The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2248: Everyone wants face!

A night of drinking between human beings and wild monsters, drinking wine and chatting happily, this kind of scene is probably unique in the world!

But everyone who has experienced tonight is full of respect for Su Yi, a young patriarch in his twenties.

Apart from Tianfeng Martial Pavilion and Sky Demon Sect thousands of years ago, only the Bawang Sect could do it.

Emperor Sparrow Demon Lord, Tianjiao King, after this night of jubilation, they all converged into the same title.

"The Lord of Chaos!"

The next day, the sky was bright and clear, and the Overlord Sect ushered in the great day when all directions came to court.

Su Yi got up very early today for a night of global feast, and deliberately changed into the fire-pattern robe that Nangong Ningyue had prepared for him.

The colorful pattern of the phoenix holding the sword inlaid with golden rims is so large that it is carved on the upper body. Under the golden sunlight, it looks radiant, like a god descending, with extraordinary momentum.

Pushing open the gate of the meeting hall, a stream of golden sun shot down from the sky through the eaves, his eyes slightly wrinkled, and the phoenix on his chest was refracted above the void like a living thing.

The fiery light shone across the world, and a majestic aura brought the aura of the Overlord Sect to a climax!

"Congratulations, Lord Co-Master!"

The sound of the mountain roaring like a tsunami rushed straight into the sky, and the fierce momentum was like rolling waves, which could swallow up everything in the world.

Terrifying sound waves swept across the world, like the terrifying energy emanating from a prehistoric giant beast, which made people shudder.

Looking at Bawang Square full of people, Su Yi's eyes froze, looking at Xi Wuqing behind him, he said in surprise: "After screening, are there still so many people?"

Xi Wuqing nodded helplessly, and said: "There are a total of 15,000 people here, including the human race and the wild monsters, and the total number of people under them is 8.4 million! It can't be sieved!"

Immediately, Su Yi took a deep breath, a mighty aura surged out, and there was a sense of majesty and domineering rushing between his brows.

"Everyone, get up!"


When everyone stood up, just the fifteen thousand strong men in the chaotic domain, every move was enough to shake the heavens and the earth, they could pick the sun, moon and stars with their hands, and they could step on the nine heavens and ten earths with their feet!

Looking at the countless respectful gazes, Su Yi immediately saw Jiu Aotian and Xie Wuxu, and Shi Susu was at the top.

As the former No. 1 force of the Overlord Sect, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Even if the disciples of the headquarters were killed, the number of disciples gathered in the branches of the Cangyun Temple spread across the major cities and towns in the chaotic domain would still be an extremely terrifying number.

"Ninth Sect Master, Elder Xie, you are here too!" Su Yi's eyes lit up, and his vigorous voice was mixed with vitality and spread all over the field.

Suddenly, Jiu Aotian looked at Xie Wuxu with a serious look in his eyes, and bowed halfway to Su Yi.

Jiu Aotian's voice was deep and deep, like a Hong Zhong. Yuan Zong's peak strength had already recovered, and he said with high spirits: "Su Zongzhu, if you hadn't acted this time, there would be no one worshiping here today, like my Cangyun Palace!"

"Severe words, Ninth Sect Master!" Su Yi frowned.

Cangyun Palace was the number one power in the past, so Su Yi naturally didn't want Jiu Aotian to lose face too much.

Looking at Shi Susu, who was standing quietly aside, Xie Wuxu's voice rose again, and he said, "Sect Master Su, don't be overly modest! Today's visit to Cangyun Palace has already shown our intentions! Cangyun Palace always puts chaos first. Famous, but I didn't expect that this chaos did not play any exemplary role! You are ashamed to be the number one in chaos, and you are ashamed to be the heroes of chaos!"

"Elder Xie, I am serious!" All of a sudden, thousands of experts in the chaotic domain cast respectful glances at Cangyun Palace.

It is not easy for Cangyun Palace to lower its status like this.

From another perspective, only Su Yi's unworldly meritorious service can be exchanged for the bow of the Cangyun Palace!

The audience was silent, and even the big monsters looked at Cangyun Palace in unison.

At this time, Jiu Aotian stood up, with extremely solemn eyes, and said to Su Yi: "Su Zongzhu! Cangyun Temple has been in the chaotic domain for thousands of years, and it has always been the number one! But this old man is about to break this rule today. From now on, all the disciples of Yundian will respect Bawangzong! I swear in the name of the suzerain, Cangyundian will never fight for this chaotic number one!"


The audience was in an uproar, and all the warriors couldn't help talking.

What kind of strength is the Cangyun Palace? If the Cangyun Palace does not obstruct it, the Overlord Sect will soon soar through the entire chaotic domain!

In front of the meeting hall, Su Yi, Xi Wuqing and the others were also shocked.

None of them expected that Cangyun Palace could do this.

"The era of the Overlord Sect is finally coming!" Xi Wuqing blushed. Back then, when Su Yi told himself that he wanted to create a sect that was better than the Holy Mountain, he thought it was a child's joke.

Looking at it now, it has become a reality!

"Imperial dominance, live up to the youth!" The corner of Wuchang Fairy's lips curled slightly, and she looked towards Su Yi, her eyes were full of joy.

"Nine Sect Masters! Since this is the case, the Overlord Sect also makes a solemn promise to you. Although the Cangyun Palace belongs to my Overlord Sect, it has absolute autonomy and self-government rights. My Overlord Sect will also give up the position of deputy suzerain. It's up to you Take charge!"

Su Yi looked at Jiu Aotian, and the words that burst out of his mouth carried unparalleled power.

Cang Yundian gave himself enough face, and Bawangzong would of course be a man.

Even if the upper echelons of Cangyun Temple are willing to submit to the lofty and noble Cangyun Temple, the intricate branches below will inevitably have ideas, but as long as they surrender, softening and appeasement is not easy.

With the gradual strength of the Overlord Sect and the blending with each other all year round, the autonomy of Cangyun Palace will also be in vain.

But at this time, Su Yiquan completely kept the face of Cangyun Palace, and being able to make him independent is entirely based on the huge strength of Cangyun Palace.

As soon as the words fell, Xiwuqing and Wuchang Fairy both showed admiration, and said in a concentrated voice: "The boy's methods are getting better and better! Cangyun Palace, surrender Xinyue!"

Suddenly, with tears in their eyes, Jiu Aotian and Xie Wuxu, leading the lineage of Cangyun Palace, completely knelt down in front of Su Yi.

The neat sound of worship resounded through the sky, shaking the world!

"The co-lord of the chaotic domain, Cangyun Palace sincerely surrenders!"

The Cangyun Palace has already surrendered, and these human fighters and big monsters who have surrendered have also started to worship.

Wave after wave of people, after simplifying the etiquette, Su Yi, as suzerain, gave a lecture to all the strong.

When there are too many people, it will be troublesome to manage.

According to the original idea of ​​six halls and one hall, Su Yi still put all human fighters into the six halls.

Now that they have surrendered to the Overlord Sect, all the original Liuhe Sect will be disrupted, and they will be incorporated into various halls according to the characteristics of the warriors.

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