The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 649: Reputation whitewashed [ninth update].

The medicinal power in the body was surging, and there was blue light rising from Su Yi's body, making the sound of dragon roaring continuously.

This cave is hidden, no one knows, and wild animals are not close.

If there is a strong person here at this moment, they will definitely be dumbfounded when they see Su Yi's situation.

With such a serious injury, Su Yi is recovering at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye. This is not only appalling, it is simply abnormal.

Time is like running water, and seven days have passed in a flash.

The children of Mancheng are overhauling the city walls, repairing various buildings in an orderly manner, and everything is recovering.

The major powerful families headed by the five major families took the lead and contributed money and effort.

And especially the Su family, the children of the entire Mancheng now, when they see the people of the Su family, they will respect them from their hearts.

This time, when the enemy came, it was old man Su who came out, and Su Yi turned the tide. The shocking scenes were engraved in everyone's hearts.

"Whoever dares to say a word about Young Master Su Yi in the future, I will never end with him!"

Someone was speaking like this to support Su Yi.

"What Young Master Su Yi did back then may have been a misunderstanding, and he was young and ignorant back then!"

"I think Young Master Su Yi and Miss Liu Ruoxi are a perfect match, they are a team made in heaven!"

"Golden boy and jade girl, this is destined in the dark!"

Grief enveloped the whole city, but some people also recovered a little, talking about Su Yi and Liu Ruoxi.

It was obvious to all that the enemy this time was the Su family, Su Yi, who tried his best to turn the tide.

Otherwise, Man City would have been bloodbathed before the Yuan Emperor Realm expert from the Holy Mountain arrived.

There is no doubt that Su Yi's infamy from staying in Man City has been completely wiped out.

Turning the tide and beheading many enemies with his own strength, this is nothing compared to the dandy and the young when he was young, and it is simply compared with the drizzle.

"If Liu Ruoxi wants to divorce, then I will marry Brother Su Yi."

The Mo family, the He family, the Song family, and even some young women from the Liu family were discussing in private.

It was no secret that the whole Man City knew about Shengshan's divorce at the beginning.

But it's different now, when I think of that boy who was like a God of War back then, all the young women in the city are secretly moved.

"Young master Su Yi is not dead, who would dare to say that my young master of the Su family is a disaster, this is clearly the savior, the god of war!"

"I knew that Young Master Su Yi was extraordinary since he was a child, and sooner or later he would be able to soar into the sky!"

The disciples of the Su family were even more excited.

Now even if the guards of the Su family walk on the road, they will get a little more respect than others.



In the quiet secret room, Liu Ruoxi breathed out a turbid breath, a trace of rosiness appeared on her pale complexion, but she was still a little pale.

The handprints were restrained, the long eyelashes trembled slightly, Liu Ruoxi opened his eyes, the light shone like stars.

"The Holy Martial Arts Conference is about to start. The saintess shouldn't make such a move. I have already sent a letter back. I am afraid that the Holy Martial Arts Conference that I have finally won this time will be taken advantage of by others."

The middle-aged beautiful woman, Deacon Wang, spoke in the secret room, her expression condensed slightly, and she herself was quite miserable at the moment, with a pale complexion.

"Do you still know that I am a saint?"

Liu Ruoxi stared at the middle-aged beautiful woman with starry eyes, with a faint brilliance, a stern and majestic look in her holiness, and said: "This time when you come to Man City, someone specially asked you to go to Su's house Is it?"

"The saintess should be clear that being a saintess of the holy mountain is not something that ordinary people can match." Deacon Wang gritted his teeth and replied secretly, his face changed slightly, and his eyes did not dare to look directly.

"Ordinary people..."

Liu Ruoxi stood up, a trace of undulations flashed across her eyes, she murmured softly: "Although he is a bit annoying, he has always been different."

"Saint, we have to set off. What happened this time is too big. You can't be delayed by your injuries. You must go back to the Holy Mountain immediately."

Deacon Wang said to Liu Ruoxi, his eyes moved secretly, this time the news that Su Yi is still alive, he must personally inform him and explain everything.

"I know it well." Liu Ruoxi said softly.

After a while, Liu's side hall.

"Are you going to leave, that's fine." F Update fastest h7 on cool craftsman do network S5

Liu Zongyuan looked at the daughter in front of him, Yinglang's face seemed to have aged several years suddenly this time.

Although he was reluctant to part with his daughter, Liu Zongyuan knew very well that it was best for his daughter to return to the Holy Mountain.

"Father, please take care."

Liu Ruoxi is reluctant to let go, father and daughter have always depended on each other for life, and they have only seen each other for a few days in the past few years.

"I'm fine. Man City will depend on you from now on. I believe it won't be long before anyone dares to invade Man City again!"

There was a smile on Liu Zongyuan's face. This time, his daughter's performance let him know that in just a few years, her daughter's cultivation strength has already surpassed his. What kind of talent is this.

But this time, the appearance of such a young man who looked like a God of War made him even more aware that his daughter was by no means the only one with potential in the wild city.

How could that young man be a handyman?

From the time he defeated Ji Chao, the direct disciple of Shengshan, he knew that it would not be the talent of a handyman, even if it was a talent of a handyman, it would be a different kind.

Isn't that kid a different kind since he was a child?

Liu Ruoxi's eyes moved, and she could hear what her father was referring to. After a while, she asked softly, "How is the city now?"

"It has almost recovered, but many children died and many were disabled. I am ashamed as the city lord!"

Liu Zongyuan blamed himself in his heart for not being able to protect the Man City. This was his fault and he felt guilty.

"Father, there is no need to blame yourself. The Gate of Immortality is coming very aggressively. Fortunately, Mancheng is safe this time. After I return to the Holy Mountain, I will ask my master to help me. I think there will be no Gate of Immortality." Liu Ruoxi said softly.

Liu Zongyuan nodded, looked at his daughter in front of him, his eyes were full of love, he stroked a few strands of messy hair around his ear, and then said: "Time is not forgiving, I am old, you have grown up, in a blink of an eye , as if everything was still yesterday.”

"Father is still young."

Liu Ruoxi's smile was extremely touching. As a cultivator, her father was still extremely young at his age.

"Haha, I, Liu Zongyuan, have a good daughter. In the future, I don't know who will be so blessed to be able to marry into the family."

Liu Zongyuan laughed, looked at the daughter in front of him, and then asked tentatively: "I didn't expect that kid Su Yi from the Su family to be alive, and so extraordinary. Back then, that kid was stubborn. If the old man didn't come forward, I couldn't spare him back then."

"I still can't spare him, but the apprentice is back?"

There was anger in Liu Ruoxi's eyes, but a blush crept up her earlobe on her cheeks.

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