The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2505: You go home!

"The Illusory Demon Starfield has arrived!"

In the sky, as if someone was monitoring, a heavy old voice came out slowly.

In an instant, the hundreds of millions of eyes on the scene cast their gazes towards the sky, and above the void, ten golden-feathered flying cloud steeds drove through the sky, pulling a gold-plated and bronze-yellow carriage.

"It's Venerable Chanyi, it's Venerable Chanyi!"

Many super powerhouses present were surprised and kept shouting into the sky.

The carriage rides on the clouds to clear the way for the demon queen's chariot in the center, and only three magic masters can ride into the city during the assembly of the magic masters.

Immediately, the people who were queuing up started to go crazy, their excited eyes fell on the carriage, wishing that Venerable Chanyi could take another look at him.

"Honor Chanyi, I am Luo Shuo! I am Luo Shuo!"

The man in the snow wolf fur coat just now had the loudest voice, instantly attracting the attention of many people.

Seeing that it was Luo Shuo from the Shuobing Starfield, everyone smiled and nodded.

Among the star fields, if there is one crazy fan of Yun Chanyi, it must be Luo Shuo.

"So he is Luo Shuo!"

Su Yi smiled knowingly, and at this moment, a curtain was slowly opened on the demon queen's chariot.

Following the sound, Yun Chanyi in the chariot also slightly revealed half of her face.

Yun Chanyi originally wanted to find out if Su Yi could be there, but she didn't want to cause a commotion!


"The demon queen has lifted the curtain! The demon queen has lifted the curtain!"

"Get out of the way, everyone out of the way!"

Luo Shuo instantly surged with vitality, raised his body and waved at Yun Chanyi, shouting frantically: "Honor Chanyi, this way, look at me!"


Immediately, a ray of light flashed in the sky above Shendu, and in an instant a ray of profound thunder struck out, and the golden light overflowed and impacted on Luo Shuo's figure!

"Region Master!" the Shuo Bing Star Region powerhouse shouted instantly.

Seeing that something was wrong, Su Yi and Yun Chanyi changed their colors at the same time, only to hear a violent explosion, and Luo Shuo was directly blasted back by the thunder.

"Why attack the visitor!" Luo Shuo's face suddenly changed.


Above the sky, a dull voice came again, softly passed down, "Besides the capital of the gods, don't make any noise! ​​The master of the law is something you can touch casually!"

In an instant, Luo Shuo's eyes were startled, his face was pale, he shook his head, stood up, and said to the sky, "Who is here?"

"The one who takes the post of Bliss Master, there is no danger."

Suddenly, an old man in his sixties appeared high above the sky, with a gloomy demeanor and an unchallenged majesty, and the eyes of everyone present suddenly changed.

"So it's Venerable Wuyu. Even so, you don't need to use such a heavy hand, right?" Luo Shuo wiped away the blood, his eyes instantly turned cold.

Immediately, tens of thousands of eyes focused on Luo Shuo, Luo Shuo was famous for liking Yun Chanyi in the star field.

Even if there are some mistakes, do you need to deal with a domain owner like this?

Everyone's mood became gloomy and cold in an instant, their eyes fell on the horizon, and their faces were raised.

"Everyone who comes is a guest, Venerable Wuyu, are you opening the door to welcome guests?" Luo Shuo said gloomyly.

Immediately, the atmosphere in the sky became solemn, Wuyu was alone on the Shendu, the Illusory Demon Starfield was in the middle, and Luo Shuo was wounded behind him.

In the past, the Bliss Starfield was very polite, but this year's Dharma Holder Conference was held in the Bliss God City, but they didn't expect that everyone present would be stunned by this move.

In the horse formation of the Illusory Demon Starfield, there was also a slowly overflowing monster energy, and the atmosphere was eerie and quiet.

"This Nanke is trying to give everyone present a big blow in front of the Illusory Demon Star Region!" Su Yi narrowed his eyes.

"Then it seems that Nan Ke's desire to do something is imminent, and he has started to ignore the domain masters." Feng Kuang sneered with a sword.

Immediately, the eyes of the present moved to the old man, the old man slowly opened his eyes, his pupils condensed with a deep light, "The great calamity of the ancient times is approaching, this meeting of the masters of magic is of great significance, Lord Luoyu acted recklessly, it seems that he did not make a good cooperation Ready to resist?"

The ancient catastrophe!

When Wuyu said this, the eyes of those present jumped violently, and the atmosphere condensed.

At this moment, Luo Shuo also became serious, and said to the old man Wuyu: "Honor Wuyu, I was reckless, Shuobing Starfield apologized to the God of Bliss here!"

"Good job! We admire Luo Yuzhu who can bend and stretch!"

"Luo Shuo, you, her grandma, look like a man! Let's deal with the ancient catastrophe together!"

Many domain owners gave Luo Shuo a thumbs up, but Su Yi's eyes kept falling on Wuyu.

"No need, Master Luo, take your people back!" Wu Yu waved his hands, expressionless and cold.

Immediately, Luo Shuo, who was full of smiles, froze in place, and the audience was instantly silent.

The God of Bliss has such a big score, how dare he call a whole group of people from the Shuobing Starfield home?

Immediately, Wuyu's eyes moved down, gloomy eyes shot at everyone who was terrified, "Anyone who is not prepared can leave! No need to make noise! ​​Even the God of Bliss doesn't need such help!"


One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and all the domain masters present turned ugly. It's a bit too much for the God of Bliss to get rid of Mawei, right?

Luo Shuo has already apologized, but Wuyu still refuses to let go. What is he going to do?

"God of Bliss really has a great deal of face, we won't be participating in the Dharma Holder Conference!"

"Yes! We will not participate!"

"Lord Luo Yu, it's not your fault today, the God of Bliss seems to be used to being superior, let them play by themselves!"

Hundreds of thousands of noisy voices suddenly erupted, and everyone's eyes on Wu Yu became serious for no reason.

"My lord Wuyu, why are you doing this?"

In the chariot, Yun Chanyi's voice came slowly, and then a ray of light shot out, and hundreds of figures from the chariot appeared in the sky at the same time.

As soon as Yun Chanyi showed up, it aroused many ideas.

Above the void, Yun Chanyi instantly caught Su Yi's position, and with a slight movement of her enchanting face, she looked at Venerable Wuyu.

"Honorable Chanyi!" Behind Luo Shuo, his brows immediately beamed with joy. His favorite Venerable Chanyi actually stepped forward for him. What an honor this is.

Yun Chanyi glanced sideways, then frowned, and said in a low voice, "Honor Wuyu, long time no see!"

In Wuyu's dim old eyes, Yun Chanyi's face was cold, she nodded slightly, and said softly: "It's been a long time indeed, you've been a spell master for so many years in a flash!"

"Today's Dharma master is indeed very important, and Venerable Wuyu is justified in being so strict. I'm afraid the Nanke Territory Lord will be unhappy if he just let Shuobing Starfield go back without authorization?" Yun Chanyi said lightly.

"Since the old man was sent here by the Nanke Territory Lord, he must be fair and strict. The ancient catastrophe is related to the fate of everyone present. If you don't have this awareness, go back as soon as possible, and you can save your life!" Wuyu replied.

In an instant, Luo Shuo jumped up, rushed to him, questioned Wuyu, and said in a concentrated voice: "Senior, I have endured you for a long time! Are you saying that our Shuobing Starfield is all trash?"

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