The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 679: Prepare for the Holy Martial Arts Conference.

woo woo

The Qinghuang roared softly, his breath was weak, he was dying, and his fierce eyes were full of despair. At this moment, it really understood what it means to live or die.

But at this moment, no one paid attention to it, and didn't even look at it with extra eyes. When someone looked at it, it would only want to eat its meat.

The majestic Yuanhuang Realm, it once thought that it would step into the Yuanhuang Realm from now on, and it would cross all directions and step into the ranks of the real strong.

Qinghuang had never imagined that he would end up like this now.

Brother, let’s heal and recover here, there will be many benefits, and I will also make preparations. After feasting, Su Yi said ruthlessly to Xi.


Xi Wuqing had already felt that this place was not easy, nodded in response, wiped his mouth with oil, and still had some aftertaste. He glanced at the horrible Qinghuang not far away, and then sat cross-legged, and directly began to breath and adjust his breath .

Su Yi immediately sat cross-legged and entered the mysterious space, just to make preparations.

Unable to break through to the Yuanzhen Realm, Su Yi thought, if he could refine it again in the Taixu Divine Sea, it would be a further step, and he would be able to prepare a bit more for the Holy Martial General Assembly.

Although Su Yi had a lot of confidence in himself during the Shengwu Conference, he didn't dare to be careless.

Now that he was going to participate in the Shengwu Conference, for Su Yi, it was not entirely for Xi Wuqing's conditions, it was also for himself.

hula la

The handprints condensed, and Su Yi's Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu circulated. Not long after, there was a wave of red vitality from the inside out, lingering around Su Yi's body.

With the recent period of cultivation, coupled with the elixir and Qinghuang's flesh and blood, Su Yi indeed felt a sign that his vitality was full again and he wanted to break through.

So Su Yi entered the mysterious space and wanted to do a sprint. If he could do another tempering in the Taixu Shenhai, his strength would undoubtedly be further improved by then.

Qinghuang's flesh and blood turned into energy in Su Yi's body, accompanied by the power of several kinds of medicinal materials and elixir, spread in Su Yi's body, and finally turned into pure vitality under the operation of Hunyuan Supreme Kung Fu, thirty-six in his body Zhou Tian revolved, and then poured into the vortex of Dantian Qihai.

At this moment, Su Yi's dantian qi sea vortex has already become different.

If anyone can spy it, they will be surprised to find that Su Yi's dantian qi sea vortex has a more hazy feeling than ordinary people. Inside the dantian qi sea vortex, there is a kind of spiritual light emitting from all around, forming a kind of spiritual light. With a layer of light film, the vigorous vitality inside becomes more solid and pure.

The last time Su Yi wanted to break through, he got the medicinal power of Xuanyuan Tenglong Pill.

Although this period of time was not long, the medicinal power of the Xuanyuan Soaring Dragon Pill last time still somewhat remained in Su Yi's body.

Coupled with the flesh and blood of the Qinghuang Singing Snake's body, which contained a lot of energy, and the tempering of this period of time, Su Yi once again showed signs of breaking through.

hula la

Time passed by slowly, and I don't know when, the breath around Su Yi's body began to rise slowly, and the red light in his nostrils was like a wave of spirit snakes, with a special rhythm, thick and long.

Find, you must find that kid for me!

In the wild demon forest, the blood knife mercenary group was looking for a mysterious boy everywhere, which caused a lot of fluctuations.

A young man killed many members of the Blood Knife Mercenary Group, and it is said that he angered the senior management of the Blood Knife Mercenary Group. How about a reward to find that boy?

There are quite a few strong men in the Blood Knife Mercenary Group, but the head of the group is almost at the level of Yuanxu Realm!

There are quite a lot of Yuanzhen Realm experts in the Blood Knife Mercenary Corps!

I don't know who that kid is, he killed so many people from the Blood Knife Mercenary Group, I'm afraid he has some background.

So what, this is in the Wild Monster Forest, even those disciples of the big sect, without the protection of the master, if they really fall into the hands of the blood knife mercenary group, they will definitely have to die!

The blood knife mercenary group is only a second-rate force. I think the young master of the Heishamen was also killed by a young man, and the Heishamen has not been found yet!

You said, these two teenagers are fierce, could they be the same person?

Probably not, the young man who killed the young sect master of the Heisha Sect, how dare he stay in the Wild Monster Forest?

There was a lot of discussion in many places, all talking about a young man.

In the mysterious space, time passed by slowly.

I don't know when, in the broad meridians in Su Yi's body, the vitality breathed, circulated for thirty-six days, and then continuously poured into the dantian vitality vortex.

Quietly, Su Yi's aura kept rising, and at a certain moment, it seemed that the aura stayed at a certain peak.

"Come on, then keep coming!"

At this moment, Su Yi's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, there was a red light fluctuating in the eyes, and then they were closed again.

At the same time, Su Yi's handprint changed, Hunyuan Supreme Kung circulated, and the vitality in the meridians in his body trembled continuously, like a flood, and then rushed into the dantian qi sea, impacting the center of the vitality vortex.

This kind of impact, if the center of the Yuan Qi vortex is hit, will make the Yuan Qi vortex diffuse into a Yuan Qi vacuum.

Since then, the dantian has become tangible, and the vitality has been condensed. This is also the difference between the Yuanzhen Realm and the Yuanling Realm, and it is also the dream of all Yuanling Realm practitioners.

The vitality is condensed, and the power that will be displayed at that time will not be the same as that of the Yuanling Realm.

But the Yuanzhen Realm is not easy to break through, no matter how many cultivators at the peak of the Ninth Layer of the Yuanling Realm, it is difficult to cross the realm of the Yuanzhen Realm even if they spend their whole life!


The surging vitality directly poured into the vortex of Su Yi's dantian vitality, and suddenly the trembling sound of "rumbling" spread directly in the vortex of Suyi's dantian vitality.

At the same time, the vast vitality vortex in Su Yi's body trembled one after another, as if it was about to collapse and expand directly, creating a vacuum.

"crash la la"

In the mysterious space, the energy of the surrounding world gathers and pours into Su Yi's body violently.

Under the refinement of Hunyuan Supreme Kungfu, the energy of heaven and earth directly turned into vitality, which rushed straight into the vortex of vitality in Su Yi's dantian.

At this moment, Su Yi clearly felt that his cultivation base seemed to be climbing towards that new realm that was close at hand.

From the Yuanling Realm to the Yuanzhen Realm, all the Yuanling Realms dream of, Su Yi is about to achieve it now.

For a sixteen-year-old cultivator of the Yuanzhen Realm, if it is spread, it will at least shake the world, not to mention unprecedented.

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