The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter four hundred and ninetieth: Join forces to crush!


Zhang Lingyun, who was at the fifth level of the Yuanling Realm, was definitely not easy to deal with. He held an extraordinary sword tightly in his hand, which was agile and simple, with flowing sword patterns and shining light, which definitely reached the extraordinary level.

The sword light filled the air, cutting through the air ripples, sharp and unpredictable.

Situ Muyang is now supported by the Yufeng Battle Armor, and his speed is even more powerful than before, like a falcon preying on prey, constantly pounced.

Su Yi's eyes moved, and he could roughly see Zhang Lingyun's strength.

So Su Yi sighed in his heart, Zhang Lingyun's age was estimated to be 21 or 21, but he had already reached the fifth level of Yuanling Realm.

At this level of cultivation, Su Yi remembered that when he was in the Wild Monster Forest, those mercenary regiments and disciples of the Heishamen who could reach this level of cultivation were already almost middle-aged, at least they were close to four Ten days.

Even the Yuan Lingjing disciples brought by King Quande of the Holy Mountain back then were all young and above the age of twenty-eight or nineteen. Those disciples are probably not the core disciples of the Holy Mountain, but this also proves that with Zhang Lingyun's Talent is definitely at the genius level.

bang bang bang!

There was a sound of golden spears, the blast of vitality burst out, Zhang Lingyun and Situ Muyang kept fighting, and the muffled sound of vitality continued to resound.

But neither of the two seems to be able to take advantage of the other, Situ Muyang has an astonishing speed, and his offensive is brave and violent, Zhang Lingyun's robes are shaking and his hair is messy.

Zhang Lingyun's sword light pierced the air, with the sound of 'buzzing' breaking through the wind, the sword light was strangely sharp, making Situ Muyang feel the chill coming from his skin through the wind armor.


Su Yi joined the battle circle, with a big sword behind his back.

The knife was as bright as electricity, and it kept swinging.

Situ Muyang didn't use any weapons, but he relied on the wind armor on his body. Under the cover of vitality, the surroundings seemed to be covered by a strong wind. Visual impact.

Zhang Lingyun's swordsmanship is very fierce, mixed with weirdness and agility, continuous and continuous, it is very difficult to deliver.

Su Yi could feel that Zhang Lingyun was very strong, with a cultivation base of the fifth level of the Yuanling Realm, his combat strength was outstanding, and the vitality in his body surged from his body like a continuous stream.

The more Su Yi fought, the more comfortable he became.

Of course, Su Yi didn't really use all his strength.

If his identity has been revealed, if he reveals his full strength again, Su Yi knows that this will be extremely unfavorable to him in this situation where the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect are all enemies in the entire Ten Thousand Swords Battlefield.

Su Yi didn't want to be entangled for too long, this was a big movement and would alarm the nearby disciples of the Divine Sword Sect.

Now all the disciples of the Divine Sword Sect in the Wanjian battlefield are looking for themselves.

The confrontation between the three of them soon became intense and intense.

If someone was present, they would definitely exclaim in surprise, such three people are all impressive.

Zhang Lingyun was more and more surprised, forced to really do his best, but found that it was getting more and more difficult, and there were more and more scars on his body, and the injury was getting more and more serious.

A quarter of an hour later, although Zhang Lingyun's strength was strong and his fighting power was powerful, Su Yi could still figure out his true strength thoroughly.

It's almost time!

Su Yi murmured in his heart, the time was almost up, it was time to end everything.

call out!

The sound of a golden spear resounded, and Su Yi had a saber art in his hand to activate it. In an instant, the sound of a dragon's roar resounded on the sword, like wind and thunder, and the light of the sword was shining brightly. With a fierce and unparalleled posture, Cut it off directly.

The sword is like a mad dragon, and the momentum is like a tiger!

This is the first of the three knives of the mad dragon, the angry dragon slash!

Zhang Lingyun's eyes were startled, the sword light flashed out, and the vitality in his body surged.

"嗤啦" and "咔咒" the swords collided, the sword erupted, and sparks flew everywhere. With the sound of "Kacha", the big knife in Su Yi's hand was filled with flames, and then it split open.

But the broadsword was not broken, only a gap appeared.

Obviously, Zhang Lingyun's precious sword took a lot of advantage, and its level was far higher than the big sword in Su Yi's hand.

However, Su Yi was blessed with strong vitality, Zhang Lingyun didn't take advantage of it, the sword in his hand sang wind and thunder, clanging, his footsteps staggered back, and he was pushed away!

"嗤啦" There was a flash of red light in Su Yi's eyes, vitality surged in the soles of Su Yi's feet, and his figure appeared like a flash of lightning, instantly appearing in front of the shocked Zhang Lingyun, and struck out with a critical strike with his palm.

"Boom!" A stream of fire-attribute vitality was surging, and an open flame was about to permeate from the front of Su Yi's palm print, and the fiery breath made the surrounding air seem to be on fire.

Why did it suddenly become a lot stronger!

Zhang Lingyun was surprised, the aura on Su Yi's body seemed to suddenly become much stronger. Was the other party just waiting for a sudden explosion after he had endured it for so long?

"Boom!" In an instant, Zhang Lingyun's wood-attribute vitality was exposed and formed a vitality halo covering his whole body. He shook his left arm in panic, and a palm surrounded by cyan light greeted him!

Everything was within Su Yi's expectation, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he touched his two palms, and murmured softly, "Explosion!" It opened, but suddenly it exploded with a muffled sound.

From the front of the palm, it seemed that a huge hot air contained in it was compressed, then expanded, and exploded like a bomb.

The "boom" exploded like thunder, and a breath like a small volcanic eruption exploded, and the airflow was stirred like a small tornado.

"Peddling..." Zhang Lingyun's body immediately receded in a straight line, the vitality mask was also shattered, cracks and cracks cracked the ground under the soles of his feet, a muffled sound came from his throat, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.


Situ Muyang made a move, taking advantage of Zhang Lingyun's frustration, he bullied his body and rushed in, a fingerprint like lightning, cunning and ingenious, immediately swept to the back of the former.

Zhang Lingyun sensed the attack behind him, but it was too late to dodge, so he dodged quickly, and the fingerprints also swept out from his shoulders, immediately revealing a blood hole, and blood shot out.

In this kind of battle, the winner can be determined in a split second, not to mention Su Yi is secretly suppressing it.

Su Yi struck again, the vitality of the soles of his feet fluttered, his figure was like a ghost, his fists were clenched tightly, he didn't use any martial arts, but his punch was not fancy, with the power gathered by his vigorous vitality, it landed fiercely on Zhang Lingyun's body.

With Su Yi's punch, the vitality contained in it shook the ripples in the air. Accompanied by the whine of the air, it instantly hit Zhang Lingyun who couldn't avoid it.



With a muffled sound, a mouthful of blood was spat out, and Zhang Lingyun's body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Zhang Lingyun fell to the ground, the ground trembled, his face was as pale as gray, and the precious sword in his hand was thrown out.


Zhang Lingyun struggled, his eyes were horrified, suddenly a powerful force crushed down and suppressed him.

The final result can be imagined, while Zhang Lingyun was in a daze, everything on his body was searched clean.

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