The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2206: The goddess of the Yun family has just grown up!

And the order issued by the Yun Family made everyone look forward to it. What kind of earth-shattering changes will the Yunxian Ancient Sect have?

After a while, Yue Wugou brought everyone from the Yue family to Yun Zhongli's side.

The five patriarchs of the ancient sect all looked exactly the same, none of them dared to speak, which made Yue Wugou a little puzzled.

His eyes kept wandering over everyone, even Yun Zhi, who was guarding the pavilion, had a sad expression on his face.

There was a ferocious ancient aura in the air, and the astonishing icy aura kept oozing out, Yue Wugou had a premonition that something terrible would happen.

Afterwards, Yun Zhongli's expression finally changed, his eyes moved away from Gaoge, and looked at Yue Wugou beside him.

"Wugou, is there something wrong with Su Yi?" Yun Zhongli rubbed Qingming acupoint and asked softly.

Yue Wugou finally breathed a sigh of relief, in such a depressing atmosphere, even she could feel her soul trembling, and said in a low voice: "Shang Wu has woken up, luckily! He suffered such a serious injury before, if anyone Die a thousand times is enough!"

"What about now?" Yun Zhongli's eyes instantly wrinkled.

Wang Shangwu is a human god body that is rare in ten thousand years - Overlord Battle Body.

If it wasn't for the imminent desperate situation in the Nightmare Sea, Yun Zhongli really intended to cultivate Wang Shangwu well and become a strong member of the Yun family.

Not surprisingly, the meticulously cultivated Wang Shangwu's cultivation base will soon surpass Yun Hanchen's by a large margin.

Naturally, Yun Zhongli would never forget that Wang Shangwu almost died because of Su Wan'er in such a desperate situation.

Such kindness and talent made Yun Zhongli care more about Wang Shangwu.

"Flesh and blood are shattered, bones are almost shattered, and meridians are shattered into slag! Such a serious injury is healed now! Do you think it's miraculous?" When he said these words, Yue Wugou's face was still shocked, expressing disbelief.

"How's it going?" Yun Zhongli's scalp tingled, thinking that Wang Shangwu came out of Su Yi's body, his back felt cold, and he felt like he had seen a ghost.

Yue Wugou's fair and wrinkled neck swallowed slightly, and continued: "After coming out of Su Yi's body, Wang Shangwu's meridians and flesh and blood seemed to be alive again. Much stronger than before!"

Hearing these words, Yun Zhongli's eyes showed extraordinary splendor. Could this be the magic of the Overlord's Battle Body?


Yun Zhongli quickly denied this idea, looking at the mountains and rivers of the Yun family at night, the roaring mountains and forests surged like waves.

"Although the Overlord's Battle Body is extraordinary and holy, it is the pinnacle of human beings, but Wang Shangwu must have such a chance, he must be inseparable from Su Yi!" After finishing speaking, Yun Zhongli's desire to wake up Su Yi became even stronger.

There is a premonition in Yunzhong's centrifuge, if Su Yi's kindness can wake up this time, the pattern of Man Continent will be completely changed that day!

In the dim night, Yun Zhongli's eyes gradually turned cold, and he continued to listen to Yue Wugou's words.

In the secret place of the Yue family, Su Jingyuan's soul energy has been restored under Bodhi Immortal's many spells, and he believes that he will wake up in a short time.

Now, only Su Wan'er is left.


Above the high pavilion of the Yun family, a very loud and clear voice of Bingluan resounded through the sky, shaking the entire sky of the Yun family!

The huge ice luan's phantom instantly turned into strands of icy blue frost and snow energy, and the sky and the earth were filled with dazzling blue light, just like the sun.

The terrifying and cold low temperature instantly surrounded the entire Yun family pavilion, and an ancient aura spread in the void.

Bingluan spread its wings, and the azure blue divine light once again overlooked the earth, and the ultimate soul energy swept across the world like a shattering one.

"True God Bingluan! It's True God Bingluan again!" Yun Zhongli and Yue Wugou turned their heads at the same time, looking at the sky, their eyes froze instantly, as if petrified.

Between the sky and the earth, the gigantic Ice Luan phantom violently lifted up the scattered frost and snow. The overwhelming energy covered the entire Yunjia mountains and rivers with thousands of miles of ice and snow, and the white snow crystals revealed a beautiful glow under the moonlight. White!


The ice luan spreads its wings, and the sky is full of storms!

In an instant, the four Patriarchs present and Yun Zhongli immediately bent down and paid attention to the figure of Bingluan in the sky, with serious and heavy eyes.

In the depths of the space, the space ripple traces exploded like a bomb, and the icy cracks flashed like a rainbow, very magical!

At this moment, the Yun family fell completely and became Bingluan's world.

The blue brilliance is like a divine light, and the ancient and vast aura fills the world!

Looking at Yun Zhi, who was guarding the gate, his pale face was full of panic, and he frantically kowtowed to the figure of Bingluan above his head to pray!

"My darling! Bingluan! It's Bingluan again, and our ancient sect has been guarded by Bingluan for thousands of years without knowing it!" Shen Tuyi's eyes were amazed, and his mouth was opened wide.

Those who are strong in Yuan Realm like them will be so amazed when they see divine beasts, let alone other people!

"I finally know why the Long family is so powerful! The bloodline of the beast is too strong!" Dongfang Tong and Jing Yikuang sighed at the same time.

Because of the intense soul coercion, Dongfang Tong and the others trembled, and their breaths began to become a little disordered!


In the void, the ice luan spread its wings again, the blue frost surged, and the lifelike feathers condensed into another ice luan figure.

The phantom of the ice luan, thousands of feet long, completely occupied the entire space, and the sound of hissing resounded through the sky and the earth.

Bingluan roared, and in the vast blue snowstorm, waves of destructive aura descended on the world.

Phantom roared ferociously, and under the astonishing power, more than 100,000 people in the entire Yunxian Ancient Sect were all aroused.

Dense large fires illuminate the mountains among the clouds, and the fires fly in the snow, and countless fearful eyes stare at the sky!

High above the sky, Bingluan's huge eyes locked on everyone present, as if looking down on thousands of creatures.

Yun Zhongli's eyes trembled, looking at the second ice luan phantom, he let out an uncontrollable excited voice.

"That's Wan'er! It's Wan'er's Bingluan phantom!" Yun Zhongli shot an excited look in his eyes, pulling Yue Wugou who was beside him to shake continuously.

Soon, the two ice luan phantoms hovering high in the sky pressed against each other, and then separated, each making a sharp whistling sound, and scattered towards the east and west directions!

The phantom finally dissipated, and the huge coercion covering everyone finally dissipated. The eyes of the four patriarchs who were frightened were still dull.

At the same time, from the high pavilion of the Yun family, two beautiful figures floated onto the ground at the same time.

Duanmu Xiaoman floated out first, followed by Su Wan'er, who directly made everyone wipe their eyes, as if they had admitted their mistake.

In front of Su Wan'er, her lips were parted, and her lips were slightly curved. Her detached and luxurious face was covered with a kind of calm beauty, which was far better than before.

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