The God of Sky & Earth

Six hundred and fortieth chapters: Ming snake!


When the Qinghuang figure reappeared, it was already in front of Liu Ruoxi, and a paw print directly grabbed Liu Ruoxi's shoulder.

Liu Ruoxi's complexion changed in shock, a pair of scimitars trembled in front of her, and a huge demonic aura permeated, and the person in front of her was a powerful man in the Demon Emperor Realm.

Suddenly, at this very moment, it seemed as if he suddenly felt something, and the Qinghuang's long and narrow pupils suddenly trembled.


At this moment, a figure quietly appeared in front of Liu Ruoxi.

This is an old man in his sixties, dressed plainly, with a slightly hunched back, on a slightly wrinkled face, at this moment, his eyes are shining brightly, with a sharp look.

"Hmph, disciple of my holy mountain, I think you're taking your life too long!"

As the simple old man's voice came out, he clenched his fist at the same time, distorting the void, and immediately collided with the former's paw print.


There was a low and muffled sound, and the whole Man City was trembling like this.


The terrifying strong wind spread out, bright and dazzling, like a storm, carrying gravel and dust all over the sky, and it gradually calmed down after a certain distance.


Qinghuang's figure was directly shaken back, and he stabilized his body after a full ten feet, his complexion changed drastically, his eyes were fixed on the comer, and a voice exclaimed in his mouth: "Yuanhuang Realm! "

A strong man in the Demon Emperor Realm was shaken back, and a mysterious strong man descended!


Looking at the simple old man, some people gasped and shuddered!

Everyone can feel that although the old man's back is slightly hunched and he looks staggering, the terrifying aura on his body at this moment already makes people tremble!

"Guan Bo!"

Looking at the plain old man in front of her, Liu Ruoxi's frowning eyebrows suddenly relaxed, her eyes showed joy, Guan Bo finally came to Man City.

Deacon Wang, who was dying and just got up, and several severely injured disciples of the Holy Mountain, looked at the simple old man who suddenly descended, and their eyes were full of ecstasy.

"Miss, heal your injuries first, and leave the rest to me!"

Looking back at Liu Ruoxi, Guan Bo could see that Liu Ruoxi was seriously injured, and after a slight smile, his eyes immediately turned to Qinghuang.

It seemed that because of Liu Ruoxi's injuries, the fierce look in Guan Bo's eyes became more intense.

"This matter has nothing to do with me, so I will leave!"

Qinghuang's eyes turned secretly, looked around, and was about to leave directly.

A strong man from the Yuanhuang Realm came from the Holy Mountain, and today he has no way to deal with the Mancheng. The aura of the former is not weak, which makes the Qinghuang fearful.

"Kill my Sacred Mountain disciples, hurt my Sacred Mountain disciples, you have to pay for it!" Guan Bo said coldly.

"Hmph, I'm really afraid that you won't succeed!"

Seeing that the former didn't seem to intend to let him go, the Qinghuang's expression also sank, and the bright blue eyes quietly became more bloody, and gradually two rounds of blood moons were hidden in them.


At the same time, the Qinghuang's body seemed to swell, with a brilliant blue light, and with a frightening sound of 'woo-woo', it turned into a gigantic snake tens of feet long.

This giant snake is ferocious, covered with cyan scales, but has two pairs of wings, one pair of large wings, and a pair of smaller wings.


The four wings flapped, the sound was like a chime, the breath was sharp, and the bloody eyes were menacing, only staring at the plain robed old man.

"What kind of monster is this, it's so scary!"

"For those who are strong in the Demon Emperor Realm, this is a big snake!"

The big snake was flying across the sky, and the Qinghuang himself was entrenched, and the aura on his body was overwhelming, shaking the barbarian city.

For the children of the Man City, it is difficult to see even a wild monster at the level of the Demon Spirit Realm, so let's talk about a strong beast at the level of the Demon Emperor.

To the children of the Man City, the Demon Emperor Realm is just a legendary existence.

Seeing it with their own eyes one by one at this moment, under the terrifying aura and overwhelming power, could it be that their legs are secretly weak.

"It turned out to be from the Ming Snake clan. Unfortunately, the bloodline seems not very pure. It is not easy to step into the first level of the Demon Emperor Realm, but you dare to attack my disciples of the Holy Mountain because of this, but you are looking for death!"

Guan Bo looked at the big snake straddling the barbarian city at this moment, and was also slightly moved. This is the blood of the Ming Snake clan.

The real Snake Clan is a big clan in the Monster Clan, and the Snake Clan can be regarded as the big clan in the entire Snake Clan.

However, although the singing snake in front of him has stepped into the demon emperor's realm, it is obvious that the level of bloodline cannot be compared with the real singing snake.


When the voice fell, Guan Bo took the lead to strike, his whole body was glowing, and his hunchbacked body erupted with an incomparably terrifying aura at this moment, and he slapped it directly with one hand, condensing a handprint, thus driving the energy of the world.

"Human, you are only at the second level of the Yuanhuang Realm. It seems that you are still injured. I'm afraid you will fail!"

Qinghuangnu, it has indeed just stepped into the Demon Emperor Realm, it has spent a lot of hard work and suffered a lot, and it succeeded. It can feel that this human being still seems to have some injuries, and it has nothing to fear. .

Originally thought that after stepping into the Demon Emperor Realm, he would be able to look down on this area, but the Qing Emperor never thought that coming to the Man City to hunt for treasures was already a matter of hand, but in the end it evolved into what it is today, and met a Humans in Yuanhuang Realm never took it seriously.


The Qinghuang moved its four wings and made the sound of bells and chimes. The blue light surged and turned into a long blue river that swept towards Guan Bo. The light was blazing and the aura was terrifying.

Guan Bo's eyes were sharp, he punched unabated, and blasted out directly, with no intention of avoiding it at all, the fist contained great power.

The two collided immediately, and the sky was suddenly filled with light, and there was a roar in the void, the ground below shook, and some buildings collapsed.

At this moment, the two emperor-level powerhouses are fighting in the void, and their eyesight is so dazzling that few people can see it clearly. }Cool Craftsman) w network'A positive, version F first: send n

But everyone knows how terrifying that kind of duel is, and most people don't even have the power to affect it.


There was a continuous roar in the air, and the blue light was bright, and a large piece of blue light fluctuated, entwining towards Guan Bo.

Guan Bo's eyes were sharp, and he turned his fist into a palm, and when his palm fell, many blue lights were shattered.

At the same time, Guan Bo continued to strike, with a palm print, a finger print flew out, and passed close to the body of the singing snake, and the two faced off fiercely.

The sudden arrival of a strong man from the Yuanhuang Realm in the holy mountain made the old man Su Yuntian, who was originally extremely dignified, overjoyed.


At this moment, Su Yi's eyes have all turned into bloody light, and the pupils are covered by bloody light.

The killing intent was too great, and Su Yi continued to improve, desperately, with serious injuries on his body, bleeding profusely.

But at this moment, Su Yi's body was full of murderous aura, majestic and destructive. This was a kind of overwhelming power, exuding the aura of overwhelming nine days!

"The boy is too weird, we must cut the grass and root out today!"

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