The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2186: The Divine Beast Carrying the Bell!

Flying close to the ground, the more Su Yi explored inside, the throbbing in his heart became more and more intense.

Looking up at the surroundings, Su Yi could feel the cold aura everywhere, and the cold energy even made the space in front of Su Yi extremely distorted.

Zhou Kong's extreme low temperature permeated into Su Yi's mysterious soul, and Su Yi seemed to hear the clear golden chiming sound of the mysterious big clock in his mind.

For no reason, Su Yi's heart trembled slightly. This was an invisible induction between the big clock and the Xuanwu world.


At this time, Su Yi had been deep into the hinterland for a long time, and suddenly found that there were space cracks in the sky, and a wave of desolate and fierce aura rushed towards him accompanied by a cold light!

When Su Yi stopped, seven or eight ominous beasts made of space ripples ran out from the cracks in all directions!

Even though he couldn't see the whole picture because of his speed, he could still feel the horror of the group of beasts under Su Yi's mindful spying.

Concentrating carefully, Su Yi found that the flying beasts were small in size, but each one had the head of a dragon, and a huge blade tail swept across the ground like a steel whip.

On top of the beast, there is a huge dragon-headed boa constrictor spewing out strange rays of light!

"Bang bang bang!"

In just a short moment, Su Yi's eyes were filled with horror, he had never seen such a ferocious beast before!

In the pitch-black cracks of space, countless cold screams accompanied by terrifying energy seemed to engulf Su Yi.

The ferocious beast came running wildly, and the turbulent murderous aura aimed at Su Yi's position!

In an instant, Su Yi felt the ferocity of the comer, and the vitality suddenly grew under his feet, preparing to avoid the attack of the group of beasts.

In his mind, Chi Feihong finally saw the appearance of the ferocious beast transformed by the ripples in space, Chi Feihong exclaimed: "My dear! Isn't this the Xuanwu beast!"

Hearing this, without any hesitation, Su Yi's figure pierced the sky like a bomb, with a dazzling ice blue light, he fled as fast as if he had eyes.


The number of basaltic beasts built by the energy ripples is increasing, and they are galloping towards Su Yi, and the ferocious beast heads seem to be alive and terrifying!

The aura of killing suddenly swept across the entire world, and in an instant, seven or eight little basalt beasts rushed towards Su Yi, and the destructive energy made him have nowhere to escape!


A large area of ​​space was shattered by the impact of the little basalt beast, revealing cracks in the pitch-black space, and the shocking sonic boom shook people's souls!


Su Yi shuttled back and forth between the terrifying attacks, and the violent energy around him collapsed into the void in a circular arc.

Soon, Su Yi's range of activities became smaller and smaller, and the countless space ripples in the surrounding sky were like fireworks blooming.

Looking at the space where there is no retreat, Su Yi was secretly anxious.

"Yun Hanchen is quite capable of escaping from the siege!" Su Yi exclaimed.

Immediately, Su Yi gritted his teeth, the light in his eyes flickered, and a majestic desolate energy lingered around his body, only to hear a violent roar resounding through his body.


The divine bell descended into the world, and the glorious bell stood between the heaven and the earth, quickly separating Su Yi from the little Xuanwu divine beast.

For a moment, the world was silent.


The Xuanwu little divine beast is transparent all over, and the eyes in the pupils of the beast are awed and fearful, and it continuously releases roars.

The mysterious big clock that spans the ages is shining brightly, like a giant beast crawling with its majestic body, blocking the little Xuanwu beast.

The little basaltic beasts gathered in front of the bell failed to attack for a long time, and began to whisper, shaking their heads and roaring in a low voice.

But after a while, the group of beasts roared one after another, like a baby crying, and the piercing and sharp howling made Su Yi frowned.

"Hiding here is not an option! You have to get out!" Su Yi's face was livid, and he was anxious as he watched more and more divine beasts outside.

If Wu Maxiu had already left the Xuanwu statue, wouldn't the clues to the Nightmare Sea be completely cut off.

Thinking of this, Su Yi simply stopped waiting, his eyes fell on the outside of the big clock surrounded by talismans, and he whispered secretly.

"These small basalt beasts are probably the residual energy left over before the basalt beasts died, guarding this side of the world!"

Since the mysterious big clock can isolate them, why not use the big clock to directly shatter these little basaltic beasts?

Immediately, Su Yi raised his brows, a gleam of light flashed across his sly eyes, and then the seal formula in his hand began to circulate, and the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu was mobilized with mighty power.

"Hunting up!"


As Su Yi's words fell, at this moment, a violent thunderclap suddenly came from Su Yi's body.

Between the sky and the earth, the nebula circled, the light of the day flowed, and the whole sky and the earth began to dim again.

More and more dark clouds gather to fill the entire red sky, and the mighty power of heaven descends!

In the silence like night, all the little basaltic beasts no longer roared or screamed, and the eyes formed by the ripples in space suddenly released horror and horror.

An incomparably terrifying power poured down from the high sky, and strands of lightning flickered immediately condensed above Su Yi's head.

In just a short moment, they converged into a more profound and terrifying image of Xuanwu beasts!

"That's a real basalt beast!" Su Yi looked at the huge image of thunder in the sky, and suddenly raised his gaze. He clearly wanted to use a big bell to crush the little beast, so why did he attract the real beast?

Suddenly, within the mysterious big clock, the eyes of Chi Feihong and Su Wan'er who were summoned together trembled endlessly, as if they were stunned!

Xuanwu divine beast has come back to the world, what does it mean?

Immediately, the three of them, including all the little Xuanwu beasts, looked up and looked at each other in shock!

Obviously, if the big bell is directly hit by the Xuanwu beast, everyone present will perish!

In an instant, Su Yi's footsteps were light, and the energy of the fifth level of the Yuanzong Realm and the mysterious bell were all activated in his body, and a terrifying and vast aura swept across the world!

Above the sky, thunder and lightning flashed, and the black-white aurora flashed continuously with the lightning, and suddenly a shocking sound gathered down.

"Take him to that place!" The extremely old voice seemed to be weak, as if after waiting for many years, the clouds finally opened to see the moonlight, Xuanwu Divine Beast looked at the three people inside the big bell and shouted loudly.

As soon as the voice fell, the high-altitude vision suddenly disappeared, and the sky and earth instantly returned to darkness.

Suddenly, there were a lot of strange fluctuations around, which made people feel creepy for no reason, and the hairs stood on end!

"Brother Su Yi, the big clock is moving! The big clock is moving!" Su Wan'er covered her mouth and exclaimed, her face still maintained the expression of shock just now.

Su Yi lowered his gaze, and the mighty aura surged out of his body, filled with an ancient aura.

"This is!" Su Yi and Chi Feihong's eyes trembled at the same time.

It was seen that more than twenty small basalt beasts carried the big bell directly, and ran wildly on the grassland at a devastating speed.

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