The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2438: Goddess's persistence!

Obviously, Kuang Xiao is also preparing for the final blow.

"Sister, give it a try! I'll take the lead, and you'll be the last!" Duanmu Qingtian opened his starry eyes and shouted loudly towards Duanmu Xiaoman who was behind him.

Standing on the peak in front of the earthquake, Duanmu Xiaoman pressed her lips tightly. From refining to using, she knows better than anyone else the frightening aspect of this god-controlling cauldron.

But no one has seen the power of the real God of Yutian Cauldron, let alone the side effects of the God of Yutian Cauldron.

In other words, Duanmu Xiaoman had no idea what kind of dire consequences would be caused by using the God of Yutian Cauldron.

"That's too late!"

Duanmu Qingtian's voice kept echoing in Duanmu Xiaoman's ears, thinking that he had fulfilled his master Nan Xihui's wish, did he want to follow in his footsteps?

Duanmu Xiaoman was scared.

Duanmu Xiaoman, who had always been as calm as ice, was afraid that she would not be able to wait for her sweetheart like a master, and she would not be able to wait for Su Yi.

At this moment, she really wanted to see Su Yi again.

In the distance, a golden light shot from the peak after the earthquake, and the fierce force drove the turbid waves far away. It was Duanmu Xiongtu who was galloping.

Looking at the golden light bursting out from Duanmu Xiongtu, Duanmu Xiaoman felt extremely calm.

No matter what, Master Nan Xihui has devoted her whole life to the love in her heart.

Duanmu Xiaoman wants to do the same.

In Duanmu Xiaoman's last life, she lived for Duanmu Qingtian, and in the second half of her life, Duanmu Xiaoman will live for herself!

In the bursting space, the world was muddy.

The sky in the distance was a mess, it was horrible, suddenly, a terrifying force that moved mountains and seas shot out from the peak before the earthquake!

"My God, what power is that!"

"Look, what Palace Master Duanmu is doing on the peak before the earthquake!"

Xi Wuqing, Chi Feihong, Long Poshan and others were fighting on their respective peaks. At this moment, they felt a sharp aura rushing towards the sky, their expressions changed instantly, and they all looked towards the front peak in unison.

The eyes flickered, and everyone who watched felt a transcendent force capable of destroying heaven and earth erupted!

On the peak before the earthquake, Duanmu Qingtian had been forcibly forced to Duanmu Xiaoman's side.

Duanmu Xiaoman's eyes were solemn, and with a slight movement of the dark white moon robe, a three-legged azure blue divine cauldron appeared in front of him.

Dense patterns of light dotted and circulated on it, and overwhelming soul energy burst out, passing through the distorted space in an instant, sweeping away in all directions!

"The Divine Cauldron of Yutian, the Divine Cauldron of Yutian!"

"Is that the legendary divine cauldron! Can it induce the ancient remnant soul and subdue all the filthy divine cauldrons in the world!"

"Master Duanmu's retreat is actually refining that thing! God bless me to control the Heavenly Palace!"

The divine cauldron overflowed with light, as if bathed in holy light, the tide-like soul attack power rushed to the sky and the earth one after another, and the azure blue light sprinkled to the sky with the mysterious brilliance.

The powerhouses who witnessed everything were full of emotions and were extremely excited.

When the legendary divine cauldron came to the world, how could they not tremble!

"Palace Master! You have sacrificed too much for Yutian Palace!"

At this moment, the Palace Master Guyue on a mountain peak had tears in his eyes as he stared at the vision of the distant mountain peak, his chest heaving and falling.

As the only deputy palace lord of Yutian Palace, Guyue knows better than anyone that the Divine Cauldron of Yutian is hard-won.

It was recorded in ancient books that the first lord of Yutian Palace occasionally obtained the complete copy of Yutian Jue, and later "cooperated" with Li Shi to forge the Yutian Shending Cauldron.

The divine cauldron was born, born with a vision, and the gods and demons of the prehistoric world dare not follow.

However, there is no record in the ancient books of what battle the Yutian Divine Cauldron was really used for and what achievements Yutian Palace had.

Therefore, Guyue guessed that there was something in it, but who really used the Godly Cauldron in history, the answer is no!

At this moment, on the peak before the epicenter, divine light shone brightly, fierce soul energy swept across the sky, and talismans like divine chains surged on Duanmu Xiaoman and Duanmu Qingtian.

Duanmu Xiaoman, who was illuminated by the divine light, was fair and fair, with fluttering hair, like a god.

The blue pupils overflowed with brilliant brilliance, and the overwhelming ice spirit wrapped around the divine cauldron. At this moment, the divine cauldron instantly exuded a heart-pounding icy air.

"Sister!" Duanmu Qingtian pushed his hands horizontally, pouring his soul energy into it, but was bounced back by a more terrifying and powerful energy!

Looking at Duanmu Xiaoman blankly, Duanmu Qingtian froze instantly.

"The Divine Cauldron of Yutian can't be opened by relying on the current Yutian Jue alone. Only by urging the divine power of Bingluan can I turn the world around. Forgive my sister for being impulsive, and Yutian Palace will depend on you from now on!"

At this moment, due to the surge of Bingluan's power, Duanmu Xiaoman's voice seemed to be squeezed out from between the jaws.

As soon as the words fell, the face of the man on the other side changed, and the unruly eyes had already been replaced by shock, and the terrifying power erupted by Mu Xiaoman in front of him was absolutely beyond his imagination.

"Impossible, you can't control such a fetish!"

As he said that, Kuang Xiao stepped back, and the black energy storm continued to stir, but it didn't have the overwhelming impact just now.

Suddenly, facing the provocation of the mad owl, Duanmu Xiaoman glanced at the stunned Duanmu Qingtian, then tapped his feet lightly, and the ice spirit around him lifted up the Heaven-Controlling God Cauldron, and Duanmu Xiaoman's figure gradually lifted into the air.

In the miraculous pupils, Duanmu Xiaoman revealed a faint look of disdain, and said softly: "If you want to destroy me Yutian, you are a little too early!"

"No, sister!"

"Palace Master, don't!"

"Palace Master Duanmu!"

"you dare!"

Everyone started to get scared at this moment, and even Kuang Xiao exposed the panic in his heart.

The terrifying Heaven-Controlling Divine Cauldron was lifted into the sky quickly, and countless terrifying ancient remnant souls surged out from the top in an instant.

The azure blue demon souls covered the sky and covered the sky, and when the Heaven-Controlling God Cauldron was aimed at the Mad Xiao, the space began to change color, and the world seemed to collapse, and the terrifying energy it carried was about to kill people!

In the next moment, Duanmu Xiaoman's movements were smooth and smooth, and the azure blue light completely burst out from his body.

A streak of icy blue blood essence between the eyebrows turned into energy that filled the sky, directing the ancient remnant souls that swept across the world to impact on the body of Venerable Mad Xiao!


Under the domineering blue brilliance, countless ancient remnant souls swayed the energy of the world, and all kinds of elements of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth gathered together, colliding with the black energy light cluster in the distance!

In an instant, the sky and the earth changed color, and one after another of pitch-black space ripples erupted, and the huge force enough to swallow the vitality of all things spread across the sky and the earth, spreading like lightning!

Realizing that Duanmu Xiaoman was saving Yutian Palace at the cost of his life, everyone withdrew their attacks and rushed towards the peak before the epicenter.

At the same time, the terrifying Long Ben army gathered towards the peak before the epicenter like a storm!

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