The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 485: Pu Hao brothers and sisters!

Such two teenagers, one is handsome, handsome and clean!

A handsome and resolute, evil and arrogant!

"How do we do it, are we going to be bright or dark?"

"Let's go with whoever you meet. It's better to do it secretly, and the chances of winning are better!"

"Some of those direct disciples are also very strong, so they may not be able to deal with them easily."

"It's best to strike in secret, and it's best to hit the target. We must preserve our strength at all times, and it is not appropriate to fight recklessly!"


The beautiful sunshine and the beautiful morning, these two extraordinary teenagers seem to be discussing some important matter.


In the entire Wanjian battlefield, almost everyone was looking for Su Yi.

Tens of thousands of inner disciples were plundered. Behind these inner disciples are all direct disciples. In addition to carrying all the mysterious spirit fruits, it is estimated that there are still a large number of sword pattern stones. This makes Su Yi a target of public criticism. .

It's a pity that no one saw Su Yi, as if he had disappeared.

"This guy must have received the wind, and everything is hidden!"

"A turtle with a shrunken head, I'm afraid this guy is too scared to show up at all!"

Dozens of young men and women walked by, hating, cursing, and gnashing their teeth one by one. After searching for so long, they didn't even find Su Yi's shadow.

The group of people walked further and further away, gradually disappearing from sight.

"They say you're a coward."

On the towering tree, in the dense canopy, Situ Muyang looked at Su Yi with a smile.

"I don't bother to pay attention to these guys. I have nothing on me. All we are looking for are those direct disciples."

Su Yi didn't take it seriously, these inner disciples and outer disciples already had nothing on them, so they didn't bother to worry about it, what they were looking for now were those direct disciples.

"Let's go." Situ Muyang was full of interest and looked forward to it.

Two figures fell quietly, and the figures shuttled like ghosts, and then disappeared.

In a mountain forest, there are a bunch of extraordinary young men and women standing together, there are estimated to be more than thirty, all of them have good aura, and they all have the badges of the direct disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

"I don't believe that Su Yi can still escape!"

"Although Su Yi said that he defeated Jian Eleven, but with so many of us, we don't believe that he is an opponent!"

"It's better to be careful, it is said that Su Yi can subdue wild monsters!"


A group of direct disciples discussed in a low voice, looking for Su Yi everywhere.

"Let the inner disciples and outer disciples look for Su Yi, time is running out, we need to find more sword pattern stones as soon as possible!"

"There should be a lot of sword pattern stones on Su Yi's body!"

"We can't pin our hopes on that Su Yi, if he doesn't show up all the time, or if someone else gets there first, then we won't have enough sword pattern stones!"

"There are already many people looking for the sword pattern stone. Once there is news of Su Yi, we will join hands to deal with it!"


"Go look for that Su Yi first, and let me know if you have any news!"

Among the crowd, there was a young man who was very extraordinary, his appearance was imposing, his body had a sharp aura, his voice fell, and he left quickly.


Beside the young man, there was a young woman of similar age who didn't say a word, but the vitality surged on the soles of her feet, and she followed the young man away.

"Senior Brother Pu Hao and Senior Sister Pu Qingqing are gone!"

"Their brothers and sisters are the strongest among us. They are all among the top 50 experts on the sword tower. The two brothers and sisters are even stronger together. They should be the main force against Su Yi."

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Pu Hao and Senior Sister Pu Qingqing are just looking for the sword pattern stone alone. Once there is news of Su Yi, they will come to join us immediately."

A group of direct disciples murmured, although they said that there are many people, but they are very afraid of Su Yi.

The shadow of a famous tree, Su Yi is now well-known outside, coupled with the fierce style of his actions, it has to make them afraid.

"To deal with this group, or the two who are alone?"

In the far corner, two teenagers were sneaking around, hiding without any trace, discussing how to make a move.

"The strength of the two alone should be the strongest, and they should have more sword pattern stones. Although the group of direct disciples is weaker, but there are a lot of them, once we do it, we will be exposed soon, so we should deal with those two first. Let's do it!" Su Yi pondered.


Soon, the two teenagers quietly followed the Puhao brothers and sisters away.

Puhaopu Qingqing, the two siblings are not twins, but they are only one year apart, their cultivation strength is outstanding among their peers, they are all ranked in the top 50 on the sword tower, and they are well-known in the entire Divine Sword Sect.

In addition, once the two brothers and sisters join forces, they will be even more powerful and even more terrifying.

The two brothers and sisters are indeed very strong, traveling at lightning speed, two hours later, they found a wild monster at the peak of the third level of the demon spirit realm and fought a battle, killing dozens of big and small wild monsters , and finally severely wounded the barbarian monster at the peak of the third level of the Demon Spirit Realm, and obtained several pieces of sword pattern stones and two elixir.

The two brothers and sisters are cautious, even just now they were slightly injured, which consumed a lot of energy, but after taking the elixirs to heal their injuries, one of them would heal their injuries first, and the other would protect them.

"Very smart, very careful, or we'll just shoot."

Situ Muyang looked at the two careful personal disciples in front of him from a distance, lowered his voice, and almost spoke in sign language.

"No, there are a lot of people not far from here. Once they make a move, they will expose themselves, so let's bear with it." Su Yi shook his head, not wanting to make a move.

The Pu Hao brothers and sisters just took a rest for a while, and then continued on the road.

The two brothers and sisters were looking for sword grain stones along the way, and they were also looking for strong monsters.

According to their experience, those powerful monsters will have sword pattern stones on them.

About two hours later, the two brothers and sisters encountered a strong wild monster again.

A savage monster at the fourth level of the Demon Spirit Realm, with a powerful aura, is extremely difficult to deal with.

The two brothers and sisters shot, the offensive was surging, the muffled sound was like thunder, and there were waves of fluctuations.


"Bang bang!"

This was a fierce battle. The two brothers and sisters joined forces and did their best, and the cards were one after another.

That barbaric monster is also very powerful, with fire and wood attributes in its body, and its offensive is strange and violent. See chapter @+正^'version-^. Section q on B0

In the end, the two brothers and sisters, Pu Hao and Pu Qingqing attacked with all their strength, joined forces and broke out, finally killing this wild monster.

But the two brothers and sisters were also scarred, the injuries were not shallow, and the consumption was huge.

The wild monster was broken open by the two brothers and sisters, and several sword-pattern stones appeared in its belly.

The materials on this wild monster are also treasures, which were cut off by the two brothers and sisters and put into the space bag.


A lot of figures appeared around, and the noise of the exchange attracted many people nearby.

"Why, does anyone want to get involved, come and try!"

Pu Hao snorted softly, looked around, his eyes were piercing, and he possessed a fierce aura.

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