The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2232: An Indisputable Merit!

"Let's hold back these disciples of the Nine Stars Valley!" The killing intent flashed in the eyes of Fairy Wuchang, and a ray of purple thunder flew out from the palm of her hand!

"Master, Chen Yao is counting on you!" Qinghuang also showed his demonic aura once again, changing into the true form of the flying snake.


"Back off! Stay in the ancient Hunyuan clock!" Su Yi roared, and all the powerhouses of the Overlord Sect were startled and stunned in place.

The blazing light of the imperial sparrow shone from behind Su Yi. Amidst the thunder and lightning, Su Yi loudly ordered everyone to back off!

"A loser is a loser after all! Chen Yao, I, Su Yi, will take back all of today's bloody debts from your Nine Star Valley!" The corners of Su Yi's scarlet eyes trembled slightly, and the corners of his mouth formed a sharp arc!

Aiming at Chen Yao, suddenly, a brilliant sparrow radiance shot out from behind Su Yi, like a signal rising into the sky!


The eyes of Chen Yao and the overwhelming Nine Star Valley powerhouse instantly trembled, and the phantom of the imperial sparrow flying into the sky quickly turned into bright fireworks blooming, bright and dazzling!

All of a sudden, the sky over the Overlord Sect was surging with thunder and lightning.


I saw countless rays of vitality coming from all directions, and in front of the rays, a blazing aura of the demon realm instantly attracted everyone's attention!

The leader is none other than Immortal Bodhi!

"Xuanjianmen, all the disciples come to help!" Behind Immortal Bodhi, Ji Hannuo led the Xuanjianmen towards him with rippling eyes.

Soon, a series of sharp roars stunned everyone on the spot.

The Overlord's family looked up at the countless warriors descended from the sky like magic soldiers, their eyes moved continuously, as if they were petrified!

"Liuhezong, the rest of the tribe come to fight!"

"Su Zongzhu, Ziyinglou is here to eliminate the thieves!"

"Tianjiao King, all the disciples of Wuya Palace are here as promised!"

"Disciple of Loose Cultivator, You Qingfang is here to fight!" The one who spoke was the injured warrior Su Yi had treated in Sword Star City!

Without exception, in Sword Star City, everyone who witnessed Su Yi's miracle came.

In a short while, more and more second-rate forces and third-rate forces gathered in the sky above the Overlord's Sect, forming a circular shape and filling the entire little Overlord's Sect to the brim!

The sound was earth-shattering, and the passionate roar made everyone in the Overlord Sect burst into tears and were extremely excited!

This is a great collection of Chaos Domains! A rare concerted effort!

At this difficult moment, all the forces in the chaotic domain, who are doing their own thing, have chosen to take refuge in the Overlord Sect's side!

Not only forces, but also many casual warriors, all gathered together at this moment!

This is an indisputable feat!

Eloquent, overwhelming, there are tens of thousands of people, their momentum is unparalleled, and the hot breath gathered together is enough to tear the entire sky into pieces!

"Is this all for the Overlord Sect! Su Yi, what did this kid do!" Xi Wuqing burst into tears, looking at the crowd of fighters in front of him, he was so excited that he had difficulty breathing!

Although the overwhelming warriors have different levels of cultivation, they are definitely a peerless force that should not be underestimated!

Enough to destroy the world, enough to defend the dignity of the entire chaotic domain!

In the sky above the Bawangzong, a flower of hope is blooming!

"Kill! The dog thief of Nine Star Valley!" Xue Zhong, Zhuo Rou and Ying Wu roared passionately!

Immediately rose to the sky, all the fierce ancient bodies of the demon emperor were like a courtyard, showing their murderous intent!

"Chen Yao, water can carry a boat or capsize it! The day you messed up the Chaos Domain, you gave me the Chaos Domain completely!" Su Yiling stood in the void, with world-shaking majesty in his eyes, looking at Opposite Chen Yao.

"Use your death to pay homage to my Elder Tang Ju!" Su Yi said coldly.

The eyes of more than 2,000 Nine Star Valley powerhouses were shocked, and they all showed serious faces. The corner of Chen Yao's mouth twitched as the leader!

He didn't expect such a scene, and he had never seen it when he grew up so big!

Is this still a domain of chaos?

This piece of hard bone that all major forces dare not bite, but for Su Yi, they all came together?

Is this a joke with Nine Star Valley?

"Kill Chen Yao and give me back the Chaos Domain!"

"Nine Star Valley must die! Chen Yao will be punished!"

"Sect Master Su, we listen to you!"

The crowd was surging, and every sentence of the terrifying sound wave was a shocking sonic boom, which shook the void!

"Su Yi, do you think you can win against us just like this!" Chen Yao laughed wildly, but the throbbing in his eyes was still lingering.

Suddenly, the starlight in Chen Yao's hands suddenly burst out, and the violent energy captured the sound wave. He shouted hoarsely, "You guys dare to fight me! What's wrong with a mob!"

In Nine Stars Valley, only Yuanhuang Realm powerhouses accounted for more than half of them. Even though the number of these 10,000 Chaotic Domain powerhouses is terrifying, their cultivation bases are indeed not as good!

At this time, an old and powerful voice came out from a crack in the sky.

"Lord of Chaos, some people think you are not good enough, then I will add fire to you!"

Immediately, all eyes on the scene converged on a certain point in the sky, and a dark space crack suddenly formed, deep and empty!

In the black gap, the appearance of an old figure shocked Su Yi's eyes!

"San Ye!" Su Yi's blood-red eyes flickered in surprise, staring closely at the dark crack in space.

At this time, Bixue Lingshen looked like a fairy, his strength suddenly soared, and he had reached the terrifying third level of the Demon Emperor Realm!

"See what good things I brought you?" Jade Spirit Ginseng smiled slightly, spat out the root hairs in his mouth, and wiped them behind him.

Immediately, within the gap, the prehistoric behemoth opened its ferocious mouth instantly, and the terrifying monster aura that devoured the world suddenly appeared in the sky!


Urgent roars resounded through the sky, and a full 300 powerhouses of the Demon Emperor Realm and Demon Sect Realm filed out from the gap, looking at Su Yi, who was like a demon venerable, with reverence in their eyes!

"I will be entrusted by Lord Lingshen, and I will be at the command of the Yaozun!"

Such a grand occasion, Su Yi was unexpected, with these three hundred big monsters joining, the book strength will definitely not lose!

A warm feeling surged in my heart. At the most critical moment, Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng will never lose its chain!

"Master San, thank you for your trouble!" Su Yi said loudly, wearing a green shirt, as if a demon king descended into the world!

"Don't look at me, thank you, Miss Bodhi!" Bi Xueling glanced at Immortal Bodhi, his old eyes mixed with infinite affection.

Immediately, Su Yi cast his eyes on Immortal Bodhi, probably everything has been clarified!

On the same day, Jade Spirit Ginseng returned to the Chaotic Realm as promised. At this time, he must have been hiding somewhere in retreat at the third level of the Demon Emperor Realm, and was finally found by Immortal Bodhi!

What a monster Bodhi Immortal is! Jade Blood Ginseng can only be obedient.

Under the call of big monsters like Jade Blood Spirit Ginseng and Bodhi Immortal, whose healing powers reach the sky, any barbaric monster will rush here without even thinking about it.

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