The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2257: Stormy Waves!


As soon as the words fell, the leader of the wandering fish soldiers in the distance shot out a terrifying water attribute energy from his palm.

The three forked winds cut through the space like a bamboo, and exploded towards Su Yi.

Su Yi's eyes narrowed slightly due to the sudden attack. This style of fighting as soon as he said it was very different from Tianlan Haicheng's style of handling things.

Suddenly, there were more and more water arrows, covering Su Yi's head like a surging net, and the space ripples along the way burst apart inch by inch!


Flames burst out from under Su Yi's feet, and the hot flames instantly burned a channel for the surrounding water attributes.

There was a faint light, and the sound of a bird whistling flashed across the sky, and when everyone looked at Su Yi again, they were already floating hundreds of meters away.

Landing steadily, Su Yi frowned unconsciously.

From the point of view of strength, the strength of this fish soldier leader at the fifth level of the Demon Sect Realm still makes Su Yi a little startled. It seems that these wandering fish soldiers in Tianlan Haicheng are not ordinary.

It's just that Su Yi really can't compliment his IQ.

Obviously, he had already said that he was here to find Lan Luolian, but he didn't know which nerve of these murlocs had been touched, and he actually attacked him like this.

Suppressing the raging anger in his heart, Su Yi said coldly to the fish soldiers: "I really came to look for your fairies, please inform me! What's there to fight?"

"This guy is so strong! He can escape Lin Ge's water net attack formation!"

"Even Biyan Wuxianghai has been broken, so it's not a mortal! Maybe it's really here to find Master Xiangu."

"That can't be helped, Lin Ge likes face the most! As a commander, how can he let people pass so casually?"

"Hey, there is a good show to watch, let's wait and see what happens!"

Behind You Ling Yubing, thousands of island masters looked at Su Yi with apprehension in their eyes.

With Su Yi being so strong, he easily neutralized Lin Ge's offensive, and the island owners naturally didn't want to get into trouble casually.

"Boy, but you have the aura of a golden dragon on your body, tell me who you are?" The leader of the wandering spirit known as Lin Ge watched Su Yi escape the attack lightly, the surprise in his heart was already welling up, and then he lowered his eyes, Yin Han said.

"Golden Dragon Breath!"

"What, is this kid from Fanlong Tiangong?"

"It's actually from the Long family!"

In an instant, the faces of the island owners who were still hesitating just now turned cold.

His eyes trembled, and the terrifying coercion surged into the sky like a tide in an instant.

"Bang bang!"

At this moment, the entire mid-air was shattered by these thousands of sources of vitality, and the wind was surging, and it trembled faintly!

"Hey, it's getting more and more troublesome!" Su Yi had tried his best to hide the golden dragon's aura, but he was still discovered by this group of wandering fish soldiers.

Originally, even if he didn't give in, he would turn around and leave at worst, but now he was riding a tiger.

Neither going, nor entering!

"These guys are all brains, but they are loyal and good guards. Otherwise, the Tianlan sea area would not be so calm for so many years!" Chi Feihong told Su Yi that the wandering fish soldiers were all rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Hearing and smell are the magic weapons that make them superior to other warriors.

Most of the time, the spirit fish soldiers can tear the enemy to pieces and strangle them without looking!

Suddenly, a strong murderous intent filled the air, and the terrifying evil spirit from the fish soldiers instantly condensed!

Even the island masters who were still hesitating just now looked fiercely, and a killing intent that was about to crush their opponents surged across the sky and the earth.

"Tian Lan Haicheng hates the Long family so much? It seems that I'm right!" Su Yi's mouth twitched.

Tianlan Haicheng's attitude made Su Yi feel at ease.

As long as they are enemies with the Long family, they are Su Yi's friends.

His eyes fell on the light of Qian Dao Yuan Qi, Su Yi's eyes fluctuated awe-inspiringly, and immediately released the golden dragon's aura completely.

Since Jin Long Fudi came out, the incomparably ferocious golden dragon neighing sound spread out in waves!

At this moment, the souls of all Tianlan strongmen trembled, and a trace of extreme terror could be felt in the boiling breath!


A lifelike ferocious animal head galloped out from behind Su Yi, and the roaring dragon chant resounded throughout the world.

Under the trembling eyes of everyone, Su Yi is like a golden dragon god, slowly coming from a distance!

"It's really the breath of a golden dragon! But how can it be so majestic!"

"Is this young man Long Cang? No, he doesn't look like Long Kuang!"

"Since that's the case, no matter how strong you are, you can win! With such a character in Tianlan Haicheng, how can the Lord of Thousand Islands sit still and wait for death!"

"There are thousands of us, and today we will definitely capture this thief from the Long family alive!"

Suddenly, the murlocs and the strong roared at the same time, and the stormy aura of Yuanzong and Yaozong swept across the sky, glaring at Su Yi fiercely!


Immediately, from above the boundless Tianlan void, thousands of rays of vitality around him and majestic water arrows smashed towards Su Yi, instantly making all the souls of the entire void tremble.

"If you want to make a fuss, make a big fuss!" The corner of Su Yi's mouth raised a cold arc slightly.

On this sea surface rich in water attribute energy, Su Yi's water element soul talent would naturally come in handy.

Facing the gust of vitality attack with his hands behind his back, Su Yi's eyes were calm, revealing an incomparable calmness in his eyes.

I have never seen such a scene before.

It was nothing more than a siege. Su Yi was surrounded by thousands of people many times before, and Su Yi was able to open the door to murder.

Facing these people at this time, Su Yi couldn't have any murderous intentions.

Under the feet of the ghostly ghost, sparks splashed and surged in front of Su Yi, and the overwhelming attacks passed Su Yi's body in a flash.

As if passing through thousands of flowers, Su Yi came and went freely within the dense attack formation, like a whitebait in the sea, who was never hit at all!

"Damn it, does this kid count loaches! His body skills are so weird!"

"It's terrifying to have such a cultivation at such a young age! Let alone let him go today!"

"Every island owner, let's catch him together! I'll report to Elder Ying!"


After the words fell, fierce and inexplicable water-attribute rays of light spread out in the sky, and the emerald green rays of light covered the sky and the sun.

All the people present looked at Su Yi, who was phantom again and again, and their hearts became more and more frightened!

"Su Xiaoyou, it's your fault that you didn't notify me when you came!"

In the void, a vicissitudes and old voice gradually fell, and even everyone couldn't help shaking!

Suddenly, Su Yi raised his eyes, and saw that the clear sky was as blue as washing, and a majestic prehistoric aura spread.

The waves are pouring, and a huge handprint formed by the gathering of water flows quickly from the ripples in space!


The palm prints spread all over the sky, and as the palm prints fell, the powerhouses present were startled, withdrew their vitality, and retreated violently!

Immediately, Su Yi bounced back, brushed the dust off his shoulders, and looked at the person coming from the void palm print.

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