The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 428: Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon!

The young man who was the leading inner sect disciple also showed joy in his eyes, but the joy only lasted for a moment, then his face froze, his pupils constricted, and the figure of that young man was getting closer and closer in his pupils.


A low and muffled sound immediately spread from the young man's chest, a mouthful of blood spewed out, and then flew upside down, and the blood mist sprayed heavily and fell heavily into the distance.

Su Yi's figure appeared, and Lingbo Xiaoyaobu was not what it used to be at this moment.

Seeing Su Yi without hindrance, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and the others breathed a sigh of relief. They were safe and secure, and smiled bitterly in their hearts. With Su Yi's strength, how could these inner disciples be opponents.

Come on, let's do it together!

This outer disciple is very strange, let's act together!

A group of inner disciples around them finally came back to their senses, their complexions changed drastically, and they all shot together.


One after another sword light flashed out, and a group of inner disciples made a move, the aura of the Yuan Xuan realm was unreserved, the sword light enveloped Su Yi, and the sharp sword energy swept around, flying sand and rocks.

It's just that Zhang Qing and Xu Jiahui were already used to this situation, and they never had any worries at all.


bang bang bang

There were screams and muffled sounds, accompanied by mouthfuls of bright red blood spurting out, and one after another figures immediately lay on the ground, suffering heavy injuries, it was too horrible to look at.

Amidst the wailing, Su Yi was unceremonious, and ransacked the inner disciples, then pulled out the sharp arrow from the Black Demon Mastiff, and left with the Black Demon Mastiff, Xu Jiahui and others.

Only at this time did these inner disciples believe that this black demon mastiff really belonged to that young man.

They wanted to find a way to subdue that black demon mastiff, but the chances were slim, but they never expected that they would already be subdued by that young man.

After a while, after finding a quiet place, Su Yi healed the Black Underworld Demon Mastiff and applied the elixir to it.

Thank you sir. The Black Demon Mastiff was grateful and looked in awe. It had just led the way, but it did not expect to encounter dozens of humans and was almost captured.

How far is it? Su Yi asked.

My lord, I should be there not far ahead, but I usually walk alone and don't know the leader, and there should be more and more monsters around here. The black ghost mastiff replied in animal language, telling Su Yi.

Lead the way and be careful. Su Yi waved his hands and continued on the road.

Gradually, everyone walked out of the mountain forest, and a towering mountain peak appeared in front of it, with jagged rocks and towering trees scattered on the mountain peak, like a giant umbrella covering the sky.


A lot of animal roars came out, as if they were coming from all directions, making Zhang Qing, Xu Jiahui and others secretly look solemn, their vitality was running, and they were secretly vigilant.


Soon, at the foot of the mountain, one after another wild monsters came out and surrounded Su Yi and others.

In the midair, there were more than a dozen flying wild monsters circling and fluttering their wings, filled with brilliance, with sharp fierce eyes, staring at Su Yi and the others.


The roar of the beast was like thunder, shaking the void, causing Zhang Qing and the others' complexions to change greatly, and they secretly trembled in fear. At this moment, there are hundreds of wild monsters in total, and they have never seen such a scene before.


The black ghost mastiff roared with its head raised, its bloody mouth gaping ferociously.

Su Yi looked at the savage monsters that surrounded him, his face remained unchanged, this group of savage monsters were only at the level of the Demon Profound Realm, and the highest cultivations were only a few of the ninth level of the Demon Profound Realm.

Su Yi didn't release the aura of Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu in his body, but the aura from the inside to the outside made these wild monsters seem to be able to feel something at this moment, and they trembled secretly, feeling uneasy for no reason.

Her body was light and calm, but from Su Yi's body, there was an invisible aura that diffused out.

Cultivating Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, tempered by the mysterious space, this kind of aura has gradually merged with Su Yi, and has already secretly merged with Su Yi's temperament.

So at this moment, Su Yi didn't use the Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, which also allowed the wild monsters to feel that kind of aura, and dared not approach him, feeling jealous and restless for no reason.

My lord wants to see your leader!

The black ghost mastiff roared, shouting at the surrounding wild monsters in animal language.


With a sharp neigh, piercing the clouds and cracking rocks, a ferocious bird with wings spread several feet swooped down from the mountain peak.

This ferocious bird is covered with golden light like a shining sun, emanating from the golden feathers on its body surface, like a round of golden sun, dazzling and sharp, covering the body.

From a distance, it looked like a ferocious bird descending like a sun, accompanied by a sharp and fierce aura.

Oh my god, this is the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon!

Xu Jiahui's face changed in astonishment. This is actually a Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon. This is an extremely powerful wild monster, and the rumors are very powerful.

The second level of the Demon Spirit Realm!

Su Yi raised his eyes and stared at the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon. This is a good beast. Compared with the Youxu Mantian Leopard, its bloodline is definitely comparable to that of the Netherworld Demon Mastiff. .

Su Yi didn't expect to see such a Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon just after entering the Wanjian Battlefield.

The savage monsters at the second level of the Demon Spirit Realm are enough to prove the danger to the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect in the Ten Thousand Swords Battlefield.

At least the outer disciples and the inner disciples should be few people who can deal with them. Once encountered, the consequences can be imagined.

It's your black mastiff again, did you come to surrender?

Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon said to the Black Underworld Demon Mastiff, but in those sharp pupils, a frightening fierce light secretly fell on Su Yi's body, as if he felt something.

This is my lord, you should be obedient!

The Black Underworld Demon Mastiff roared in animal language, it knew the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, and wanted to make it surrender, but it refused, but the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon did not make things difficult for it.

You actually surrendered to humans!

Xuanyang Jinyao Falcon's gaze sank immediately, and he stared coldly at the Heiming Yaomastiff, then his pupils narrowed to Su Yi.

Hit my Yaozu idea, human beings, you are courting death!

In an instant, the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon screamed sharply, golden light erupted between its wings, and its ferocious aura immediately overwhelmed the sky, pouring down with a rumbling sound, and swooped over Su Yi.

For the Yaozu, human beings took the idea of ​​the Yaozu and subdued the wild monsters as mounts, so they would naturally feel unhappy.

The beast is presumptuous!

A faint drinking sound came from Su Yi's throat. In an instant, Su Yi's robe trembled, and a huge breath swept out.

The red light permeated the air, unmoving, Su Yi stood like a God of War standing on the ground, shrouded in red light all over his body, which made his body a bit more powerful and extraordinary.

The terrifying and ferocious aura of Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon swept over, and the momentum was frightening, but for a moment, it was stopped by the invisible aura of Su Yi.

A tyrannical and destructive aura surged out, Su Yi's robes fluttered, not moving!

Furious and murderous, the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon swooped down like lightning, stopped in an instant, and the fierce pupils became astonished and fearful in an instant.

Both pupils trembled, Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon stared at Su Yi in amazement, and his body was trembling.

In the end, Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon's body shrouded in golden light slowly descended, and finally crawled in front of Su Yi, as if worshiping the king, and the pair of sharp fierce eyes were replaced by awe.

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