The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 667: Desperate Qinghuang!

Su Xiaoshuai's small belly is like a bottomless pit.

It's really hard to imagine how Su Xiaoshuai's small stomach can hold so much snake soup.

After eating and drinking enough, Su Yi sat cross-legged on the spot, benefited from the snake soup in his body, and still had serious injuries caused by Qinghuang at the beginning, which needed to be healed.


Su Xiaoshuai hiccupped, flapped his wings and patted his swollen belly, and then he also came to the side, his eyes were slightly closed, and his body immediately fluctuated and overflowed with brilliance.

The wolf-headed demon bat and Xuanyang golden demon falcon also seemed to have gained some kind of benefit, and they each went to the side and began to close their eyes and adjust their breath, absorbing the benefits in the snake soup.

Time passed slowly, and everything in the mysterious space calmed down.

The blood of the Qinghuang Naming Snake's body was lingering, and it was twitching non-stop under the severe pain. The gong-like pupils blinked occasionally, looking weak, as if thinking about something.


At a certain moment, a fierce light appeared in Qinghuang's pupils, and at the same time, it suddenly flared up, his whole body glowed again, he opened his ferocious mouth, and rushed straight towards Su Yi.

bang bang bang!

All of a sudden, a series of red light thunder and lightning fell again, and the poor Qinghuang's body was directly blown over, his body was covered with blood holes, his four wings were broken, and there was no intact flesh and blood on his body.

woo woo

Qinghuang screamed and wailed, under this series of thunder and lightning, he was completely terrified, and the beast soul throbbed.

Su Yi continued to sit cross-legged, but opened his closed eyes, glanced lightly at the Qinghuang who was blown away by the lightning, didn't care, and then continued to close his eyes and breathe.

The Qinghuang was horrified, his eyes were full of fear, the vitality in his body couldn't move at all, once the vitality fluctuated, he would be bombarded by the terrible thunder and lightning immediately, his body was already horrific, and it was even impossible for the demon core to explode at this moment, once the breath fluctuated, It will be ruthlessly detonated by the thunder and lightning.

Several hours later, Su Yi's red light subsided and he opened his eyes.

Feeling the changes in his body, Su Yi smiled slightly, this snake soup is really good, it contains benefits, and let him get a lot of benefits again in the cultivation base of the ninth level of Yuanling Realm.

Su Xiaoshuai, the Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon, and the Wolf-headed Demon Bat are still breathing out, and they are still refining benefits.

Su Yi sized up the body of Qinghuang's Crying Snake, and glanced over, making Qinghuang instinctively look jealous, thinking that Su Yi was going to deal with it again.

what you up to?

Qinghuang opened his mouth and looked at Su Yi, feeling genuinely afraid of him at the moment.

The poor Qinghuang originally thought that this was a great opportunity, that it was his chance to rule the world, but only now did he realize that it was all bad luck, that he met this kid, because he underestimated the enemy too much, and did not take a yuan The human kid at the level of the spiritual realm is in the eyes, and now he has fallen to such a miserable situation, the majestic demon emperor realm, and now there is no chance for the demon core to explode.

what do i want to do

Hearing this, Su Yi raised his brows slightly. He really didn't know what he was going to do at the moment. Originally, he wanted to kill the snake for the sake of Man City, but seeing that the Qing Emperor had no choice but to be honest in this space, Su Yi I also feel a little bit regretful about killing the Qinghuang.

How about giving you a chance to surrender to me?

Looking at the Qinghuang, Su Yi asked, thinking that even if he got a demon pill, it would be much better to have a demon emperor around him than if he could make the Qinghuang submit.

From the Man City to the present, Su Yi understands more and more that sometimes it is not enough to rely on himself alone, why the world is most afraid of a giant like the Holy Mountain, generally speaking, it is not just a certain person in the Holy Mountain who is afraid, but A group of strong people in the holy mountain, a group of talents is a colossus.

Boy, you are dreaming, I am the demon emperor, how can I submit to you, a small human being. The Qinghuang said coldly, no matter how miserable it is at this moment, it will never surrender to a small human being, even if it is dead, it will never surrender to a human being, it is the Naming Snake, it is the Demon Emperor, and it has its own arrogance.

It doesn't matter if you don't surrender.

Su Yi shook his head, it didn't matter, anyway, even if the Qing Emperor surrendered now, he wouldn't dare to believe it easily.


grown ups.

Su Xiaoshuai, Wolf Bat, and Xuanyang Golden Demon Falcon all woke up and came in front of Su Yi.

It tastes good, when will we eat snake soup again? Su Xiaoshuai blinked his eyes, looked at Qinghuang, thinking of the smell of the snake soup, his saliva was about to flow out.

Looking at Su Xiaoshuai, Qinghuang couldn't help but secretly fear, he had seen with his own eyes how big the appetite of this little bird was, and more importantly, looking at this little bird, for some reason, the beast spirit was throbbing .

Go back and eat again, hurry on your way first.

Su Yi said, this is the wild demon forest, it is not a good place, it is better to leave early, Heishamen, Chijiaohuang, it is not good for him to meet casually, especially that Chijiaohuang, which can kill the Qinghuang Lie into the mysterious space, but it may not necessarily be the same for the Chi Jiaohuang.

A moment later, in the valley, wolf bats spread their wings and took off with Su Yi.

Su Yi sat cross-legged on the back of the wolf-headed monster bat, his handprints were condensed, and he continued to breathe and practice.

Su Xiaoshuai was on Su Yi's shoulder, looking around curiously, occasionally spreading his wings and hitting the air, his speed was much faster than that of wolf bats.

Su Yi didn't dare to let Su Xiaoshuai casually in the mysterious space anymore, for fear that Su Xiaoshuai would be greedy and want to eat Qinghuang.

After all, Ling Qianxue had said that this little guy Su Xiaoshuai needs to eat the flesh and blood of the monster clan to be effective, and the flesh and blood of the monster clan is Su Xiaoshuai's food.

In the vast expanse of sky, inside the gate of the wild demon forest, there are occasional ominous birds passing by. Feeling the breath of the wolf bat from a distance, they have already avoided it, and dare not approach it.

Having wolf bats instead of transportation made Su Yi a lot easier.

It was dusk again, Su Yi found a safe and hidden place, continued to enter the mysterious space, and planned to rest for one night before setting out the next day, wolf bats also need to rest.

boy, i'm not done with you

There was a scream in the mysterious space, and dozens of catties of flesh and blood were cut off by Su Yisheng from the poor Qinghuang's body, and just as he was about to resist, he was blasted by red light and lightning.

It was easy to handle, and it didn't take long for the big pot of snake soup to smell fragrant again.

smell good! Su Xiaoshuai was drooling, salivating.

Soon, Su Yi, Su Xiaoshuai, wolf-headed demon bat, and Xuanyang golden demon falcon were feasting, and then breathed out and adjusted their breath one by one, refining the benefits contained in the singing snake meat and the elixir.

Wuwu Qinghuang screamed, whining endlessly, so miserable that he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

In the early morning of the next day, the wolf bat continued to set off with Su Yi, heading for the chaotic domain.

Su Xiaoshuai spread his wings and soared into the sky, sometimes hovering and sometimes swooping down, he was very excited.

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