The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 819: The Battle of the Two Americans!

When the golden light spread, Mu Yao's exquisite body was filled with a kind of golden luster on the skin, and on her body, a strange golden light spread, and her arms were swelling, and the bones in her body were also spreading. There was a 'cracking' sound, and an indescribably domineering force spread from the body.

When these changes occurred, among the five sects and three sects, many experts suddenly looked secretly.

"It is rumored that this woman has the blood of the Golden Winged Peng family, I don't know how much she got!"

In Yutian Palace, the deputy palace lord of Guanlan watched Mu Yao's changes in the field, and whispered to herself, her eyes were very curious.

The demonic aura filled the air, and everything happened very quickly. As the golden light spread, Mu Yao's charming body suddenly seemed to swell a lot, her slender hands were expanding, and the golden light was permeating, becoming sharper. , inside that graceful and delicate body, there is a terrifying coercion rippling...


At this moment, there are many savage monsters in this group of mountains and peaks, the red-eyed green flood dragon in front of the holy mountain lineup, the golden-eyed flying tiger in front of the Beast Emperor Sect lineup, the ancient spirit cloud crane from the Qingyun Sect, and the ancient black dragon from the Tianxuan Sect. Scaled demon dragons and other demon beasts roared and trembled for no reason when they felt the demonic aura emanating from them.

"Monster Qi, this is the real demon spirit!"

"It is rumored that Mu Yao has a half-demon body, is she going to be demonized!"

Many people exclaimed, feeling such a monster.

This evil spirit is too strong, with domineering coercion!

"It's so terrifying!"

The gazes of many strong people in the five sects and three sects felt that Mu Yao's aura was shocked at this moment.

Soon, amidst the billowing demonic energy and golden light, a phantom of a gigantic golden-winged roc suddenly emerged, blending with Mu Yao's graceful figure.

From a distance, it seems that Mu Yao has also transformed into a golden young roc at this moment, completely blending with the phantom of the golden-winged roc behind her, as if she has transformed into a real golden-winged roc, with a domineering and fierce aura, sweeping all directions.

"Golden Winged Roc's blood is so strong!"

In Qingyun Sect, Elder Suyun looked at the field, and there were waves in his eyes.

"This Mu Yao directly used the trump card to make a quick decision!"

In Qingyun Sect, the other elders, strong men and others also have bright eyes at this moment, and they can't take their eyes off.

Looking at Mu Yao, Li Qingwei's eyes, which seemed to be shining in a deep pool, were also darkened, and the center of his brows trembled slightly, and a touch of invisible energy immediately diffused out, and his slender hands continued to condense fingerprints. Wearing a white plain dress that is not stained with slender dust, it makes her figure even more graceful, like a banished fairy, unstained by dust and smoke.

In an instant, an invisible force moved violently. Li Qingwei's hair fluttered, and her body was shrouded in brilliance, like a saint. A soul storm also swept and spread like a hurricane. It struck and shook the golden boulder.

"Li Qingwei is using the means of a soul master!"

"Is this the soul of the Zhuntian grade, what a powerful coercion!"

There are strong people who are moved, this kind of soul breath is too powerful.

Many people who are close are all shocked to find that the vitality in their bodies is blocked at this moment, the soul in their minds is throbbing, and a kind of absolute awe surges out from the depths of their souls toward that terrible breath, facing that A young and graceful figure, I want to worship it!

This is the awe at the soul level. When the soul meets the soul king, they will be affected even if they are far apart!


In this short period of time, Mu Yao's figure and the roc's phantom have been completely fused together, as if they were one body, like the arms and slender hands covered by the field and the wings of the roc, moving in unison, turning into a golden-winged roc, with a golden light , the figure appeared in mid-air, and the phantom has been completely solidified, like a real roc descending!

"Oh my god, this is real demonization!"

The audience was shocked, watching the spreading golden roc on the duel stage at this moment, there was an endless uproar.

At this moment, it was as if the real golden-winged roc had descended. Feeling the fierce and domineering coercion made countless people tremble!

At this moment, that touching woman really turned into a golden-winged roc.

"What a strong bloodline, incredible!"

Within the five sects and three sects, some strong men made a sound of surprise, extremely shocked!


With a clear whistle, the sound of the golden-winged roc pierced the clouds and cracked rocks, its huge body was filled with golden light, and the layers of visible golden feathers were like sharp scales, sweeping towards Li Qingwei with countless ear-piercing 'woo-woo' sounds of breaking the wind .

Mu Yao knows Li Qingwei's strength, and she has been paying attention to everyone present. At this time, if she doesn't make a quick decision, she will be the one who will suffer.


Li Qingwei also launched a counterattack, with rays of light erupting and powerful energy, a phantom figure in the shape of a human burst out of the sky, the sky was filled with green light and mist.

This is a remnant soul, but its strength is extremely terrifying. Standing in the air, he slapped the golden-winged roc transformed by Mu Yao with his palm. A terrifying force in his palm was like an erupting volcano. On the wind and thunder, there was a clang like thunder, rumbling.

In an instant, the surrounding area of ​​the golden boulder was like a sea of ​​turbulent waves, overlapping, crashing against the shore.

The golden-winged roc spreads its wings, and the golden light spreads out, trying to break the stormy waves.

The waves are monstrous, layer upon layer, crushing everything, and the golden light is shattered and turned into golden light rain.

A crack was also opened in the stormy waves, and the huge waves opened up, turning into energy light rain, spreading in all directions in a circular shape.

"too strong!"

In such a duel, one fights with all one's strength, which makes people breathless.

These two women are both peerless beauties, and their strengths are equally terrifying and powerful.

At this moment, Mu Yao did her best, extremely terrifying, the golden light spread, the roc fluttered and fluttered, her whole body breathed unreservedly, bathed in the golden light, with the body of a golden-winged roc bird, she set off waves of terror, carrying domineering and infinite Li Qingwei was overwhelmed by the power of horses.

Li Qingwei's eyebrows were slightly frowned, her eyes glowed, and her original demeanor was like a god of war, her demeanor became completely different. The soul master's method stimulated and seduced the remnant soul, and the phantom of the human figure condensed, accompanied by With the terrifying power of the soul, he collided with Mu Yao.

Anyone should be afraid of soul offensive.

But Mu Yao seems to have an inexplicable advantage at this moment, the domineering and terrifying coercion of the demon aura on her body seems to be able to resist the soul offensive to the greatest extent.

Sensing Mu Yao's advantage, the blood of the Golden-winged Roc clan was too strong, Li Qingwei was moved, knowing that she had encountered a formidable enemy today, Mu Yao from the Divine Sword Sect, with a half-demon body, was actually so strong.


The slender hands continued to condense the fingerprints, and Li Qingwei's whole body was covered with armor condensed with vitality, shining brightly, tightly wrapping the protruding and seductive body, with the power of the remnant soul, constantly colliding with Mu Yao.

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