The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2197: True Ice Luan God!


Su Jingyuan passed out completely, Su Yi's complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Bodhi Gu fiercely.

"What did you do to my dad?"

The vast divine power shot out from both eyes, and the Bodhi Gu subconsciously stepped back. Unexpectedly, this human being at the fifth level of Yuan Zongjing would have such terrifying coercion.

Looking back at this incomparably magnificent space, Bodhi Gu's beautiful eyes moved secretly.

Gun Gun Tianwei continued to fall, and the Bodhi Gu lost the power it had just now.

"Don't worry, your father will wake up soon!" Bodhi Gu's voice was timid, and his eyes kept dodging.

Su Yi put Su Jingyuan on the edge of the spirit pool, turned around and looked at the Bodhi Gu, a sharp brilliance flashed in his eyes.

Suddenly, the sky and the earth changed color, and a loud and far-reaching bell rang through the sky and the earth.

From the top of the dome, a mysterious thunder that was densely covered with divine patterns hovered like a python, releasing the mighty power of the sky.


The thunderbolt, which was as thick as a giant tree, fell from a high height, and the Bodhi Gu's face lost all color in an instant, and she prostrated herself on the ground in an instant, trembling.

"Forgive me, forgive me, I didn't know you were so powerful!"

Looking at the huge deep pit in front of him, emitting a pungent burning smell, Bodhi Gu curled up and said in a low voice: "He has been here four or five times over the years, and he always said the same thing every time. , The resentment is accumulating more and more, our Bodhi Gu family has always been able to seduce the desires of human beings, but it is just for self-protection, please forgive me, my lord!"

Hearing this, Chi Feihong, Su Wan'er and Su Xiaoshuai who were present all frowned.

Everyone already knows about Su Yi's life experience. His parents left Mancheng because of the Long family's pursuit, and Su Yi was bullied all the time.

Unexpectedly, Su Yi's father also lost his beloved, hiding in this Yun's house, living a humble and hopeless life.

Su Jingyuan waited thousands and thousands of times, just to find out the whereabouts of his mother every time he opened the desperate situation of Nightmare Sea.

Immediately, Su Yi's heart was filled with mixed emotions, his gaze slowly fell on the unconscious Su Jingyuan, a sense of helplessness and entanglement welled up in his heart.

"How long will it take to wake up?" Su Yi asked deeply with his eyes lost.

Bodhi Gu pursed his lips, and told Su Yi that Su Jingyuan had accumulated grudges in his heart for so many years.

This time, Wen Fu's whereabouts were still not found, and his mind was greatly affected, and his soul was severely injured.

"But it doesn't matter, I will help him unravel my soul art as soon as possible. As for whether he wants to wake up, it is his own will!" Bodhi Gu said softly.

Hearing this, Su Yi frowned slightly, and immediately took Su Jingyuan's hand.

Thinking back to when Su Jingyuan was still a lunatic, the intimacy the two looked at each other, the blood relationship will always be a love that cannot be erased.

"What's your name?" Su Yi turned his head, Bodhi Gu's attitude was not bad.

Bodhi Gu nodded, and said softly: "My lord, you can just call me Immortal Bodhi!"

Su Yi looked at Immortal Bodhi, who had already reached the demon realm, with amazing cultivation and extremely terrifying soul skills, and then said coldly: "Surrender to me, or die!"

"Boss, why do you want this woman! You can only relieve your anger by killing her! How dare you tease us!" Su Xiaoshuai looked at this wicked Bodhi Immortal viciously, full of disgust.

However, Su Yi didn't listen to Su Xiaoshuai's opinion, passed the crowd, looked down at Immortal Bodhi from a high position, and said in a cold voice: "Would you like to submit? If you don't submit, you will die!"

The mysterious bell shrouded in light, and the prehistoric divine power quietly overflowed under the savage and ancient atmosphere, and the fierce power as if destroying the world instantly enveloped the entire mysterious world.

When Su Yi's last word fell, Immortal Bodhi's eyes fluctuated again and again, she nodded like pecking rice, and said in awe: "I am willing to surrender! I am willing to follow you all my life!"

Su Yi smiled lightly, his handprints condensed, and he also concluded the Heavenly Demon Soul Contract with Immortal Bodhi.

The void trembled, and the vast profound thunder circled around the sky, and then Immortal Bodhi, who was dressed in black energy, changed her makeup.

Under the black and white light, there is actually a beautiful young woman, which is quite different from the charming and enchanting appearance just now.

This is actually an instinctive method of herbal monsters. Seeing the changed appearance of Bodhi Immortal, Su Yi raised a smile.

"It seems that this kid knows how to use Bodhi Immortal!" Chi Feihong saw it, squinted his eyes, stroked his beard and smiled.

"Is this the depths of the Nightmare Sea?" Su Yi looked at Zhou Kong, and beyond the mysterious space, the Nightmare Sea, which was devoid of life, could be seen at a glance.

Immortal Bodhi shook her head docilely, her soft voice spread throughout the entire mysterious space, echoing around the sky, it was really pleasant to hear.

"Master, I am in the depths of the Nightmare Sea, but I have always felt that there are signs of other creatures in the Nightmare Sea!"

Looking at the crowd, Bodhishen, who has become his own, paused, and told everyone that his body is Moon Devouring Bodhi Gu.

It will undergo a metamorphosis every once in a while, and the chip that falls off from the main body will be sent to the surface of the nightmare sea by a huge energy.

"Is it so strange?" Su Yi frowned, knowing in his heart that Bingluan must have done it on purpose.

"Bodhi Immortal, let my father wake up first! There are other strange things in the Nightmare Sea, Xiaoshuai, Wan'er come out with me!" His gaze was firmly fixed on Su Jingyuan, and then Su Yi withdrew from the mysterious space.

Go back to the cave where the Bodhi Gu is located, this is the end of the Nightmare Sea.

The surroundings are empty, dark and cold, and you can feel a thrilling shudder in your soul with just a little perception!


Su Yi urged the Hunyuan Supreme Kung once again, and the terrifying power of the sky permeated the space. After a moment of stalemate, a faint breath quietly disappeared.

"Bingluan, the boss asked me to come!" Su Xiaoshuai frowned, and an incomparably powerful voice erupted from his small body, and said loudly: "Bingluan, you little girl, How long do you have to hide! Come out to meet my boss!"

"Come out to meet my boss!"

The devastating sound waves passed back and forth in the black hole-like nightmare seabed, and finally got into the darkness without knowing where to end.

"Damn it, you dare not even see me?" Su Xiaoshuai curled his lips bulgingly, with subtle embarrassment flashing across the corner of his eyes, and a flash of anger burst into his small eyes instantly.

The corner of Su Yi's mouth curled slightly, his eyes fell on the extremely quiet Nightmare Sea, and he nodded his chin.

Isn't Bingluan here?

Impossible, then who is the voice I heard in the soul gate?

Xuanwu Divine Beast has said in person that the Nightmare Sea is guarded by Bingluan. It doesn't make sense, the Divine Beast can still deceive people, right?

Suddenly, Su Yi, who was a little annoyed, circled back and forth in the cave.

"Brother Su Yi, let me try it!" Su Wan'er said softly.

Immediately, under Su Yi's nod, Su Wan'er began to circulate her own vitality attribute with compassion.

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