The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 694: Goodbye acquaintances!

This is a blue and white inlaid and intertwined spiritual bird, with a graceful posture and a moving curve, but the aura that permeates its body makes the people below secretly change color, and some strong people are also moved by it.

"Ancient Spirit Cloud Crane."

Su Yi raised his eyes, and the huge spirit bird was an ancient spiritual cloud crane, and its level was not lower than the ancient black-scaled demon dragon, golden-eyed flying tiger and so on.

Su Yi thought to himself, could it be that someone from some great sect came to Zhongzhou City again.

While Su Yi was pondering, the ancient Lingyun Crane hovered directly in the low sky, and five figures descended from it.

There is one person in the middle, an old woman in her sixties, wearing plain clothes and skirts, with a calm face.

But the faint light in the old woman's eyes, and the invisible aura that diffused from the whole body at this moment for no reason, caused many eyes to change secretly, and many hidden auras fluctuated.

The remaining four people are quite young, two men and two women.

One of the two youths is seventeen or eighteen years old, and the other is only fourteen or fifteen years old, but they are both imposing.

One of the two women was only fourteen or fifteen years old, her face was still immature, her body was full of youthful breath, and her eyes were sparkling.

The other woman, at this moment, has made all the young men present unable to look away immediately.

This woman is not very old, she looks about eighteen or nineteen years old, her eyes are like deep pools, her soft black hair reaches her ears, she is wearing a white plain dress that is spotless, her figure is graceful, she just stands there quietly , the temperament is already extraordinary, such as exiled immortals, not stained with dust and smoke.

This woman is so beautiful, her eyebrows are slender and picturesque, her eyes are twinkling like stars, under her delicate nose bridge, her lips are like cherry blossoms, and her face is delicate and beautiful, making people unforgettable.

Su Yi has also seen many beautiful women, not to mention Ling Qianxue's charm and allure when she was in human form, the beauty of Liu Ruoxi's girl is indeed overwhelming. Yue, Mu Yao, Gong Qi, Ying Qianqian, etc. from the Divine Sword Sect, any one of them is enough to overwhelm the crowd.

But the woman in front of him had a fresh and refined beauty, so Su Yi couldn't help but take a second look.


With an astonishing roar, a huge black shadow hovered in the distance, with a terrifying aura. It was an incomparably huge dragon with jet-black body, dense scales, and blood-like pupils.

"Ancient Blackscale Demon Dragon!"

Su Yi was moved, this was one of the three ancient black-scaled demon dragons that he had seen not long ago, and it unexpectedly appeared here alone.


As the ancient black-scaled demon dragon entrenched, there were also six figures descending from it, five young men and women, and an old man with a ruddy complexion.

Four men and one woman, ranging in age from 14 to 20 years old, all of them have outstanding temperament, they can be known to be extraordinary at a glance, and there is a sense of arrogance in their eyes.

Especially one of the youths caught Su Yi's attention.

The young man landed on the ground and stood with his hands behind his back. His long black hair fell down his shoulders like a pond, and his slender and straight body was outlined in a purple hair gown. His body was so simple that there were no decorations on it, but it set off the deep look on his face. The facial features are intoxicating and very attractive.

Such a young man, let alone a woman, even a man, would take a second look at him.

Su Yi noticed the young man, not the young man's appearance, but felt a wave of fluctuation invisibly.

This kind of fluctuation was only fleeting in Su Yi's heart, and then disappeared. $》Kuz Craftsman Network ¤% only \\one X, genuine oj version:, among them, $he*=all A is, pirated o《version》h

But Su Yi paid attention to this young man, he might be very unusual.

"I didn't expect Elder Suyun of Qingyun Sect to be here, what a coincidence."

The rosy-faced old man looked at the few people who came down from the ancient Lingyun Crane, and his eyes swept over the young male and female disciples. There was a smile on his face, and his long eyebrows were slightly raised. In the smile, there was a bit of other taste.

"Is Tianxuanzong here so early this time? What a coincidence, Elder Jian."

The old woman is the elder Suyun of Qingyun Sect, and she smiled at the old man lightly, looking at the young disciples behind the former, and said: "Sure enough, Tianxuanzong is full of talents, maybe this test , there will be disciples who will be famous in Zhongzhou again!"

Listening to Elder Suyun's words, Jian Wannian's face twitched secretly.

Although he was not the one who brought people to Zhongzhou City in the last Shengwu Conference, he also heard some things.

In the last Holy Martial Convention, an extraordinary soul master from Tianxuanzong was found to be extremely talented, enough to be compared with the most outstanding young soul master in the holy mountain. A junior with more natural talent appeared in the sect, and he was in the limelight for a while, which made Tianxuanzong very embarrassed.

"It seems that Qing Yunzong has produced many good seedlings this time, and I also look forward to this time Qing Yunzong will also produce a large number of talents!"

Jian Wannian spoke, her voice was faint, and there was no trace on the surface, but anyone with a heart could feel it. This was already a secret rivalry.

At the last Saint Martial General Assembly, the descendants of Tianxuanzong were underestimated in the test of Yutian Palace, which made Tianxuanzong want to save face in this test of the juniors.

Even the people from Qingyunzong came to Yutian Palace to divide the palace, and the people from Tianxuanzong followed closely. This has to make people suspect that the people from Tianxuanzong deliberately followed the people from Qingyunzong.

"Hope, let's encourage each other."

Elder Suyun smiled slightly, his expression was unrevealed, he was still calm, then he slightly raised his eyes and looked into the sky, and said: "Is there anyone else coming? It seems that everyone is so early this time!"


The beast roared and thundered, and the sound waves were like waves, falling on everyone's ears like a deafening roar.

Su Yi was listening from the sidelines. The Tianxuan Sect and the Qingyun Sect, like the Divine Sword Sect, are both top-ranking forces in one of the five sects and three sects in Zhongzhou. No wonder these visitors have such a pomp. At this moment, he didn't pay much attention to the people queuing up around him, as if he turned a blind eye.

The roar of the beast again in mid-air brought Su Yi back to his senses, and he raised his eyes again.

Another huge beast came from the sky, a giant wolf with wings on its back, its whole body was crystal white, but its fierce eyes were extremely blood red, like two shrunken blood moons flickering, revealing a frightening monster prestige.

"Blood pupil demon wind wolf!"

When seeing this blood-eyed monster wind wolf, Su Yi couldn't help frowning slightly.

At the beginning, Yun Lingfeng's wild monster was the blood-pupiled Yaofeng wolf, but the blood-pupiled Yaofeng wolf in front of him was no longer transformed by vitality, but a genuine blood-pupiled Yaofeng wolf in the Yaoxu Realm.


On the back of the blood-pupil Yaofenglang, five figures descended immediately.

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