The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2218: The Change of Xuanjian Gate!

After all, Lao Meng kicked a strong wind, and the fierce air wave rushed out like a dragon, passed through the people of Xuanjianmen, and directly kicked down the door plaque of Xuanjianmen!

The plaque that fell on the ground immediately turned into powder and scattered, and the fierce air wave made Ji Hannuo and others tremble.

All the disciples of Xuanjian Sect are Qinghua rough, and the casual cultivator in front of him is almost the strongest existence in the chaotic domain of casual cultivators.

These people, even if they go to sects in other chaotic domains, they can still become elders.

Listening to their conversation, Ji Hannuo finally knew that the upheaval in the chaotic domain was all because of Su Yi.

Looking at the plaque of Xuanjianmen that turned into powder, Ji Hannuo and the disciples of Xuanjianmen behind him showed anger.

There is such a bloody case in Xuanjianmen today, tomorrow the chaotic domain will be turned upside down!

Ji Hannuo held the long sword, and the cultivation base of Yuan Zhenjing floated out like a breeze, and said sternly: "You don't want to use me against my father! You bunch of obedient bastards still want to fight Su Yi! I killed him!" you!"

A sense of death flashed out of the bright red moon pupils, Ji Hannuo let out a coquettish shout, and the chilong sword shadow shot towards the casual cultivator on the opposite side!

Immediately, the extremely thick cyan dragon shadow floated in the void, and the deafening roar of the chilong made everyone present feel the pores spread and the hairs stand on end!

"Miss!" The disciples of Xuanjianmen behind looked at the desperate Ji Hannuo, feeling horrified for no reason!

All the disciples of Xuanjianmen were shocked and distraught. They watched Ji Hannuo desperately defending himself, and suddenly they also bullied themselves to resist!

At the same moment, the casual cultivator on the opposite side also flashed solemnity.

In the invisible terrifying atmosphere, several of the most powerful casual cultivators could sense that Ji Hannuo had given up any hope, and fought desperately!

"In that case, go to hell!" Lao Meng roared!

Immediately, dozens of vitality rays of light diffused out, and the overwhelming space ripples turned into continuous light waves and entangled with the blue dragon shadow.


The frightening light waves of vitality, wherever they passed along the way, the remaining disciples of the Xuanjian sect were all blown away tens of meters!

In the end, at the place where it collided with the chilong beam of light, a fiery red light flashed out.

The terrifying and ferocious ancient aura surged rapidly, and waves of energy storms filled the air!

In the next second, the entire hall of Xuanjianmen collapsed inch by inch, and most of the casual cultivators had turned into flames and burned into nothingness!

The casual cultivator who dodged quickly also received a huge impact, and countless severed limbs landed in front of the lobby.

Looking back at the horrible scene just now, a dozen casual cultivators stared at the end of the flames as if they had seen a ghost.

Unknowingly, streams of foul-smelling yellow-white matter flowed out from between the casual cultivator's legs!


Miserable screams of pain sounded, and at this moment, the living casual cultivators felt the pain, one by one hugging their scorched broken arms and broken feet, howling.

"Who is that?"

The sudden change caused the disciples of Xuanjianmen who were flying upside down to look frightened and their souls flew into the sky.

Didn't the young miss fight hard just now?

"Look! That seems to be Sect Master Su!" One of the Xuanjianmen disciples shouted and looked into the distance.

After the light dissipated, under the fluctuation of the overwhelming light, a cyan figure half-kneeled in the red light.

Ji Hannuo was lying in the arms of the visitor, seeing the appearance of the visitor clearly, finally unstoppable tears spewed out along with the blood.

"Su Yi! Help me! Help dad!" Ji Hannuo looked at the face that once made him so confused, tears flowed out of his heart full of resentment.

Su Yi's brows were lowered, the corners of his mouth were tightly pursed, his blue face was full of murderous intent.

Embracing Ji Hannuo, Su Yi knew in his heart that Ji Hannuo was seriously injured by the blow just now.

If he came a second later, he would only see Ji Hannuo's body.

"Miss Ji!" Su Yi's voice was stuck in his throat, and his complexion was iron.

"It's Su Yi! That's a human being, that's Su Yi!" All the rogue cultivators who were still alive, there were probably more than 20 of them, gasped at once.

They have heard of Su Yi's prestige for a long time, the first place in Tianfeng Ranking Station!

The number one person in the entire Tianman Continent's young peers, even Lord Dragon God, is someone who admires him endlessly.

Just looking at Su Yi from a distance, everyone's minds were incomparably painful. This kind of extreme soul oppression can only be experienced by the extremely strong!

"Run! That person is Su Yi!"

"Run! Run! It's too powerful!"

"Yuanzong Realm! Su Yi is actually Yuanzong Realm! Run away!"

Immediately, everyone struggled to stand up, their eyes were horrified, they couldn't close the wound at all, and ran away!

Su Yi, who was kneeling on one knee, slowly stretched out his left hand with his eyes fixed.


Suddenly, an invisible giant palm of chaos distorted the void, covering the fleeing crowd in the air!

Under the terrifying power, the illusory and huge aura made all the escaping casual cultivators feel unable to compete, and a spontaneous feeling of insignificance emerged spontaneously!

"Let's all pay for Xuanjianmen's life! Die!" With a shout of killing intent, Su Yi firmly grasped the air, and the terrifying energy storm swept away like a hurricane!

When the storm spread between the sky and the earth, all the casual cultivators who escaped had no power to resist, and quickly turned into blood, and they were all annihilated in the void!


The red blood that swept across the world fell like raindrops, with a murderous aura, and the turbulent wind and clouds were filled with killing intent.

On the spot, all the surviving Xuanjian sect disciples looked at Su Yi who looked like a murderous god, with horror in their eyes, as if they had been petrified.

"Su Yi, Dad... Dad is in the back mountain!" Ji Hannuo held Su Yi's arm tightly, and passed out immediately after saying this.

Taking a deep breath, Su Yi felt his mind was blank.

Hot blood rushed to his mind like magma, and he stood up.

Su Yi, who looked at Zhou Kong, handed Ji Hannuo to Bodhi, and said softly: "Bodhi, Miss Ji is in your hands! Help me take care of her!"

"Master, do you need me to accompany you!" Immortal Bodhi frowned.

The cruel scene in front of him, with corpses strewn all over the field and blood flowing all over the mountain, is really too terrifying!

"No need!" Su Yi said coldly.

Su Yi will personally avenge Ji Hannuo for this revenge!

In the alliance meeting, when he first met the Demon Emperor, Ji Hannuo's confession made Su Yi's heart ache even more!

Throwing down a word lightly, Su Yi's whole body was like a machine, and the phantom flew out and got into the back mountain.

Looking at the back of Su Yi who was going away, Immortal Bodhi returned to the hall with the remaining disciples of Xuanjianmen.

In the whole hall, there were still many old and weak women and children of Xuanjianmen hiding.

Many desperate eyes looked at Immortal Bodhi as if they were looking at a god.

For this reason, Immortal Bodhi sighed and tried his best to help these Xuanjianmen disciples recover and heal their injuries.

In the far distance, beast roars roared, astonishing sonic booms rang out in succession, and finally everything fell into silence amidst a loud and clear phoenix cry.

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