The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter four hundred and thirteen: Hou Changming accepts disciples!

At this moment, Hou Changming's heart was about to jump out of excitement. Unexpectedly, Jiren Tianyou really made him wait until there were disciples coming out from here, not just one, but three.

It worked, it worked!

The three youths walked out of the space portal, all excited.


Just as Guardian Hou Changming was about to speak, suddenly, there was another fluctuation in the space portal, and another figure walked out.

This figure is not one, but one after another, in groups of three or five, or groups of eight or nine.

thirty six thirty seven

When more than 30 outer disciples came out of the space portal, Hou Changming's face was stunned and he felt absolutely abnormal.

one hundred and twenty seven one hundred and twenty eight

When the number of outer disciples who came out of the space portal reached one hundred and twenty-eight, Hou Changming's Dharma protector had already collapsed.

This is absolutely abnormal, and it is impossible for this kind of thing to happen.

Protector Hou Changming had to suspect that there was a problem on the roof, but how could there be a problem on the roof, it was arranged by the elders of the Shenjianmen, and he had never heard of any failures on the roof.

But everything in front of him told him that this was definitely not a normal situation.

And when the number of space portals reached several thousand people, Hou Changming's guardian completely collapsed, densely packed, crowded the exits.

What's going on, why so many people climbed to the fifth floor of the rooftop!

Protector Hou Changming couldn't help pulling a disciple to ask, this is definitely a big deal.

I don’t know if I’ve met the Dharma protectors. Many people have climbed to the fifth floor, and some have climbed to the seventh floor!

The disciple said so, still immersed in joy and excitement.

This outer sect disciple never imagined that he could climb to the fifth floor of the Tiantai today. If this is passed back to his hometown, it will be enough to honor his ancestors!

The seventh floor!

Protector Hou Changming was dumbfounded. This is absolutely impossible. Do outer disciples still have such talent? Are you kidding me?

All the disciples entered the battlefield of Wanjian, really all wishing for their own blessings!

Immediately, Guardian Hou Changming spoke, and the voice mixed with vitality echoed. There was no room for so many people standing at the exit of the space portal.

Inside the space portal, figures kept walking out with excitement.

When the number of people was estimated to be seven or eight thousand in total, Hou Changming's Dharma protector couldn't calm down at all, and he wanted to walk over here to see what happened on the rooftop.

But with so many disciples who came out in total, Hou Changming looked at them, but found no special ones at all, and their talents and talents were just average.

There must have been some kind of accident when they climbed to the rooftop. The group of outer disciples who walked out like this, Hou Changming, the Dharma protector, didn't know how to accept them.

After working so hard to wait here, I can't just accept a few disciples casually.

A few older disciples of the Divine Sword Sect were also stunned. They didn't know what happened. How could so many people come out of the space portal here? Is this against the sky? How can these disciples It doesn't look like someone with Wang Pin talent.

I finally entered the battlefield of ten thousand swords!

Groups of disciples were inexplicably excited, and they stepped into the Wanjian battlefield under the guidance.

Guardian Hou Changming stood aside in a daze. A disciple walked out of the space portal and saluted him, but he nodded mechanically, still immersed in the shock and unable to recover.

Inside the space portal, three figures came out again, two men and one woman.

The woman is not very old, about fifteen or sixteen years old, her complexion is crystal clear, her skin is as smooth as snow, and there are two small dimples on her delicate face.

A young man in a gray gown, cotton boots, shoulder-length black hair, and a dilapidated and broken sword behind his back is very eye-catching.

There is also a slightly older young man, not tall, with a stocky figure, with metallic vitality fluctuating from his body, with a sharp aura.

Protector Hou Changming was still watching the space portal. After the three walked out, it seemed that no one followed them.

Is this the battlefield of ten thousand swords?

Zhang Qing looked around, sizing up, with excited eyes. He never thought that he actually climbed to the fifth floor of the Tiantai today. This is simply a miracle.

It should be, we're all in.

Xu Jiahui smiled slightly, with a smile on her pale face.

Su Yi looked at his eyes, and the corner of his mouth secretly curved into a smile.

There were no space portals on the seventh and sixth floors, so Su Yi could only walk down to the fifth floor. He happened to meet Xu Jiahui, waited for Zhang Qing, and entered the space portal together.

As for the other outer disciples of the thirty-sixth sword peak, it is estimated that they all entered the battlefield of ten thousand swords from the fourth floor.

As for the incident on the rooftop, Su Yi was the instigator. Naturally, he knew the most about why so many disciples climbed to the rooftop. In this case, he could probably cover up a lot of the news that he had climbed to the seventh floor.

Anyway, going to the rooftop is useless, and if there is a malfunction, not so many people will notice me.

Thinking of this, Su Yi was very satisfied with his performance, and had a feeling of leaving in a huff, hiding his achievements and fame.

Met the guardian!

When Xu Jiahui and Zhang Qing saw Hou Changming, the protector, they saluted immediately.

Is there no one behind?

Guardian Hou Changming asked, looking into the space portal with his head probing, it seemed that no one really came out.

Protecting the law, there should be no one left, we are the last few.

Zhang Qing replied, a little nervous, this is in front of the guardian, when he just came in, Su Yi and Xu Jiahui were waiting for him, and they were also the last ones.

Is there no one at last?

Protector Hou Changming frowned, and suddenly, his eyes fell on Su Yi. He looked at Su Yi, and felt that this young man seemed to have a special temperament.

It's a pity that Hou Changming's guardian did not meet Su Yi.

Young man, I intend to accept you as an apprentice, are you willing to worship under my sect?

Protector Hou Changming pretended to be serious, and looked at Su Yi. He felt that this boy was not very old, and he had a good temperament. Maybe he was the person he was looking for. After waiting for so long outside the portal of this space, It's impossible not to accept even one disciple.

Thank you Dharma protector, I already have a master.

Su Yi smiled slightly, he had no intention of asking for a teacher at all.


Seeing that an outer disciple refused so simply, Hou Changming's Dharma protector looked a little twitchy, and he was a little embarrassed in front of the disciples behind him.

Disciple, are you willing to worship under my sect?

Immediately, Hou Changming, who was a little disappointed and depressed just now, seemed to have seen the New World, and looked at Xu Jiahui. Such a young girl was not very old, and he could tell that she was extremely outstanding.

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