er as a blood relative, but whenever Su Yi knew about Wan'er's mistreatment and bullying, Su Yi was always the first to jump out to defend her.

Invisibly, Su Yi had long regarded this gentle and peerless girl as his own sister.

I don't know if it's the natural reaction of this body that has been used to for a long time, or because of his own emotions, Su Yi's eye sockets unconsciously felt wet.

Su Wan'er in front of her with a gentle smile tilted her head to greet Dongfang Yuan and the others one by one, then jumped to Wang Shangwu's side in one step.

"Brother Shangwu, it's great that you're back!"

Su Wan'er pursed her cherry lips, her pale pink cheeks trembled slightly, like tender flowers in early spring.

She smiled sweetly and brightly, which made people's hearts go away when they saw it, and immediately attracted Zhou Kong's fiery eyes.

Afterwards, in front of everyone, Su Wan'er confided a lot to Wang Shangwu like an old friend she hadn't seen for a long time,

Su Wan'er told Wang Shangwu that when she heard that Wang Shangwu was kicked out by the Yun family, she stayed up all night, staring at the white clouds outside the window in a daze all day long, and missed her time at the Su family even more.

At that time, Su Yi, Wang Shangwu, and myself were carefree and happy.

Immediately, Wang Shangwu glanced at Su Yi, and both of them looked sad at the same time, sighing endlessly.

If there is anything worthy of nostalgia in Yunxian Ancient Sect, it must be Su Wan'er who treats others sincerely.

Wan'er is like a piece of white paper, free from any contamination, whenever she looks at Su Wan'er, no matter how bad her mood is, her mood will suddenly change for the better.

"But everything is fine now, you're back, we'll wait here for Brother Su Yi!" Su Wan'er tilted her head and smiled, and suddenly noticed tears in the corners of Wang Shangwu's eyes.

Immediately, Su Wan'er leaned forward, stretched out her jade hand to wipe Wang Shangwu's tears, pouted her lips, and said softly: "Shame! Brother Su Yi will make fun of you if I see you! I heard that you were so majestic yesterday, and there are brothers Supporting you? After going out for a while, brother Shangwu is already so powerful!"

Mentioning Su Yi, Wang Shangwu nodded, pointed at the disguised Su Yi beside him, sniffled, and said, "Brother Shangwu is useless in the first place, sister Wan'er, please stop laughing at me! By the way, my brother is He! Look, do you know him?"

Following Wang Shangwu's gaze, Su Wan'er's curious eyes fell on Su Yi instantly, she nodded her lips, and looked at the disguised man in front of her suspiciously.

Shentu Shuangshuang on the side also looked at Su Wan'er, and was about to blurt out that he was Su Yi, but Yue Ning'er grabbed him.

Yue Ning'er knew that now was not the time to expose Su Yi.

Wang Shangwu was right, no matter how sad Yue Ning'er was, the most important thing was to catch the talents of the Long family.

No matter what, everyone's attention must not be drawn to Su Yi.

At this time, facing Su Wan'er, Su Yi felt his heart beating wildly for the first time.

However, in five years, the Su Wan'er in front of her has become so delicate, her bright eyes are like stars shining.

If it weren't for the powerful soul energy, Su Yi might have already shown his feet.

After his mind fluttered slightly, Su Yi straightened his expression immediately, and said lightly: "Hello, I'm Xia Wenyuan! It's Wang Shangwu's good friend in Yutian Palace!"

Hearing Yutian Palace, Su Wan'er's eyes lit up, and she said in a soft voice with some anticipation: "Yutiangong? Then do you know Brother Su Yi?"

Facing such a pure and flawless face, Su Yi sighed bitterly in his heart, forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, and said lightly: "The king of Tianjiao is far away in Yunzhou, and I have never had the opportunity to admire his demeanor!"

"Is that so!" Su Wan'er's expression darkened a bit, then she stared closely at Su Yi's eyes and said, "But your eyes are very similar to Brother Su Yi, I believe you must be a very good person too! "


As soon as the words fell, a huge detonation sound resounded in the sky, and terrifying space ripples hovered over the nine lotus palaces.

All of a sudden, all the people present who were watching Su Wan'er had withdrawn their gazes, and they all looked towards Shengyun Palace.

In front of the Shengyun Palace, the Patriarchs of the nine surnames of Gu Zong, the strong, the elders, and the deacons were all present.

The terrifying and astonishing coercion seemed to swallow the entire sky. Yun Zhongli stood in the middle, and the old man was completely naked, revealing a tyrannical wave of an absolute superior.

Yun Zhongli glanced at Su Wan'er who was beside Wang Shangwu, the corners of his brows moved slightly, and then a deafening sound wave came out from his throat, which instantly overwhelmed the hustle and bustle of the audience.

"The desperate situation in the Nightmare Sea, the heads of all the families have told everyone! I won't say more! This time, the desperate situation is aimed at the big battle of the cloud list, and those who participate in the big battle of the cloud list need to bring back a fragment of the Nightmare Sea , as a qualification for the competition."

"Nightmare Sea Fragments!" As soon as Yun Zhongli's words came out, everyone was very excited. Lu had already told Su Yi and others how much the fragments could help Yun family warriors.

The Nightmare Sea Fragment is the most important clue leading to the Nightmare Sea. It is rumored that as long as one piece is enough, it can help the Yuan Emperor Realm powerhouse break through to the Yuan Zong Realm. If the Yuan Zong Realm powerhouse can comprehend the hidden skills Martial arts also gained a lot.

As for the Sea of ​​Nightmare, for thousands of years, there have been very few people who have really entered it to explore it.

Just because the nightmare is still very dangerous, even the heads of various families tremble with fear when they mention the sea of ​​nightmare, and their eyes are cold.

When the gazes of everyone present showed infinite longing, the eyes of Yun Zhongli and Yue Wugou still scanned the audience.

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