The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2236: Crimson Cangyun!

Looking up and closing his eyes, absorbing the energy of the nine-star formation, Su Yi looked at the terrified eyes below, and finally realized Chen Yao's state of mind at that time.

The pleasure brought by this kind of slaughter is indeed addictive.

Anything addictive is definitely not a good thing!

Su Yi is not Chen Yao after all!

Even if he hated, he still hated those blood-stained Nine Star Valley people.

Just like Tang Juan is an example, Jiuxinggu is not all bad guys.

What's more, the killing is extremely severe, and it cannot be killed indiscriminately.

The reason why the chaotic domain is chaotic is that there are no rules, no constraints, hatred and blood dominate this land.

"Listen, all Overlords, anyone who dares to resist will be killed without mercy! Those who surrender, control them all! Now! Search all areas of the Nine Stars Valley for me! No one will be left behind!"

Su Yi's icy voice fell high and low, like a trial by a god. Immediately, the sweeping evil spirit rushed down Fenglei Valley in an instant!


The big monster is born, and the beasts come out of the forest!


"Avenge your dead brothers!"

"Revenge for the people in Chaos Realm!"

Suddenly, on the vast Fenglei Valley, billowing thunder slowly spread with a ferocious aura.

Huge animal shadows appeared in the horrified sight of everyone in Jiuxing Valley, screaming one after another.

Looking at this miserable Nine Stars Valley, no matter who it is, the soul will tremble.

On the other side, a strange scene made Su Yi's eyes tighten.

I saw a magic bead floating in front of a girl, a fierce and violent black aura permeated out, and two deep eyes looked at countless strong men in the surrounding sky, which made people shudder!

There was a black and sinister aura fluctuating all over his body, and large pieces of remnant souls and ghosts shot out from the magic beads, aiming at the disciples of Nine Stars Valley.

Soon, the remnant souls of countless Nine Star Valley disciples were attracted by the huge black soul traction, turning into strange arcs and impacting into the bead body.

"Feng Qi'er!" Su Yi's eyes trembled. After returning to the Overlord Sect, everyone hadn't seen her before, but they forgot about Feng Qi'er.

"My apprentice, the Soul Cultivation Orb has come in handy. Otherwise, the Overlord Sect has so much residual soul energy that you don't know how to end it during the time you adjust your breath!" Xi Wuqing looked at his beloved apprentice brilliantly, his eyes full of tears affim.

Such a huge collection of remnant souls will become an extremely huge terrifying energy!

Su Yi couldn't help but nodded, the weak little girl in that Jinpeng secret realm was finally strong!

For her, the Overlord School was rebuilt from Fengjia Village, so it may have a deeper affection.

This bloody battle, against Feng Qier, may be the best chance in life!

At this time, Su Yi looked at the great situation, the disciples of Nine Star Valley would soon be completely surrendered, and all the 50,000 to 60,000 disciples surrendered, which was shocking!

Looking at the beautiful mountains and rivers, Su Yi immediately realized how huge the Overlord Sect that unified the chaotic domain would be.

In the future, the Overlord Sect will indeed have to change places.

Immediately after Su Yi buried Tang Juan's bones in Tang Juan's residence, standing in the void, Su Yi watched the blood stained the large bamboo forest underneath, leaving only a few words.

"Leave someone to guard. Let's go! Cangyun Palace is waiting for us!"

Cangyun Palace, the number one force in the Chaos Domain.

After the Tianfeng Ranking Tournament, Shi Susu returned to Cangyun Palace, and the entire Cangyun Palace also began to retreat.

The Cangyun Palace no longer interfered with the affairs of the Chaotic Domain, but now, no one would have thought that they would encounter such a catastrophe.

The Cangyun Palace, which was prosperous and prosperous in the past, will now be shrouded in a thick and desolate sea of ​​blood.

Looking from a distance, the majestic Cangyun Temple seems to be crawling under a huge crimson monster, and the sea of ​​blood radiates like jewels, and its fierce pupils stare at the sky, which is daunting!


In the sky, two pitch-black spatial cracks suddenly formed, and Su Yi led everyone in the Overlord Sect to the foot of Cangyun Palace Mountain.

Above the mountains, the terrifying aura turned the surrounding sky into a scarlet red, and a sea of ​​violent blood floated in the clouds, and the earth-shattering energy made people's hearts jump.

"The Blood Yang Sect is stronger than we thought!" Xi Wuqing squinted his eyes, looking at the sky like a wave of blood rolling, burning the nearby mountain peaks into nothingness.

Seeing that the surrounding space was shattered, Su Yi nodded, and a gleam flashed in his eyes.

Cangyun Palace has always claimed to be the number one in the chaotic domain, with strong strength, so it thought that others would not dare to attack.

Now, when the Blood Yang Sect attacks, they must be at a loss!

I am afraid that above the Cangyun Palace, there is also a sea of ​​blood and a mountain of corpses.


On the top of the mountain, thunder and lightning flashed, and the breath of destruction fell between the heaven and the earth. The scarlet momentum completely made the people present dignified.

"There are people behind Chen Yao, and there must be strong people behind the Blood Yang Sect!" Su Yi's eyelids moved slightly, and he immediately said to Xi Wuqing: "Brother, take half of your power to attack from behind! I will go up from the front! Wait for me order!"

The two knew each other, and Xi Wuqing immediately ordered to go down through sound transmission with vitality, and the mighty crowd flew towards the other side of the mountain.

Along the mountain road of Cangyun Palace, he quietly went up, and the tragic scene in front of him made Su Yi feel more and more dignified.

The terrifying bloody smell coupled with the Blood Yang Sect's own skills, and the bloody mountain road paved with countless corpses also proved one thing.

The Cangyun Palace suffered an extremely disastrous loss!

Compared with the Overlord Sect, the tragedy of Cangyun Palace is even more immeasurable!

Three-quarters of the disciples below Yuanhuang Realm have perished!

Such a severe degree can only prove that the people behind the Blood Yang Sect may be far stronger than the forces behind Chen Yao!

"Who could it be? Have people from the Long family come too?" Su Yi pondered in his heart.

Wang Jinghui is a member of Tianlongzong, and he is the strongest among the four people who assist Jiuxinggu! Who is behind the Blood Yang Sect?

Suddenly, the corner of Su Yi's mouth twitched, and a strong fiery breath surged in front of him, Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu swept away like a storm, and he moved forward quickly.

When approaching the gate of Cangyun Palace, Su Yi gestured backwards for everyone to hide their aura.


The vitality of the billowing wind enveloped the sky, as if covering the sky and the sun, and the phantom of the huge Wind Spirit Golden Emperor Bird rushed to the sky, causing Su Yi's eyes to tremble for no reason.

"It's Miss Master's vitality!" Su Yi frowned.

Immediately, Su Yi restrained his breath, used Suoying Pill and Yunying Tashuang, and passed through the mountain gate in front of Bawang's family.

Inside the mountain gate, on the huge Cangyun Square, it was dark and full of people!

All the people in Cangyun Hall were sitting slumped, their breath was sluggish, on the other side of the Blood Yang Sect, the blood light filled the air, and the decaying breath was terrifying and powerful!

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, a black and white Wind Spirit Golden Emperor Bird wrapped Shi Susu, struggling to fight with the opposite warrior.

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